xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
<root> / TODO.vm (6489f9958a79c1abbd5a5e08e3235f92fb72d44f) (468B) (mode 100644) [raw]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[ ] Use "sudo sgdisk -e -d4 -n4:0:0  /dev/<your-device>" to auto extend
	the downloaded image.
[ ] Add an install method to stream the image dirrectly + copy-on-read?
[ ] Check other filesystems: nils2 etc for virtual machine.
[ ] Use guestmount when building VM images?
[ ] Add sha1sum of the VM images
[ ] Sign vm images.
[ ] Document that is a i386 image to be able to be run on a lot of machines?
[ ] Test if we are creating 'repo_history_' tables from 1970!
[ ] 

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