xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit eb7e8f94fa4a2f5d82f913bcd7113287172cd450

Lots of fixes, mostly on templating stuff.
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2015-05-25 18:51
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2015-05-25 18:51
Parent(s): 9b39ce5e62255ff390926ef11c37b98d1d8751d2
Signing key:
Tree: f371d62232c4a3afa5038e57bf3f901b4ad27917
File Lines added Lines deleted
Compare.txt 1 1
TODO 21 7
duilder.conf 1 1
hooks/update 2 2
inc/admin.inc.php 11 10
inc/admin/admin.php 2 2
inc/admin/plans/plans.php 1 1
inc/admin/repos/repos.php 1 1
inc/admin/users/users.php 6 6
inc/bug.inc.php 41 34
inc/dispatch/dispatch.php 9 9
inc/events.inc.php 1 1
inc/feedback/suggestion.php 2 2
inc/git.inc.php 44 42
inc/keys.inc.php 109 12
inc/login/login.php 1 1
inc/plan.inc.php 4 4
inc/prof.inc.php 11 3
inc/repo.inc.php 65 52
inc/repo/repo.php 1 1
inc/rights.inc.php 2 2
inc/sql.inc.php 3 3
inc/user.inc.php 25 20
inc/user/confirm.php 1 1
inc/user/forgot.php 2 2
inc/user/forgot_send.php 1 1
inc/user/home-page.php 1 1
inc/user/keys/keys.php 11 8
inc/user/pass/pass.php 2 2
inc/user/repo-page.php 32 27
inc/user/repo/bug/main.php 2 2
inc/user/repo/bug/search/search.php 1 1
inc/user/repo/bug/show/add_note.php 1 1
inc/user/repo/bug/show/show.php 10 10
inc/user/settings.php 1 1
inc/util.inc.php 371 331
root/index.php 5 2
root/themes/default/admin/plans/list/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/download-vm.html 5 5
root/themes/default/features.html 2 2
root/themes/default/hints/list/footer.html 0 1
root/themes/default/hints/list/header.html 0 1
root/themes/default/hints/list/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/index.html 7 13
root/themes/default/internal_err.html 3 0
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new.body.txt 1 1
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new_note.body.txt 2 2
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/new.body.txt 1 1
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/update.body.txt 4 3
root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/update.subj.txt 1 1
root/themes/default/mail/user/welcome.body.txt 5 4
root/themes/default/main.css 15 1
root/themes/default/main.html 10 0
root/themes/default/repo/add_edit.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/diff.html 2 2
root/themes/default/repo/discover.html 2 2
root/themes/default/repo/fstat/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/fstat/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/history/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/log/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/main.html 0 1
root/themes/default/repo/mr/list/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/search.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/tree/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/repo/urls/line.html 1 1
root/themes/default/suggestion.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/keys/list/line.html 0 1
root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_path/header.html 1 1
root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_refs/header.html 1 1
scripts/remote.php 2 0
tests/.gitignore 6 0
tests/Makefile 7 2
tests/event.php 1 1
tests/git2.php 121 4
tests/git2.sh 1 1
tests/git_log1.expected 30 30
tests/git_log1.final 30 30
tests/git_log1.tmpl 1 1
tests/helpers.inc.php 1 1
tests/http.inc.php 10 2
tests/http_login.php 1 1
tests/http_settings.php 11 4
tests/keys.php 84 20
tests/repo.php 3 2
tests/themes/util/func.txt 1 1
tests/user.php 1 1
tests/util.php 231 69
File Compare.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index c61d848..3da7297)
1 1 RocketGit Gitlab GitHub Gitorious unfuddle.com gitolite RocketGit Gitlab GitHub Gitorious unfuddle.com gitolite
2 2
3 License GPLv3 ? Proprietary ?open ? ?
3 License GPLv3 OpenCore? Proprietary ?open ? ?
4 4
5 5 [Features] [Features]
6 6 Easy installation Yes No Yes? No! ? Yes Easy installation Yes No Yes? No! ? Yes
File TODO changed (mode: 100644) (index 32c9903..cba2e18)
1 1 == Where I stopped last time == == Where I stopped last time ==
2 [ ] Add sha1sum of the images
3 [ ] Creating git folder is not always working?
4 [ ] What if a user passed </textarea> or <xss> into a field for edit?!
5 We may have a xss attack! Bad! Bad!
2 6 [ ] [ ]
3 7
9 [ ] Leave alone the ssh key comment!
10 [ ] Pass only uid to events, we already have it in cache!
11 [ ] 'confirmed' should be built in the event handlers not in callers.
12 It is already checked in rg_mail_template!
13 [ ] When we push by ssh, we have the user, so we can give more info about
14 why the push failed. Carefull, not too much info. For example:
15 "You have no key uploaded, go to ..."
16 [ ] For 'log' and 'tree' we have decorations for links!
17 [ ] When we have UTF-8 chars, the ssh 'repos' command does not show correctly
18 the date (translated to left).
19 [ ] In "Tree" section, seems the path is doubled.
20 [ ] Hint: where in fs you can find the repo.
21 [ ] Hints should not call rg_template, let next rg_template_table to do it.
22 (to avoid double replace).
23 Anyway, we already do double replace for hints)
24 [ ] Generate the VM SSL cert at boot time to avoid that famous Firefox bug.
5 25 [ ] Saving fields in forms when session exired to be reused next time. [ ] Saving fields in forms when session exired to be reused next time.
6 26 [ ] Compression off for ssh because objects are already compressed? [ ] Compression off for ssh because objects are already compressed?
7 27 [ ] Add a random token in header to prevent watermarking (this is the name?). [ ] Add a random token in header to prevent watermarking (this is the name?).
8 [ ] User home page link is missing from top bar!
28 [ ] User home page link is missing from top bar! use login_ui::homepage.
9 29 [ ] Add "Spread the word!" on website. [ ] Add "Spread the word!" on website.
10 30 [ ] Give up on submenu1/2 and integrate them when needed? [ ] Give up on submenu1/2 and integrate them when needed?
11 [ ] Is login_ui::homepage used anywhere?
12 31 [ ] I have a common part in download-vm.html, deal with it. [ ] I have a common part in download-vm.html, deal with it.
13 32 [ ] https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitworkflows.html [ ] https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitworkflows.html
14 33 [ ] git-name-rev is nice. [ ] git-name-rev is nice.
16 35 [ ] git-relink for really cloned repos? [ ] git-relink for really cloned repos?
17 36 [ ] Allow creating tags/branches on web interface. [ ] Allow creating tags/branches on web interface.
18 37 [ ] For mails, we should not escape vars! [ ] For mails, we should not escape vars!
19 [ ] SPF? mail-ul ajunge in spam!
20 L-am redirectionat prin mail.embedromix.ro, si am pus si SPF-uri.
21 Trebuie sa reverific cu google-ul.
22 Astept confirmare si de la Ionut.
23 38 [ ] Users should be able to check the plans. [ ] Users should be able to check the plans.
24 39 [ ] Use a separate template for main rocketgit.com site. The other users [ ] Use a separate template for main rocketgit.com site. The other users
25 40 should not see the same pages. should not see the same pages.
... ... Cred ca asta face browser-ul. As putea sa schimb numele cookie-ului, si sa-l
167 182 semnez cumva: ma duc pe attack.com si acolo imi pune un cookie pe .com a=b. semnez cumva: ma duc pe attack.com si acolo imi pune un cookie pe .com a=b.
168 183 Apoi, viziteaza good.com, si catre acesta trimite cookie-ul a=b. Apoi, viziteaza good.com, si catre acesta trimite cookie-ul a=b.
169 184 Daca as lega good.com de a/b, as putea elimina cookie-urile rele. Daca as lega good.com de a/b, as putea elimina cookie-urile rele.
170 [ ] "repo_submenu" seems to not be used, remove references.
