xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
<root> / root / themes / default / features.html (6d9ea374099f7e72c7d5275522fdfa5a57b0bab8) (5,667B) (mode 100644) [raw]
<div class="main_title">Features</div>

<div class="islands">
	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Free (as in speech) software</div>
	RocketGit is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+,
	therefore you have the freedom to run this software as you wish,
	to study how this software works, to redistribute copies and to
	distribute copies of your modified version.
	No vendor lock-in. No Contributor License Agreement. Nobody can
	steal your contributions by making them proprietary.
	See <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">What is free software</a>
	for more information.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Respecting your privacy</div>
	We are not selling (or giving for free) any of your data or your actions.
	In a world were selling data is a rule, we strongly refuse to betray our users.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Fastest</div>
	RocketGit is extremely fast as it doesn't contain any Java,
	Javascript or Flash. And we plan to rewrite it in C for maximum speed.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Lightest</div>
	RocketGit is really compact, therefore even if you choose to
	install it on your machine instead of using it in your web
	browser, you only need a very small virtual machine for
	this (1 core, 256MiB RAM are enough).

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Ready to use</div>
	You can just open your web browser and start using
	RocketGit, but even if you choose to install RocketGit on your
	machine you can have it up and running in under 2 minutes. You
	can say goodbye to lengthy and boring installations!

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Very easy to maintain</div>
	RocketGit has very few dependencies, all packed
	in the main-stream distributions, therefore you just upgrade your
	operating system and RocketGit will be up-to-date too.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Corporate friendly</div>
	RocketGit is SELinux protected,
	therefore you can keep your system secure while using it.
	Also, for an increased level of security,
	you can use the two-factor authentication system provided by RocketGit.
	LDAP authentication is available.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Platform independent</div>
	You can use RocketGit in your web browser (no matter what
	operating system is running on your machine) or you can choose to
	install RocketGit on your machine (natively, if you are
	using Linux, or in a virtual machine, otherwise).

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Integrated bug tracker</div>
	RocketGit provides the simplest and the most powerful bug tracker:
	minimal input fields, flexible label based tagging
	and custom searches.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Easy to contribute</div>
	With the anonymous push feature, it becomes very easy to contribute
	to a project: a clone and a push. You do not even need an account on
	rocketgit.com. Read more <a href="/op/features/anonpush">here</a>.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Powerful rights management</div>
	You have a wide range of possibilities to block access to a repository.
	You can filter by IPv4/IPv6 addresses (including prefix length),
	by reference path (regex) or by path (also regex).
	You can reject commits based on size, bad whitespace or
	operation (create/update/delete) of branches/tags.
	You can control the non fast-forwards pushes and the merges.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Web hooks</div>
	We provide flexible web hooks allowing you to automate your tasks.
	You can easily setup a
	<a href="/op/doc/demo/ci-1">build, test and deploy</a> hook (for
	continuous integration and deployment),
	store a repository archive in
	<a href="https://aws.amazon.com/s3/" target="_blank">Amazon's S3</a>,
	do a <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/" target="_blank">code deploy</a>
	in Amazon, or call a
	<a href="https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/" target="_blank">Lambda</a>
	Be notified in <a href="https://matrix.org" target="_blank">Matrix</a> or
	<a href="https://slack.com" target="_blank">Slack</a>.
	Or call a PHP script on your server.
	You can filter by repository/branch name (regex).

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Artifacts</div>
	Your build script can be adapted to define artifacts
	from your build directory and present them on the web.
	Check <a href="/op/doc/demo/artifacts" target="_blank">here</a>
	the tutorial.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Built on top of top software</div>
	RocketGit has been created by using the best products to build upon:
	Linux kernel, GNU software, Git, OpenSSH, PostgreSQL, Apache, nginx,
	PHP, OpenLDAP, qrencode, SELinux and others.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Application programming interface (API)</div>
	We provide an API that allows you to control everything related
	to your user, repositories, bugs, notes and merge requests.
	You can find the documentation <a href="/op/doc/api">here</a>.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Tutorials</div>
	We provide a set of tutorials to demonstrate our features.
	Check them <a href="/op/doc/demo">here</a>.

	<div class="island">
	<div class="island_title">Are there features that you need and they are not here?</div>
	Do not worry! Let us know by leaving a
	<a href="/op/suggestion">suggestion</a> (you must be logged in)
	or by writing an e-mail at
	<a href="mailto:in@rocketgit.com">in@rocketgit.com</a>.

Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/rocketgit

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/rocketgit

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a pull request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin master