<?php // // Tests merge requests done by anonymous push // error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); ini_set("track_errors", "On"); $test_normal = TRUE; $INC = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../inc"; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php"); require_once($INC . "/init.inc.php"); require_once($INC . "/user.inc.php"); require_once("helpers.inc.php"); require_once("http.inc.php"); require_once("mr.inc.php"); rg_log_set_file("pr_anon.log"); require_once("common.php"); $_testns = 'pr_anon'; prepare_http(); rg_test_create_user($db, $rg_ui); rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Login...'); $r = test_login($test_url, $rg_ui); if ($r === FALSE) { rg_log("Cannot login!"); exit(1); } rg_log_exit(); rg_test_upload_ssh_key($db, $rg_ui, 'pr_anon', $kn); $ssh = 'ssh -o ControlMaster=no -o IdentityFile=../../keys/' . $kn . ' -o IdentitiesOnly=yes'; putenv('GIT_SSH_COMMAND=' . $ssh); rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Creating a repo'); $repo = array('repo_id' => 0, 'public' => 1); rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, $repo); rg_log_exit(); $url = '/user/' . $rg_ui['username'] . '/' . $repo['name'] . '/mr/'; rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Preparing repo...'); $r = rg_exec('mkdir -p temp_repos && cd temp_repos' . ' && rm -rf pr_anon' . ' && mkdir pr_anon' . ' && cd pr_anon' . ' && git init' . ' && git remote add origin_ssh ' . ' ssh://rocketgit@' . $rg_ssh_host . ':' . $rg_ssh_port . '/user/' . escapeshellarg($rg_ui['username']) . '/' . escapeshellarg($repo['name']) . ' && git remote add origin_git ' . ' git://' . $rg_git_host . ':' . $rg_git_port . '/user/' . escapeshellarg($rg_ui['username']) . '/' . escapeshellarg($repo['name']), '', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if ($r['ok'] != 1) { rg_log('Could not prepare git repo: ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!'); exit(1); } rg_log_exit(); rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Do a merge request against an empty repo...'); file_put_contents('temp_repos/pr_anon/change0.txt', "change0 desc\n\nthis is the body\nline 2 of body"); file_put_contents('temp_repos/pr_anon/change1.txt', "change1 desc\n\nthis is the body\nline 2 of body"); $r = rg_exec('cd temp_repos/pr_anon' . ' && echo "change0" > a && git add a && git commit -F change0.txt' . ' && echo "change1" > b && git add b && git commit -F change1.txt' . ' && git push origin_git master', '', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if ($r['ok'] != 1) { rg_log('Anonymous push request was rejected: ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!'); exit(1); } rg_log_exit(); test_mr_check($db, $_testns, $rg_ui, $repo, 1, 'refs/heads/master', TRUE); rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Do a non-anonymous push...'); file_put_contents('temp_repos/pr_anon/change2.txt', "change2 desc\n\nthis is the body\nline 2 of body"); file_put_contents('temp_repos/pr_anon/change3.txt', "change3 desc\n\nthis is the body\nline 2 of body"); $r = rg_exec('cd temp_repos/pr_anon' . ' && echo "change2" > a && git add a && git commit -F change2.txt' . ' && echo "change3" > a && git commit -a -F change3.txt' . ' && git push origin_ssh master', '', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if ($r['ok'] != 1) { rg_log('Non-anonymous push was rejected: ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!'); exit(1); } rg_log_exit(); rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Do an anonymous push into a non-empty repo...'); putenv('GIT_SSH_COMMAND='); file_put_contents('temp_repos/pr_anon/change4.txt', "anon change4 desc\n\nthis is the body\nline 2 of body"); file_put_contents('temp_repos/pr_anon/change5.txt', "anon change5 desc\n\nthis is the body\nline 2 of body"); $r = rg_exec('cd temp_repos/pr_anon' . ' && echo "change4" >> a && git add a' . ' && git commit -F change4.txt' . ' && echo "change5" >> a; git commit -a -F change5.txt' . ' && git push origin_git master', '', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if ($r['ok'] != 1) { rg_log('Anonymous push was rejected: ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!'); exit(1); } rg_log_exit(); test_mr_check($db, $_testns, $rg_ui, $repo, 2, 'refs/heads/master', FALSE); rg_log(''); rg_log_enter('Now, try to see what happens when a merge is with conflicts...'); $r = rg_exec('cd temp_repos/pr_anon' . ' && echo "change2" > a' . ' && git commit -a -m "conflict1b"' . ' && git push origin_git master', '', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if ($r['ok'] != 1) { rg_log_ml('r: ' . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log('Could not pull/commit/push by git proto: ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!'); exit(1); } putenv('GIT_SSH_COMMAND=' . $ssh); $r = rg_exec('cd temp_repos/pr_anon' . ' && git reset --hard HEAD^1' . ' && echo "change1" > a' . ' && echo "commit" && git commit -a -m "conflict1a"' . ' && echo "push" && strace -s200 -f -tt -o pr_anon.strace git push origin_ssh master', '', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); if ($r['ok'] != 1) { rg_log_ml('r: ' . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log('Could not reset/commit/push by ssh proto: ' . $r['errmsg'] . '!'); exit(1); } $mri = rg_test_mr_info($db, $repo['repo_id'], 3); $data = array(); $headers = array(); $r = do_req($test_url . $url . $mri['id'] . '?t=pr_anon', $data, $headers); if (!strstr($r['body'], 'This merge request cannot be merged without conflicts')) { rg_log_ml('r: ' . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log('Merge request appears as mergeable and should not!'); exit(1); } if (!strstr($r['body'], 'Conflicts:')) { rg_log_ml('r: ' . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log('Conflicts not shown!'); exit(1); } if (!strstr($r['body'], 'conflict1b')) { rg_log_ml('r: ' . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log('"conflict1b" string not found!'); exit(1); } rg_log_exit(); rg_log('OK!');