171 185 [ ] http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201405/github_monoculture.html [ ] http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201405/github_monoculture.html
172 186 [ ] mchapman (subscriber, #66589) (http://lwn.net/Articles/623905/) [ ] mchapman (subscriber, #66589) (http://lwn.net/Articles/623905/)
173 187 With a GitHub pull-request-based work-flow I need a GitHub account With a GitHub pull-request-based work-flow I need a GitHub account
File duilder.conf changed (mode: 100644) (index bcb18bf..359cb4a)
1 1 PRJ="rocketgit" PRJ="rocketgit"
2 VER="0.32"
2 VER="0.33"
3 3 REV="1" REV="1"
4 4 EXCLUDE=".exclude" EXCLUDE=".exclude"
5 5 EXPORT_PATH="/data/www/umbrella/kernel/us/rocketgit" EXPORT_PATH="/data/www/umbrella/kernel/us/rocketgit"
File hooks/update changed (mode: 100755) (index 0bf5fb8..8377624)
... ... $a['repo_id'] = sprintf("%u", getenv("ROCKETGIT_REPO_ID"));
42 42 $a['ip'] = getenv("ROCKETGIT_IP"); $a['ip'] = getenv("ROCKETGIT_IP");
43 43 $a['namespace'] = getenv("GIT_NAMESPACE"); $a['namespace'] = getenv("GIT_NAMESPACE");
44 44 $a['repo_path'] = getenv("ROCKETGIT_REPO_PATH"); $a['repo_path'] = getenv("ROCKETGIT_REPO_PATH");
45 $a['repo::uid'] = sprintf("%u", getenv("ROCKETGIT_REPO_UID"));
45 $a['repo_uid'] = sprintf("%u", getenv("ROCKETGIT_REPO_UID"));
46 46
47 rg_log("Start " . rg_array2string($a));
47 rg_log("Start a=" . rg_array2string($a));
48 48 rg_log("_SERVER: " . rg_array2string($_SERVER)); rg_log("_SERVER: " . rg_array2string($_SERVER));
49 49
50 50 umask(0022); umask(0022);
File inc/admin.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 7cdd4f1..8aa3f0b)
... ... function rg_admin_invite_one($db, $event)
50 50 . base64_encode($rg_admin_name) . "?="; . base64_encode($rg_admin_name) . "?=";
51 51
52 52 $rg = array(); $rg = array();
53 $subject = preg_replace('/{NAME}/', $event['name'], $event['subject']);
53 $subject = str_replace('{NAME}', $event['name'], $event['subject']);
54 54 $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode(trim($subject)) . "?="; $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode(trim($subject)) . "?=";
55 $header = rg_template("mail/common.head.txt", $rg);
55 $header = rg_template("mail/common.head.txt", $rg, FALSE /* xss */);
56 56 $header = trim($header); $header = trim($header);
57 57 $header .= "\nFrom: $admin_name <" . $rg_admin_email . ">"; $header .= "\nFrom: $admin_name <" . $rg_admin_email . ">";
58 58 rg_log_ml("DEBUG: header=$header"); rg_log_ml("DEBUG: header=$header");
59 $body = preg_replace('/{NAME}/', $event['name'], $event['body']);
59 $body = str_replace('{NAME}', $event['name'], $event['body']);
60 60
61 61 $r = mail($event['email'], $subject, $body, $header, $r = mail($event['email'], $subject, $body, $header,
62 62 "-f $rg_admin_email"); "-f $rg_admin_email");
... ... function rg_admin_invites_high_level($db, $rg)
170 170
171 171 rg_event_signal_daemon("", 0); rg_event_signal_daemon("", 0);
172 172
173 $ret .= rg_template("admin/invites/sent.html", $rg);
173 $ret .= rg_template("admin/invites/sent.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
174 174 $show_form = FALSE; $show_form = FALSE;
175 175 break; break;
176 176 } }
... ... function rg_admin_invites_high_level($db, $rg)
179 179 $rg['inv'] = $inv; $rg['inv'] = $inv;
180 180 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
181 181 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
182 $ret .= rg_template("admin/invites/invites.html", $rg);
182 $ret .= rg_template("admin/invites/invites.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
183 183 } }
184 184
185 185 rg_log_exit(); rg_log_exit();
... ... function rg_init($db, $rg)
244 244
245 245 rg_state_set($db, 'first_install', time()); rg_state_set($db, 'first_install', time());
246 246
247 $ret .= rg_template('user/create_ok.html', $rg);
247 $ret .= rg_template('user/create_ok.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
248 248 $load_form = FALSE; $load_form = FALSE;
249 249 break; break;
250 250 } }
... ... function rg_init($db, $rg)
252 252 if ($load_form) { if ($load_form) {
253 253 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
254 254 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
255 $ret .= rg_template("admin/init.html", $rg);
255 $ret .= rg_template("admin/init.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
256 256 } }
257 257
258 258 rg_log_exit(); rg_log_exit();
... ... function rg_admin_report1($db, $rg)
385 385 $body .= "\n\nTotal suggestions: " . $sug['total'] . "\n"; $body .= "\n\nTotal suggestions: " . $sug['total'] . "\n";
386 386 $body .= $sug['yesterday'] . "\n"; $body .= $sug['yesterday'] . "\n";
387 387
388 $rg['ui::email'] = $rg_admin_email;
389 $rg['mail::subject'] = 'RocketGit daily report'
388 $rg['ui']['email'] = $rg_admin_email;
389 $rg['mail'] = array();
390 $rg['mail']['subject'] = 'RocketGit daily report'
390 391 . ' [' . $users . '/' . $total_users . ']' . ' [' . $users . '/' . $total_users . ']'
391 392 . ' [' . $repos . '/' . $total_repos . ']'; . ' [' . $repos . '/' . $total_repos . ']';
392 $rg['mail::body'] = $body;
393 $rg['mail']['body'] = $body;
393 394 rg_mail_template("mail/admin/report1", $rg); rg_mail_template("mail/admin/report1", $rg);
394 395 } }
395 396
File inc/admin/admin.php changed (mode: 100644) (index da00594..b47d4d2)
... ... rg_log("FILE: /inc/admin/admin");
4 4 $_admin = ""; $_admin = "";
5 5
6 6 if ($rg['login_ui']['is_admin'] != 1) { if ($rg['login_ui']['is_admin'] != 1) {
7 $_admin .= rg_template("access_denied.html", $rg);
7 $_admin .= rg_template("access_denied.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
8 8 return; return;
9 9 } }
10 10
... ... case 'invites': // invites
32 32 } }
33 33
34 34 $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1;
35 $rg['HTML:submenu1'] = rg_template("admin/menu.html", $rg);
35 $rg['HTML:submenu1'] = rg_template("admin/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
36 36
37 37 ?> ?>
File inc/admin/plans/plans.php changed (mode: 100644) (index c770f25..318fed5)
... ... case 'add': // add
21 21 } }
22 22
23 23 $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1;
24 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/plans/menu.html", $rg);
24 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/plans/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
25 25
26 26 ?> ?>
File inc/admin/repos/repos.php changed (mode: 100644) (index e1bce41..901bfb6)
... ... default: // list
17 17 } }
18 18
19 19 $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1;
20 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/repos/menu.html", $rg);
20 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/repos/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
21 21
22 22 ?> ?>
File inc/admin/users/users.php changed (mode: 100644) (index e5db139..8a473d6)
... ... case 'edit': // edit
19 19
20 20 case 'suspend': case 'suspend':
21 21 if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1)) if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1))
22 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_suspend.html", $rg);
22 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_suspend.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
23 23 break; break;
24 24
25 25 case 'unsuspend': case 'unsuspend':
26 26 if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0)) if (!rg_user_suspend($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0))
27 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unsuspend.html", $rg);
27 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unsuspend.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
28 28 break; break;
29 29
30 30 case 'make_admin': case 'make_admin':
31 31 if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1)) if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 1))
32 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_admin.html", $rg);
32 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_admin.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
33 33 break; break;
34 34
35 35 case 'remove_admin': case 'remove_admin':
36 36 if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0)) if (!rg_user_make_admin($db, $rg, $target_ui, 0))
37 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unadmin.html", $rg);
37 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_unadmin.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
38 38 break; break;
39 39
40 40 case 'remove': case 'remove':
41 41 if (!rg_user_remove($db, $rg, $target_ui)) if (!rg_user_remove($db, $rg, $target_ui))
42 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_remove.html", $rg);
42 $_admin_users .= rg_template("admin/users/bad_remove.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
43 43 break; break;
44 44 } }
45 45
46 46 $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub2'][$_op] = 1;
47 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/users/menu.html", $rg);
47 $rg['HTML:submenu2'] = rg_template("admin/users/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
48 48
49 49 if ($_show_list == 1) if ($_show_list == 1)
50 50 $_admin_users .= rg_user_list($db); $_admin_users .= rg_user_list($db);
File inc/bug.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 2ce9a07..002e383)
... ... function rg_bug_event_add_one($db, $event)
51 51 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
52 52 while (1) { while (1) {
53 53 // lookup user email // lookup user email
54 $ui = rg_user_info($db, $event['ui::uid'], "", "");
54 $ui = rg_user_info($db, $event['ui']['uid'], '', '');
55 55 if ($ui['exists'] != 1) { if ($ui['exists'] != 1) {
56 56 rg_internal_error("User does not exists!"); rg_internal_error("User does not exists!");
57 57 break; break;
... ... function rg_bug_event_add_one($db, $event)
64 64 } }
65 65
66 66 // send e-mail // send e-mail
67 $event['ui::email'] = $ui['email'];
67 $event['ui']['email'] = $ui['email'];
68 68 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/bug/new", $event); $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/bug/new", $event);
69 69 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
70 70 break; break;
... ... function rg_bug_event_add_all($db, $event)
89 89 $x = $event; $x = $event;
90 90 $x['category'] = 4101; $x['category'] = 4101;
91 91 $x['prio'] = 100; $x['prio'] = 100;
92 $x['ui'] = array();
92 93
93 94 // We will sent notifications to all watchers of a repo // We will sent notifications to all watchers of a repo
94 $r = rg_watch_load_by_obj_id($db, "repo", $event['repo::repo_id'], 0);
95 $r = rg_watch_load_by_obj_id($db, "repo", $event['ri']['repo_id'], 0);
95 96 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
96 97 return FALSE; return FALSE;
97 98 if (!empty($r)) { if (!empty($r)) {
98 99 foreach ($r as $index => $uid) { foreach ($r as $index => $uid) {
99 $x['ui::uid'] = $uid;
100 $x['ui']['uid'] = $uid;
100 101 $ret[$uid] = $x; $ret[$uid] = $x;
101 102 } }
102 103 } }
103 104
104 105 // We will sent notifications to all watchers of a bug // We will sent notifications to all watchers of a bug
105 $r = rg_watch_load_by_obj_id($db, "bug", $event['repo::repo_id'],
106 $event['bug::bug_id']);
106 $r = rg_watch_load_by_obj_id($db, 'bug', $event['ri']['repo_id'],
107 $event['bug']['bug_id']);
107 108 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
108 109 return FALSE; return FALSE;
109 110 if (!empty($r)) { if (!empty($r)) {
110 111 foreach ($r as $index => $uid) { foreach ($r as $index => $uid) {
111 $x['ui::uid'] = $uid;
112 $x['ui']['uid'] = $uid;
112 113 $ret[$uid] = $x; $ret[$uid] = $x;
113 114 } }
114 115 } }
... ... function rg_bug_event_note_add_one($db, $event)
127 128 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
128 129 while (1) { while (1) {
129 130 // lookup user email // lookup user email
130 $ui = rg_user_info($db, $event['ui::uid'], "", "");
131 $ui = rg_user_info($db, $event['ui']['uid'], '', '');
131 132 if ($ui['exists'] != 1) { if ($ui['exists'] != 1) {
132 133 rg_internal_error("User does not exists!"); rg_internal_error("User does not exists!");
133 134 break; break;
... ... function rg_bug_event_note_add_one($db, $event)
139 140 } }
140 141
141 142 // send e-mail // send e-mail
142 $event['ui::email'] = $ui['email'];
143 $event['ui']['email'] = $ui['email'];
143 144 $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/bug/new_note", $event); $r = rg_mail_template("mail/user/repo/bug/new_note", $event);
144 145 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
145 146 break; break;
... ... function rg_bug_event_note_add_all($db, $event)
163 164 $x = $event; $x = $event;
164 165 $x['category'] = 4001; $x['category'] = 4001;
165 166 $x['prio'] = 100; $x['prio'] = 100;
167 $x['ui'] = array();
166 168
167 169 // Now, build the list of users that will receive notification // Now, build the list of users that will receive notification
168 $r = rg_watch_load_by_obj_id($db, "bug", $event['repo::repo_id'],
169 $event['bug::bug_id']);
170 $r = rg_watch_load_by_obj_id($db, 'bug', $event['ri']['repo_id'],
171 $event['bug']['bug_id']);
170 172 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
171 173 return FALSE; return FALSE;
172 174 if (!empty($r)) { if (!empty($r)) {
173 175 foreach ($r as $index => $uid) { foreach ($r as $index => $uid) {
174 $x['ui::uid'] = $uid;
176 $x['ui']['uid'] = $uid;
175 177 $ret[] = $x; $ret[] = $x;
176 178 } }
177 179 } }
... ... function rg_bug_edit($db, $login_ui, $ri, $data)
502 504
503 505 // TODO: seems I do not distinguish between 'add' and 'edit' // TODO: seems I do not distinguish between 'add' and 'edit'
504 506 $event = array("category" => 4100, "prio" => 200, $event = array("category" => 4100, "prio" => 200,
505 "repo::repo_id" => $ri['repo_id'],
506 "repo::name" => $ri['name'],
507 "bug::who_added" => $login_ui['uid'],
508 "bug::who_added_text" => $login_ui['username'],
509 "bug::url" => rg_base_url() . rg_re_bugpage($login_ui, $ri['name'], $data['bug_id']),
510 "bug::assigned_to_text" => $assigned_to_text,
511 "bug::state_text" => rg_bug_state($data['state']));
512 $event = rg_array_merge($event, "bug", $data);
507 'ri' => array(
508 'repo_id' => $ri['repo_id'],
509 'name' => $ri['name']),
510 'bug' => array(
511 'who_added' => $login_ui['uid'],
512 'who_added_text' => $login_ui['username'],
513 'url' => rg_base_url() . rg_re_bugpage($login_ui, $ri['name'], $data['bug_id']),
514 'assigned_to_text' => $assigned_to_text,
515 'state_text' => rg_bug_state($data['state'])));
516 $event = rg_array_merge($event, 'bug', $data);
513 517 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
514 518 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
515 519 rg_bug_set_error("cannot add event" rg_bug_set_error("cannot add event"
... ... function rg_bug_edit($db, $login_ui, $ri, $data)
527 531 // update cache // update cache
528 532 $data['ok'] = 1; $data['ok'] = 1;
529 533 $data['exists'] = 1; $data['exists'] = 1;
530 $key = $ri['repo_id'] . "::bugs::" . $data['bug_id'];
531 534 rg_bug_cosmetic($db, $data); rg_bug_cosmetic($db, $data);
535 $key = $ri['repo_id'] . "::bugs::" . $data['bug_id'];
532 536 rg_cache_set($key, $data); rg_cache_set($key, $data);
533 537
534 538 rg_event_signal_daemon("", 0); rg_event_signal_daemon("", 0);
... ... function rg_bug_delete_undelete($db, $who, $repo_id, $bug_id, $op)
581 585 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
582 586
583 587 // update cache // update cache
584 $key = $repo_id . "::bugs::" . $bug_id;
585 588 $new = array(); $new = array();
586 589 $new['deleted'] = $deleted; $new['deleted'] = $deleted;
587 590 $new['utime'] = $now; $new['utime'] = $now;
588 591 $new['deleted_who'] = $who; $new['deleted_who'] = $who;
589 592 rg_bug_cosmetic($db, $new); rg_bug_cosmetic($db, $new);
593 $key = $repo_id . "::bugs::" . $bug_id;
590 594 rg_cache_merge($key, $new); rg_cache_merge($key, $new);
591 595
592 596 $ret = TRUE; $ret = TRUE;
... ... function rg_bug_note_add($db, $repo_id, $bug_id, $login_uid, $data)
1020 1024 } }
1021 1025
1022 1026 $event = array("category" => 4000, "prio" => 200, $event = array("category" => 4000, "prio" => 200,
1023 "bug::bug_id" => $bug_id,
1024 "repo::repo_id" => $repo_id,
1025 "repo::name" => $_ri['name'],
1026 "bug::title" => $_bi['title'],
1027 "bug::url" => rg_base_url() . rg_re_bugpage($_ui, $_ri['name'], $bug_id),
1028 "note" => $data['note'],
1029 "note::who_added" => $login_uid,
1030 "note::who_added_text" => $_ui['username']);
1027 'bug' => array(
1028 'bug_id' => $bug_id,
1029 'title' => $_bi['title'],
1030 'url' => rg_base_url() . rg_re_bugpage($_ui, $_ri['name'], $bug_id)),
1031 'ri' => array(
1032 'repo_id' => $repo_id,
1033 'name' => $_ri['name']),
1034 'note' => array(
1035 'body' => $data['note'],
1036 'who_added' => $login_uid,
1037 'who_added_text' => $_ui['username']));
1031 1038 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
1032 1039 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
1033 1040 rg_bug_set_error("cannot add event" rg_bug_set_error("cannot add event"
... ... function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1276 1283 $x['ip'] = $rg['ip']; $x['ip'] = $rg['ip'];
1277 1284 $x['misc'] = ''; $x['misc'] = '';
1278 1285 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
1279 $ret .= rg_template("repo/bug/deny_edit.html", $rg);
1286 $ret .= rg_template("repo/bug/deny_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1280 1287 break; break;
1281 1288 } }
1282 1289
... ... function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1288 1295 break; break;
1289 1296 } }
1290 1297
1291 $rg['bug'] = rg_array_merge($rg['bug'], "", rg_bug_vars());
1298 $rg['bug'] = rg_array_merge($rg['bug'], '', rg_bug_vars());
1292 1299
1293 1300 if (!rg_valid_referer()) { if (!rg_valid_referer()) {
1294 1301 $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again"; $errmsg[] = "invalid referer; try again";
... ... function rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1325 1332 rg_bug_state_select($rg['bug']['state'], $exclude); rg_bug_state_select($rg['bug']['state'], $exclude);
1326 1333
1327 1334 $hints = array(); $hints = array();
1328 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/bug/add.html", $rg);
1335 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/bug/add.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1329 1336 $rg['HTML:bug_edit_hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg); $rg['HTML:bug_edit_hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg);
1330 1337
1331 $ret .= rg_template("repo/bug/bug_add_edit.html", $rg);
1338 $ret .= rg_template("repo/bug/bug_add_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1332 1339 } }
1333 1340
1334 1341 rg_log_exit(); rg_log_exit();
File inc/dispatch/dispatch.php changed (mode: 100644) (index f3a1dbc..98cea07)
... ... case 'logout':
19 19 rg_user_set_last_seen($db, $rg['login_ui']['uid']); rg_user_set_last_seen($db, $rg['login_ui']['uid']);
20 20
21 21 if (rg_sess_destroy($db, $rg['sid'], $rg['login_ui'])) { if (rg_sess_destroy($db, $rg['sid'], $rg['login_ui'])) {
22 $body .= rg_template("user/logout.html", $rg);
22 $body .= rg_template("user/logout.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
23 23 } else { } else {
24 $body .= rg_template("user/logout_err.html", $rg);
24 $body .= rg_template("user/logout_err.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
25 25 } }
26 26 break; break;
27 27
... ... case 'settings':
71 71 break; break;
72 72
73 73 case 'tos': case 'tos':
74 $body .= rg_template('tos.html', $rg);
74 $body .= rg_template('tos.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
75 75 break; break;
76 76
77 77 case 'download': case 'download':
78 78 $_sub = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras); $_sub = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras);
79 79 if (strcmp($_sub, 'vm') == 0) if (strcmp($_sub, 'vm') == 0)
80 $body .= rg_template('download-vm.html', $rg);
80 $body .= rg_template('download-vm.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
81 81 else else
82 $body .= rg_template('download.html', $rg);
82 $body .= rg_template('download.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
83 83 break; break;
84 84
85 85 case 'features': case 'features':
86 $body .= rg_template('features.html', $rg);
86 $body .= rg_template('features.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
87 87 break; break;
88 88
89 89 case 'pricing': case 'pricing':
90 $body .= rg_template('pricing.html', $rg);
90 $body .= rg_template('pricing.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
91 91 break; break;
92 92
93 93 case 'donate': case 'donate':
94 $body .= rg_template('donate.html', $rg);
94 $body .= rg_template('donate.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
95 95 break; break;
96 96
97 97 case 'discover': case 'discover':
... ... default: // can be the main page or user page or repo page
109 109 $user = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras); $user = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras);
110 110 $repo = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras); $repo = empty($paras) ? "" : array_shift($paras);
111 111 } else if (empty($type)) { } else if (empty($type)) {
112 $body .= rg_template("main.html", $rg);
112 $body .= rg_template("main.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
113 113 } else { } else {
114 114 // organization // organization
115 115 $organization = 1; $organization = 1;
File inc/events.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 620329b..30d7be0)
... ... function rg_event_process_queue($db, &$notify_list)
251 251
252 252 $no_of_events = rg_sql_num_rows($res); $no_of_events = rg_sql_num_rows($res);
253 253 while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) { while (($row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res))) {
254 $params = array("id" => $row['id']);
254 $params = array('id' => $row['id']);
255 255
256 256 while (1) { while (1) {
257 257 $ev = unserialize($row['data']); $ev = unserialize($row['data']);
File inc/feedback/suggestion.php changed (mode: 100644) (index a401489..783d16c)
... ... while (1) {
37 37 } }
38 38
39 39 $suggestion = ''; $suggestion = '';
40 $_suggestion .= rg_template("suggestion_sent.html", $rg);
40 $_suggestion .= rg_template("suggestion_sent.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
41 41 break; break;
42 42 } }
43 43
44 44 $rg['suggestion'] = $suggestion; $rg['suggestion'] = $suggestion;
45 45 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
46 46 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
47 $_suggestion .= rg_template("suggestion.html", $rg);
47 $_suggestion .= rg_template("suggestion.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
48 48
49 49 ?> ?>
File inc/git.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index cc54913..a76f6d6)
... ... function rg_git_ls_tree($tree, $path)
480 480
481 481 // We are forced to use print_r instead of array2string because // We are forced to use print_r instead of array2string because
482 482 // it may be a multilevel array. // it may be a multilevel array.
483 rg_log_ml("DEBUG: ls-tree: " . print_r($ret, TRUE));
483 //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: ls-tree: " . print_r($ret, TRUE));
484 484
485 485 rg_log_exit(); rg_log_exit();
486 486 rg_prof_end("git_ls_tree"); rg_prof_end("git_ls_tree");
... ... function rg_git_diff($a, $template_file)
921 921 $ret = "<div class=\"diff\">\n"; $ret = "<div class=\"diff\">\n";
922 922
923 923 $x = array(); $x = array();
924 $template = rg_template($template_file, $x);
924 $template = rg_template($template_file, $x, TRUE /* xss */);
925 925
926 926 // for each file changed // for each file changed
927 927 foreach ($a as $fileindex => $finfo) { foreach ($a as $fileindex => $finfo) {
... ... function rg_git_diff($a, $template_file)
930 930 $ret .= "<br />\n"; $ret .= "<br />\n";
931 931
932 932 $f = rg_xss_safe($finfo['file']); $f = rg_xss_safe($finfo['file']);
933 $ret .= "<a name=\"$f\"></a>\n";
933 $ret .= "<a name=\"file-$f\"></a>\n";
934 934
935 $ret .= "<table class=\"chunk\">\n";
935 $ret .= "<table class=\"chunk\" summary=\"chunk\">\n";
936 936 $ret .= "<tr style=\"border: 1px; background: #dddddd\"><td colspan=\"4\">"; $ret .= "<tr style=\"border: 1px; background: #dddddd\"><td colspan=\"4\">";
937 937 if (strstr($finfo['flags'], "N")) if (strstr($finfo['flags'], "N"))
938 938 $ret .= "File <b>$f</b> added"; $ret .= "File <b>$f</b> added";
... ... function rg_git_diff($a, $template_file)
985 985 $line_no_left = $ci['from']; $line_no_left = $ci['from'];
986 986 $line_no_right = $ci['to']; $line_no_right = $ci['to'];
987 987 foreach ($ci['lines'] as $line) { foreach ($ci['lines'] as $line) {
988 $v = $template;
990 $left_color = "#eeeeee";
991 $right_color = "#eeeeee";
988 $left_class = 'cl-e';
989 $right_class = 'cl-e';
992 990
993 991 $c = substr($line, 0, 1); $c = substr($line, 0, 1);
994 $line = substr($line, 1);
992 $line = rg_xss_safe(substr($line, 1));
995 993 if (strcmp($c, "+") == 0) { if (strcmp($c, "+") == 0) {
996 $left = "";
994 $left = '';
997 995 $right = $line; $right = $line;
998 $right_color = "#00ff00";
999 $line_left = "&nbsp;";
996 $right_class = "cl-g";
997 $line_left = '';
1000 998 $line_right = $line_no_right; $line_right = $line_no_right;
1001 999 $line_no_right++; $line_no_right++;
1002 1000 } else if (strcmp($c, "-") == 0) { } else if (strcmp($c, "-") == 0) {
1003 1001 $left = $line; $left = $line;
1004 $left_color = "#ff0000";
1005 $right = "";
1002 $left_class = "cl-r";
1003 $right = '';
1006 1004 $line_left = $line_no_left; $line_left = $line_no_left;
1007 $line_right = "&nbsp;";
1005 $line_right = '';
1008 1006 $line_no_left++; $line_no_left++;
1009 1007 } else { // ' ' or any other character } else { // ' ' or any other character
1010 1008 $left = $line; $left = $line;
... ... function rg_git_diff($a, $template_file)
1015 1013 $line_no_right++; $line_no_right++;
1016 1014 } }
1017 1015
1018 $v = preg_replace("/@@line_left@@/", $line_left, $v);
1019 $v = preg_replace("/@@line_right@@/", $line_right, $v);
1020 $v = preg_replace("/@@left@@/", rg_xss_safe($left), $v);
1021 $v = preg_replace("/@@right@@/", rg_xss_safe($right), $v);
1023 $v = preg_replace("/@@left_color@@/", $left_color, $v);
1024 $v = preg_replace("/@@right_color@@/", $right_color, $v);
1025 $ret .= $v;
1016 $a = array(
1017 'line_left' => $line_left,
1018 'line_right' => $line_right,
1019 'left' => $left,
1020 'right' => $right,
1021 'left_class' => $left_class,
1022 'right_class' => $right_class
1023 );
1025 $ret .= rg_template_string($template, 0 /*off*/,
1026 $a, FALSE /*xss_protection*/);
1026 1027 } }
1027 1028 } }
1028 1029 $ret .= "</table>\n"; $ret .= "</table>\n";
... ... function rg_git_update_tag($db, $a)
1065 1066 $x = array(); $x = array();
1066 1067 $x['obj_id'] = $a['repo_id']; $x['obj_id'] = $a['repo_id'];
1067 1068 $x['type'] = 'repo_refs'; $x['type'] = 'repo_refs';
1068 $x['owner'] = $a['repo::uid'];
1069 $x['owner'] = $a['repo_uid'];
1069 1070 $x['uid'] = $a['login_uid']; $x['uid'] = $a['login_uid'];
1070 1071 $x['username'] = $a['login_username']; $x['username'] = $a['login_username'];
1071 1072 $x['needed_rights'] = ''; $x['needed_rights'] = '';
1072 1073 $x['ip'] = $a['ip']; $x['ip'] = $a['ip'];
1073 1074 $x['misc'] = $a['refname']; $x['misc'] = $a['refname'];
1074 1075
1075 $history = array();
1076 $history['ri::repo_id'] = $a['repo_id'];
1077 $history['ui::uid'] = $a['login_uid'];
1076 $history = array('ri' => array(), 'ui' => array());
1077 $history['ri']['repo_id'] = $a['repo_id'];
1078 $history['ui']['uid'] = $a['login_uid'];
1078 1079
1079 1080 if (strcmp($a['new_rev_type'], "tag") == 0) { // Annotated if (strcmp($a['new_rev_type'], "tag") == 0) { // Annotated
1080 1081 if (strcmp($a['old_rev'], $rg_git_zero) == 0) { // create if (strcmp($a['old_rev'], $rg_git_zero) == 0) { // create
... ... function rg_git_update_branch($db, $a)
1171 1172 $_x = array(); $_x = array();
1172 1173 $_x['obj_id'] = $a['repo_id']; $_x['obj_id'] = $a['repo_id'];
1173 1174 $_x['type'] = 'repo_refs'; $_x['type'] = 'repo_refs';
1174 $_x['owner'] = $a['repo::uid'];
1175 $_x['owner'] = $a['repo_uid'];
1175 1176 $_x['uid'] = $a['login_uid']; $_x['uid'] = $a['login_uid'];
1176 1177 $_x['username'] = $a['login_username']; $_x['username'] = $a['login_username'];
1177 1178 $_x['needed_rights'] = ''; $_x['needed_rights'] = '';
1178 1179 $_x['ip'] = $a['ip']; $_x['ip'] = $a['ip'];
1179 1180 $_x['misc'] = $a['refname']; $_x['misc'] = $a['refname'];
1180 1181
1181 $history = array();
1182 $history['ri::repo_id'] = $a['repo_id'];
1183 $history['ui::uid'] = $a['login_uid'];
1182 $history = array('ri' => array(), 'ui' => array());
1183 $history['ri']['repo_id'] = $a['repo_id'];
1184 $history['ui']['uid'] = $a['login_uid'];
1184 1185
1185 1186 if (strcmp($a['new_rev'], $rg_git_zero) == 0) { // delete if (strcmp($a['new_rev'], $rg_git_zero) == 0) { // delete
1186 1187 $x = $_x; $x = $_x;
... ... function rg_git_update_branch($db, $a)
1278 1279 $x['needed_rights'] = 'H'; $x['needed_rights'] = 'H';
1279 1280 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
1280 1281 $_z = array(); $_z = array();
1281 $msg = rg_template("msg/push_not_allowed.txt", $_z);
1282 $msg = rg_template("msg/push_not_allowed.txt", $_z, FALSE /* xss */);
1282 1283 rg_git_fatal($a['refname']. "\n" . $msg); rg_git_fatal($a['refname']. "\n" . $msg);
1283 1284 } }
1284 1285
... ... function rg_git_update_branch($db, $a)
1286 1287 // TODO: git may fail to update the reference after this hook; // TODO: git may fail to update the reference after this hook;
1287 1288 // the mr code should check if the update was done. // the mr code should check if the update was done.
1288 1289 $mr = "refs/mr/" $mr = "refs/mr/"
1289 . preg_replace('/refs\/heads\//', '', $a['refname'])
1290 . "_" . preg_replace('/rg_/', '', $a['namespace']);
1290 . str_replace('refs/heads/', '', $a['refname'])
1291 . "_" . str_replace('rg_', '', $a['namespace']);
1291 1292 $reason = $a['login_username'] . ' pushed a merge request' $reason = $a['login_username'] . ' pushed a merge request'
1292 1293 . ' for ref ' . $a['refname'] . ' for ref ' . $a['refname']
1293 1294 . ' into namespace ' . $a['namespace']; . ' into namespace ' . $a['namespace'];
... ... function rg_git_update_branch($db, $a)
1304 1305 if ($r !== TRUE) if ($r !== TRUE)
1305 1306 rg_git_fatal($a['refname'] . ": " . rg_mr_error()); rg_git_fatal($a['refname'] . ": " . rg_mr_error());
1306 1307 $_x = array(); $_x = array();
1307 $msg = rg_template("msg/push_merge_request.txt", $_x);
1308 $msg = rg_template("msg/push_merge_request.txt", $_x, FALSE /* xss */);
1308 1309 rg_git_info($a['refname'] . "\n" . $msg); rg_git_info($a['refname'] . "\n" . $msg);
1309 1310
1310 1311 $history['history_category'] = REPO_CAT_GIT_BRANCH_ANON_PUSH; $history['history_category'] = REPO_CAT_GIT_BRANCH_ANON_PUSH;
... ... function rg_git_branches_and_tags($repo_dir, $base_url, $current_ref)
1375 1376 $current = ltrim($current_ref, "/"); $current = ltrim($current_ref, "/");
1376 1377 if (empty($current)) if (empty($current))
1377 1378 $current = "branch/master"; $current = "branch/master";
1378 rg_log("DEBUG: current=[$current]");
1379 //rg_log("DEBUG: current=[$current]");
1379 1380
1380 1381 $refs = rg_git_refs($repo_dir); $refs = rg_git_refs($repo_dir);
1381 1382 $_l = array(); $_l = array();
... ... function rg_git_branches_and_tags($repo_dir, $base_url, $current_ref)
1385 1386
1386 1387 foreach ($list as $name) { foreach ($list as $name) {
1387 1388 $name = rg_xss_safe($name); $name = rg_xss_safe($name);
1388 $ename = preg_replace('/\//', ',', $name);
1389 $ename = str_replace('/', ',', $name);
1389 1390 //rg_log("DEBUG: compare with [" . $o . "/" . $ename . "]"); //rg_log("DEBUG: compare with [" . $o . "/" . $ename . "]");
1390 1391 if (strcmp($current, $o . "/" . $ename) == 0) { if (strcmp($current, $o . "/" . $ename) == 0) {
1391 1392 $add_s = "<b>"; $add_s = "<b>";
... ... function rg_git_parse_ref(&$paras)
1444 1445 $val = array_shift($paras); $val = array_shift($paras);
1445 1446 $ret['ref_url'] = "/" . $ret['ref_type'] . "/" . $val; $ret['ref_url'] = "/" . $ret['ref_type'] . "/" . $val;
1446 1447
1447 $val = preg_replace('/,/', '/', $val);
1448 $val = str_replace(',', '/', $val);
1448 1449 $ret['ref_val'] = $val; $ret['ref_val'] = $val;
1449 1450 $ret['ref_path'] .= $val; $ret['ref_path'] .= $val;
1450 1451
... ... function rg_git_diff_tree($tree1, $tree2)
1488 1489 break; break;
1489 1490 } }
1490 1491
1491 rg_log("DEBUG: diff-tree: " . rg_array2string($ret));
1492 //rg_log("DEBUG: diff-tree: " . rg_array2string($ret));
1492 1493
1493 1494 rg_log_exit(); rg_log_exit();
1494 1495 rg_prof_end("git_diff_tree"); rg_prof_end("git_diff_tree");
... ... function rg_git_content_by_file($treeish, $file)
1530 1531 function rg_git_log2listing($log, $rg, $commit_table) function rg_git_log2listing($log, $rg, $commit_table)
1531 1532 { {
1532 1533 if ($log === FALSE) if ($log === FALSE)
1533 return rg_template('repo/not_init.html', $rg);
1534 return rg_template('repo/not_init.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1534 1535
1535 1536 $ret = ''; $ret = '';
1536 1537
... ... function rg_git_log2listing($log, $rg, $commit_table)
1540 1541 foreach ($log as $index => $i) foreach ($log as $index => $i)
1541 1542 $log[$index]['vars']['commit_url'] = $log[$index]['vars']['commit_url'] =
1542 1543 rg_xss_safe($rg['mr']) rg_xss_safe($rg['mr'])
1543 . "#" . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['sha1_short']);
1544 . "#sha1-" . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['sha1_short']);
1544 1545 $ret .= rg_git_log_template($log, 'repo/log', $rg); $ret .= rg_git_log_template($log, 'repo/log', $rg);
1545 1546 } }
1546 1547
... ... function rg_git_log2listing($log, $rg, $commit_table)
1548 1549 foreach ($log as $junk => $i) { foreach ($log as $junk => $i) {
1549 1550 // Some info about commit // Some info about commit
1550 1551 $ret .= "<br /><b>" $ret .= "<br /><b>"
1551 . "<a name=\"" . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['sha1_short']) . "\">"
1552 . "<a name=\"sha1-" . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['sha1_short']) . "\">"
1552 1553 . "Commit " . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['sha1_short']) . "Commit " . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['sha1_short'])
1553 1554 . "</a></b> - " . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['subject']) . "\n"; . "</a></b> - " . rg_xss_safe($i['vars']['subject']) . "\n";
1554 1555
... ... function rg_git_log2listing($log, $rg, $commit_table)
1574 1575 $ret .= $r; $ret .= $r;
1575 1576
1576 1577 // diff // diff
1578 //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: i[files]=" . print_r($i['files'], TRUE));
1577 1579 $r = rg_git_diff($i['files'], 'repo/diff.html'); $r = rg_git_diff($i['files'], 'repo/diff.html');
1578 1580 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
1579 1581 return "Internal error"; return "Internal error";
File inc/keys.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 13d3dfe..0b05323)
... ... function rg_keys_info($key)
122 122 $ret['ok'] = 0; $ret['ok'] = 0;
123 123 while(1) { while(1) {
124 124 if (strpos($key, "PRIVATE KEY") !== FALSE) { if (strpos($key, "PRIVATE KEY") !== FALSE) {
125 rg_keys_set_error("private instead of pulic key");
125 rg_keys_set_error("private instead of public key");
126 126 break; break;
127 127 } }
128 128
129 $t = explode(" ", $key, 3);
129 // We must have at least key type and the key
130 $t = explode(' ', $key, 2);
130 131 if (!isset($t[1])) { if (!isset($t[1])) {
131 132 rg_keys_set_error("malformed ssh key (missing fields)"); rg_keys_set_error("malformed ssh key (missing fields)");
132 133 break; break;
133 134 } }
135 135 $ret['type'] = $t[0]; $ret['type'] = $t[0];
136 $ret['key'] = $t[1];
137 $ret['comment'] = isset($t[2]) ? $t[2] : "";
138 136
139 $d = base64_decode($ret['key']);
140 if ($d === FALSE) {
141 rg_keys_set_error("malformed input (base64 failed)");
137 if ((strncmp($ret['type'], 'ssh-', 4) != 0)
138 && (strncmp($ret['type'], 'ecdsa-', 6) != 0)) {
139 rg_keys_set_error("key does not start with ssh- or ecdsa-");
142 140 break; break;
143 141 } }
144 $digest = md5($d);
145 142
143 // We try to detect the key because spaces may mess up things
144 $ret['comment'] = '';
145 $error = TRUE;
146 $off = 0;
147 while (1) {
148 rg_log("DEBUG: off=$off");
150 // -1 signals that we used the whole string
151 if ($off == -1)
152 break;
154 $pos = strpos($t[1], ' ', $off);
155 if ($pos === FALSE) {
156 $ret['key'] = $t[1];
157 $off = -1;
158 } else {
159 $ret['key'] = substr($t[1], 0, $pos);
160 $off = $pos + 1;
161 }
162 rg_log("DEBUG: pos=$pos off=$off key=" . $ret['key']);
164 $d = base64_decode($ret['key']);
165 if ($d === FALSE) {
166 rg_keys_set_error("malformed ssh key (base64 failed)");
167 continue;
168 }
169 $d_len = strlen($d);
170 rg_log("d=" . bin2hex($d));
171 rg_log("d_len=$d_len");
173 if (strlen($d) < 4) {
174 rg_keys_set_error("key is too short (< 4)");
175 continue;
176 }
178 // First, we have the length of the string 'ssh-*'
179 $_t = unpack('N', $d);
180 $len = $_t[1];
181 rg_log_ml("len=$len");
182 if ($d_len < 4 + $len) {
183 rg_keys_set_error("key is too short");
184 continue;
185 }
186 $type2 = substr($d, 4, $len);
187 rg_log("DEBUG: type2=$type2");
188 if (strcasecmp($ret['type'], $type2) != 0) {
189 rg_keys_set_error('key type mismatch: ' . $ret['type'] . ' != ' . $type2);
190 break;
191 }
193 if (strcasecmp($ret['type'], 'ssh-rsa') == 0) {
194 $count = 2;
195 } else if (strcasecmp($ret['type'], 'ssh-dss') == 0) {
196 $count = 4;
197 } else if (strncasecmp($ret['type'], 'ecdsa-', 6) == 0) {
198 $count = 2;
199 } else if (strcasecmp($ret['type'], 'ssh-ed25519') == 0) {
200 $count = 1;
201 } else {
202 rg_log('Strange key type: ' . $ret['type']);
203 // Probably this is a new key type, just consider it valid
204 $_t = explode(' ', $key, 3);
205 $ret['key'] = $_t[1];
206 if (isset($_t[2]))
207 $ret['comment'] = $_t[2];
208 $error = FALSE;
209 break;
210 }
212 $have_all_chunks = TRUE;
213 $used = 4 + $len;
214 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
215 if ($d_len < $used + 4) {
216 rg_keys_set_error('key is too short (chunk length)');
217 $have_all_chunks = FALSE;
218 break;
219 }
220 $_t = unpack('N', substr($d, $used, 4));
221 $xlen = $_t[1];
222 rg_log_ml("xlen=$xlen");
223 if ($d_len < $used + 4 + $xlen) {
224 rg_keys_set_error("key is too short (chunk body)");
225 $have_all_chunks = FALSE;
226 break;
227 }
229 $used += 4 + $xlen;
230 }
231 if ($have_all_chunks === FALSE)
232 continue;
234 $ret['comment'] = substr($t[1], $off);
236 $error = FALSE;
237 break;
238 }
239 if ($error)
240 break;
242 $digest = md5($d);
146 243 $a = array(); $a = array();
147 244 for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++)
148 245 $a[] = substr($digest, $i * 2, 2); $a[] = substr($digest, $i * 2, 2);
... ... function rg_keys_remove($db, $ui, $list)
184 281 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
185 282
186 283 $event = array("category" => 1001, "prio" => 50, $event = array("category" => 1001, "prio" => 50,
187 "ui::email" => $ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $ui['email'] : "",
284 'ui' => array('email' => $ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $ui['email'] : ""),
188 285 "keys" => implode(",", $my_list)); "keys" => implode(",", $my_list));
189 286 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
190 287 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
... ... function rg_keys_add($db, $ui, $key)
240 337 global $rg_max_ssh_keys; global $rg_max_ssh_keys;
241 338
242 339 rg_prof_start("keys_add"); rg_prof_start("keys_add");
243 rg_log_enter("keys_add: $key=$key");
340 rg_log_enter("keys_add: key=$key");
244 341
245 342 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
246 343 $do_rollback = 0; $do_rollback = 0;
... ... function rg_keys_add($db, $ui, $key)
290 387 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
291 388
292 389 $event = array("category" => 1000, "prio" => 50, $event = array("category" => 1000, "prio" => 50,
293 "ui::email" => $ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $ui['email'] : "",
390 'ui' => array('email' => $ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $ui['email'] : ""),
294 391 "key_id" => $key_id); "key_id" => $key_id);
295 392 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
296 393 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
File inc/login/login.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 6ecd059..efe460b)
... ... $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
38 38 $rg['forgot_send'] = rg_re_url("/op/forgot_send"); $rg['forgot_send'] = rg_re_url("/op/forgot_send");
39 39 $rg['create_account'] = rg_re_url("/op/create_account"); $rg['create_account'] = rg_re_url("/op/create_account");
40 40 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
41 $_login .= rg_template("user/login.html", $rg);
41 $_login .= rg_template("user/login.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
42 42 ?> ?>
File inc/plan.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index dd9b1e9..c7bcece)
... ... function rg_plan_list_high_level($db, $rg)
260 260 $r = rg_plan_remove($db, $list); $r = rg_plan_remove($db, $list);
261 261 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
262 262 $rg['errmsg'] = rg_plan_error(); $rg['errmsg'] = rg_plan_error();
263 $del_errmsg[] = rg_template("admin/plans/delete_err.html", $rg);
263 $del_errmsg[] = rg_template("admin/plans/delete_err.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
264 264 break; break;
265 265 } }
266 266 break; break;
... ... function rg_plan_list_high_level($db, $rg)
270 270 if ($list === FALSE) { if ($list === FALSE) {
271 271 $rg['errmsg'] = rg_plan_error(); $rg['errmsg'] = rg_plan_error();
272 272 // TODO: really? no array append?! // TODO: really? no array append?!
273 return rg_template("admin/plans/list_err.html", $rg);
273 return rg_template("admin/plans/list_err.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
274 274 } }
275 275
276 276 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
... ... function rg_plan_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
353 353 break; break;
354 354 } }
355 355
356 $ret .= rg_template("admin/plans/add_ok.html", $rg);
356 $ret .= rg_template("admin/plans/add_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
357 357 $load_form = FALSE; $load_form = FALSE;
358 358 break; break;
359 359 } }
... ... function rg_plan_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
362 362 $rg['pi'] = $pi; $rg['pi'] = $pi;
363 363 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
364 364 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
365 $ret .= rg_template("admin/plans/add_edit.html", $rg);
365 $ret .= rg_template("admin/plans/add_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
366 366 } }
367 367
368 368 return $ret; return $ret;
File inc/prof.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index bb3fb31..fe5bd78)
... ... function rg_prof_set($data)
22 22
23 23 function rg_prof_start($label) function rg_prof_start($label)
24 24 { {
25 global $peak0;
25 26 global $rg_prof_tmp; global $rg_prof_tmp;
26 27 global $rg_prof_state; global $rg_prof_state;
27 28
... ... function rg_prof_start($label)
30 31 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['level']++; $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['level']++;
31 32 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['runs']++; $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['runs']++;
32 33 } else { } else {
34 $mem = memory_get_peak_usage() - $peak0;
33 36 $rg_prof_tmp[$label] = $rg_prof_state; $rg_prof_tmp[$label] = $rg_prof_state;
34 37 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['time_ms'] = sprintf("%u", microtime(TRUE) * 1000); $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['time_ms'] = sprintf("%u", microtime(TRUE) * 1000);
35 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['mem'] = intval(memory_get_usage() / 1024);
38 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['mem'] = intval($mem / 1024);
36 39 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['level'] = 1; $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['level'] = 1;
37 40 $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['runs'] = 1; $rg_prof_tmp[$label]['runs'] = 1;
38 41 } }
... ... function rg_prof_start($label)
40 43
41 44 function rg_prof_end($label) function rg_prof_end($label)
42 45 { {
46 global $peak0;
43 47 global $rg_prof_tmp; global $rg_prof_tmp;
44 48 global $rg_prof_state; global $rg_prof_state;
45 49 global $rg_prof_main; global $rg_prof_main;
... ... function rg_prof_end($label)
56 60
57 61 $start = $rg_prof_tmp[$label]; $start = $rg_prof_tmp[$label];
58 62
63 $mem = memory_get_peak_usage() - $peak0;
59 65 $c = $rg_prof_state; $c = $rg_prof_state;
60 66 $c['time_ms'] = sprintf("%u", microtime(TRUE) * 1000); $c['time_ms'] = sprintf("%u", microtime(TRUE) * 1000);
61 67 $c['runs'] = $start['runs']; $start['runs'] = 0; $c['runs'] = $start['runs']; $start['runs'] = 0;
62 $c['mem'] = intval(memory_get_usage() / 1024);
68 $c['mem'] = intval($mem / 1024);
63 69 $c['level'] = 0; // just to not complain that is not defined $c['level'] = 0; // just to not complain that is not defined
64 70
65 71 // we substract what was before start // we substract what was before start
... ... function rg_prof_html()
100 106 foreach ($per_label as $k => $v) foreach ($per_label as $k => $v)
101 107 $vars[$k] = 1; $vars[$k] = 1;
102 108
103 $ret = "<table>";
109 $ret = "<table summary=\"profiling\">";
104 110 $ret .= "<tr>"; $ret .= "<tr>";
105 111 $ret .= "<td>Label</td>"; $ret .= "<td>Label</td>";
106 112 foreach ($vars as $var => $junk) foreach ($vars as $var => $junk)
... ... function rg_prof_log()
182 188 { {
183 189 $p = rg_prof_text(); $p = rg_prof_text();
184 190 rg_log_ml($p); rg_log_ml($p);
192 rg_log("peak: " . sprintf("%.2f MiB", memory_get_peak_usage(TRUE) / 1024 / 1024));
185 193 } }
186 194
187 195 ?> ?>
File inc/repo.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 45a9d33..3706700)
... ... function rg_repo_event_symlink_by_name($db, $e)
305 305
306 306 rg_prof_start("repo_event_symlink_by_name"); rg_prof_start("repo_event_symlink_by_name");
307 307
308 $id_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($e['ui::uid'], $e['ri::repo_id']);
309 $id_path_rel = rg_repo_path_by_id_rel($e['ui::uid'], $e['ri::repo_id']);
310 $new_path = rg_repo_path_by_name($e['ui::uid'], $e['ri::name']);
308 $id_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($e['ui']['uid'], $e['ri']['repo_id']);
309 $id_path_rel = rg_repo_path_by_id_rel($e['ui']['uid'], $e['ri']['repo_id']);
310 $new_path = rg_repo_path_by_name($e['ui']['uid'], $e['ri']['name']);
311 311
312 312 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
313 313 while (1) { while (1) {
... ... function rg_repo_event_storage_create($db, $e)
374 374
375 375 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
376 376 while (1) { while (1) {
377 $by_id_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($e['ui::uid'], $e['ri::repo_id']);
377 $by_id_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($e['ui']['uid'], $e['ri']['repo_id']);
378 378 if (!is_dir($by_id_path)) { if (!is_dir($by_id_path)) {
379 379 if (mkdir($by_id_path, 0755, TRUE) === FALSE) { if (mkdir($by_id_path, 0755, TRUE) === FALSE) {
380 380 rg_repo_set_error("could not create folder $dst"); rg_repo_set_error("could not create folder $dst");
... ... function rg_repo_event_storage_create($db, $e)
382 382 } }
383 383 } }
384 384
385 if ($e['ri::master'] == 0) {
385 if ($e['ri']['master'] == 0) {
386 386 $r = rg_git_init($by_id_path); $r = rg_git_init($by_id_path);
387 387 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
388 388 rg_repo_set_error("cannot init master" rg_repo_set_error("cannot init master"
... ... function rg_repo_event_storage_create($db, $e)
390 390 break; break;
391 391 } }
392 392 } else { } else {
393 $mi = rg_repo_info($db, $e['ri::master'], 0, "");
393 $mi = rg_repo_info($db, $e['ri']['master'], 0, "");
394 394 if ($mi['exists'] != 1) { if ($mi['exists'] != 1) {
395 rg_repo_set_error("cannot find master (" . rg_repo_error() . ")");
395 rg_repo_set_error("cannot find master"
396 . " (" . rg_repo_error() . ")");
396 397 break; break;
397 398 } }
398 399
399 $master_by_id_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($mi['uid'], $mi['repo_id']);
400 $master_by_id_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($mi['uid'],
401 $mi['repo_id']);
400 402 $r = rg_git_clone($master_by_id_path, $by_id_path); $r = rg_git_clone($master_by_id_path, $by_id_path);
401 403 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
402 rg_repo_set_error("could not create repo (" . rg_git_error() . ")");
404 rg_repo_set_error("could not create repo"
405 . " (" . rg_git_error() . ")");
403 406 break; break;
404 407 } }
405 408
... ... function rg_repo_event_storage_create($db, $e)
409 412 if ($r === FALSE) if ($r === FALSE)
410 413 break; break;
411 414
412 $r = rg_repo_git_done($db, $e['ri::repo_id']);
415 $r = rg_repo_git_done($db, $e['ri']['repo_id']);
413 416 if ($r !== TRUE) if ($r !== TRUE)
414 417 break; break;
415 418
... ... function rg_repo_history_insert($db, $event)
465 468 rg_prof_start("repo_history_insert"); rg_prof_start("repo_history_insert");
466 469 rg_log_enter("repo_history_insert: event=" . rg_array2string($event)); rg_log_enter("repo_history_insert: event=" . rg_array2string($event));
467 470
468 if (!isset($event['ui::uid']))
469 $event['ui::uid'] = 0;
471 if (!isset($event['ui']['uid']))
472 $event['ui']['uid'] = 0;
470 473
471 474 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
472 475 while (1) { while (1) {
473 476 $now = time(); $now = time();
474 477 $params = array("now" => $now, $params = array("now" => $now,
475 "repo_id" => $event['ri::repo_id'],
476 "uid" => $event['ui::uid'],
478 "repo_id" => $event['ri']['repo_id'],
479 "uid" => $event['ui']['uid'],
477 480 "cat" => $event['history_category'], "cat" => $event['history_category'],
478 481 "mess" => $event['history_message']); "mess" => $event['history_message']);
479 482 $sql = "INSERT INTO repo_history_" . gmdate("Y_m", $now) $sql = "INSERT INTO repo_history_" . gmdate("Y_m", $now)
... ... function rg_repo_path_by_name($uid, $repo_name)
628 631 */ */
629 632 function rg_repo_cosmetic(&$row) function rg_repo_cosmetic(&$row)
630 633 { {
631 $_a = rg_xss_safe($row['description']);
632 $row['HTML:description_nlbr'] = nl2br($_a);
634 if (strlen(substr($row['description'], 0, 1)) == 1) {
635 $_a = rg_xss_safe($row['description']);
636 $row['HTML:description_nlbr'] = nl2br($_a);
637 } else {
638 $row['HTML:description_nlbr'] = '-';
639 }
633 640 } }
634 641
635 642 /* /*
... ... function rg_repo_delete($db, $repo_id, $ui)
747 754 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
748 755
749 756 $event = array("category" => 3001, "prio" => 50, $event = array("category" => 3001, "prio" => 50,
750 "ui::email" => $ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $ui['email'] : "",
751 "ri::name" => $ri['name'],
752 "ri::repo_id" => $repo_id);
757 'ui' => array(
758 'email' => $ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $ui['email'] : ""),
759 'ri' => array(
760 'name' => $ri['name'],
761 'repo_id' => $repo_id
762 )
763 );
753 764 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
754 765 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
755 766 rg_repo_set_error("cannot add event" rg_repo_set_error("cannot add event"
... ... function rg_repo_edit($db, $login_ui, &$new)
975 986 $old_description = $ri['description']; $old_description = $ri['description'];
976 987 } }
977 988
978 $event = array("category" => $cat, "prio" => 50,
979 "notification" => $notification,
980 "ui::uid" => $login_ui['uid'],
981 "ui::email" => $login_ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $login_ui['email'] : "",
982 "ri::url" => rg_base_url() . rg_re_repopage($login_ui, $new['name']),
983 "history_category" => $hcat,
984 "history_message" => $hmess);
985 $event = rg_array_merge($event, "ri::old", $ri);
986 $event = rg_array_merge($event, "ri", $new);
987 $event['ri::old::description_md5'] = md5($old_description);
988 $event['ri::description_md5'] = md5($new['description']);
989 $event = array('category' => $cat, 'prio' => 50,
990 'notification' => $notification,
991 'ui' => array(
992 'uid' => $login_ui['uid'],
993 'email' => $login_ui['confirmed'] > 0 ? $login_ui['email'] : ""
994 ),
995 'history_category' => $hcat,
996 'history_message' => $hmess);
997 $event = rg_array_merge($event, 'ri_old', $ri);
998 $new['url'] = rg_base_url() . rg_re_repopage($login_ui, $new['name']);
999 $event = rg_array_merge($event, 'ri', $new);
1000 $event['ri_old']['description_md5'] = md5($old_description);
1001 $event['ri']['description_md5'] = md5($new['description']);
989 1002 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
990 1003 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
991 1004 rg_repo_set_error("cannot add event" rg_repo_set_error("cannot add event"
... ... function rg_repo_admin_rights($db, $rg, $type)
1229 1242 $x['ip'] = $rg['ip']; $x['ip'] = $rg['ip'];
1230 1243 $x['misc'] = ""; $x['misc'] = "";
1231 1244 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE)
1232 return rg_template("user/repo/rights/deny.html", $rg);
1245 return rg_template("user/repo/rights/deny.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1233 1246
1234 1247 $ret = ""; $ret = "";
1235 1248
... ... function rg_repo_admin_rights($db, $rg, $type)
1268 1281 break; break;
1269 1282 } }
1270 1283
1271 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/rights/delete_ok.html", $rg);
1284 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/rights/delete_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1272 1285 break; break;
1273 1286 } }
1274 1287
... ... function rg_repo_admin_rights($db, $rg, $type)
1328 1341 break; break;
1329 1342 } }
1330 1343
1331 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/rights/grant_ok.html", $rg);
1344 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/rights/grant_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1332 1345
1333 1346 $load_defaults = 1; $load_defaults = 1;
1334 1347 break; break;
... ... function rg_repo_admin_rights($db, $rg, $type)
1343 1356 $rg['ip'] = ""; $rg['ip'] = "";
1344 1357 $rg['prio'] = 100; $rg['prio'] = 100;
1345 1358 } else { } else {
1346 $rg = rg_array_merge($rg, "", $a);
1359 $rg = rg_array_merge($rg, '', $a);
1347 1360 } }
1348 1361
1349 1362 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
... ... function rg_repo_admin_rights($db, $rg, $type)
1361 1374 $ret .= rg_template_table("user/repo/rights/list_" . $type, $ret .= rg_template_table("user/repo/rights/list_" . $type,
1362 1375 $r['list'], $rg); $r['list'], $rg);
1363 1376
1364 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/rights/form_" . $type . ".html", $rg);
1377 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/rights/form_" . $type . ".html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1365 1378
1366 1379 // hints // hints
1367 1380 $hints = array(); $hints = array();
1368 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/edit_rights.html", $rg);
1369 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/edit_" . $type . "_rights.html", $rg);
1381 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/edit_rights.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1382 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/edit_" . $type . "_rights.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1370 1383 $ret .= rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg); $ret .= rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg);
1371 1384
1372 1385 return $ret; return $ret;
... ... function rg_repo_admin_delete($db, $rg)
1389 1402 $x['ip'] = $rg['ip']; $x['ip'] = $rg['ip'];
1390 1403 $x['misc'] = ""; $x['misc'] = "";
1391 1404 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE)
1392 return rg_template("user/repo/delete/deny.html", $rg);
1405 return rg_template("user/repo/delete/deny.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1393 1406
1394 1407 $are_you_sure = rg_var_uint("are_you_sure"); $are_you_sure = rg_var_uint("are_you_sure");
1395 1408
... ... function rg_repo_admin_delete($db, $rg)
1402 1415 break; break;
1403 1416
1404 1417 if ($are_you_sure == 0) { if ($are_you_sure == 0) {
1405 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/delete/no.html", $rg);
1418 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/delete/no.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1406 1419 $show_form = 0; $show_form = 0;
1407 1420 break; break;
1408 1421 } }
... ... function rg_repo_admin_delete($db, $rg)
1424 1437 break; break;
1425 1438 } }
1426 1439
1427 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/delete/done.html", $rg);
1440 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/delete/done.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1428 1441 $show_form = 0; $show_form = 0;
1429 1442
1430 1443 // TODO: shouldn't we invalidate the cache? // TODO: shouldn't we invalidate the cache?
... ... function rg_repo_admin_delete($db, $rg)
1434 1447 if ($show_form == 1) { if ($show_form == 1) {
1435 1448 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
1436 1449 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
1437 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/delete/sure.html", $rg);
1450 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/delete/sure.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1438 1451 } }
1439 1452
1440 1453 return $ret; return $ret;
... ... function rg_repo_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1459 1472
1460 1473 // User is not logged in? // User is not logged in?
1461 1474 if (!$edit && ($rg['login_ui']['uid'] == 0)) { if (!$edit && ($rg['login_ui']['uid'] == 0)) {
1462 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/deny_create.html", $rg);
1475 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/deny_create.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1463 1476 $load_form = FALSE; $load_form = FALSE;
1464 1477 break; break;
1465 1478 } }
... ... function rg_repo_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1475 1488 $x['ip'] = $rg['ip']; $x['ip'] = $rg['ip'];
1476 1489 $x['misc'] = ""; $x['misc'] = "";
1477 1490 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
1478 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/deny_edit.html", $rg);
1491 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/deny_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1479 1492 $load_form = FALSE; $load_form = FALSE;
1480 1493 break; break;
1481 1494 } }
... ... function rg_repo_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1526 1539 $rg['ri']['home'] = rg_re_repopage($rg['login_ui'], $rg['ri']['home'] = rg_re_repopage($rg['login_ui'],
1527 1540 $rg['ri']['name']); $rg['ri']['name']);
1528 1541 if ($edit) { if ($edit) {
1529 $ret .= rg_template("repo/edit_ok.html", $rg);
1542 $ret .= rg_template("repo/edit_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1530 1543 } else { } else {
1531 $ret .= rg_template("repo/create_ok.html", $rg);
1544 $ret .= rg_template("repo/create_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1532 1545 } }
1533 1546
1534 1547 $load_form = FALSE; $load_form = FALSE;
... ... function rg_repo_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1548 1561 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
1549 1562 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
1550 1563 $hints = array(); $hints = array();
1551 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/create_repo.html", $rg);
1564 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/create_repo.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1552 1565 $rg['HTML:repo_edit_hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg); $rg['HTML:repo_edit_hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg);
1553 $ret .= rg_template("repo/add_edit.html", $rg);
1566 $ret .= rg_template("repo/add_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1554 1567 } }
1555 1568
1556 1569 rg_log_exit(); rg_log_exit();
... ... function rg_repo_admin($db, &$rg, $paras)
1569 1582 $_op = empty($paras) ? "edit" : array_shift($paras); $_op = empty($paras) ? "edit" : array_shift($paras);
1570 1583
1571 1584 $rg['menu']['repo'][$_op] = 1; $rg['menu']['repo'][$_op] = 1;
1572 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/menu.html", $rg);
1585 $ret .= rg_template("user/repo/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1573 1586
1574 1587 switch ($_op) { switch ($_op) {
1575 1588 case 'repo_rights': case 'repo_rights':
... ... function rg_repo_search_high_level($db, $rg, $ui, $url)
1621 1634
1622 1635 $rg['q'] = $q; $rg['q'] = $q;
1623 1636 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
1624 $rg['search::url'] = $url;
1625 $ret .= rg_template("repo/search.html", $rg);
1637 $rg['search_url'] = $url;
1638 $ret .= rg_template("repo/search.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1626 1639
1627 1640 return $ret; return $ret;
1628 1641 } }
... ... function rg_repo_discover($db, $op, $rg, $ui)
1649 1662 break; break;
1650 1663 } }
1651 1664
1652 $rg['discover::menu::' . $op] = 1;
1653 $ret .= rg_template('repo/discover.html', $rg);
1665 $rg['discover_menu_' . $op] = 1;
1666 $ret .= rg_template('repo/discover.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1654 1667 $ret .= $x; $ret .= $x;
1655 1668
1656 1669 return $ret; return $ret;
File inc/repo/repo.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 30f8ca0..3158ce0)
... ... case 'list':
23 23 } }
24 24
25 25 $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1;
26 $rg['HTML:submenu1'] = rg_template("repo/menu.html", $rg);
26 $rg['HTML:submenu1'] = rg_template("repo/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
27 27
28 28 ?> ?>
File inc/rights.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 4103979..ebab54f)
... ... function rg_rights_allow($db, $a)
723 723 continue; continue;
724 724
725 725 $_old = $e['misc']; $_old = $e['misc'];
726 $e['misc'] = preg_replace('/@USER@/', $username, $e['misc']);
726 $e['misc'] = str_replace('@USER@', $username, $e['misc']);
727 727 rg_log("DEBUG [" . $_old . "] -> [" . $e['misc'] . "]"); rg_log("DEBUG [" . $_old . "] -> [" . $e['misc'] . "]");
728 728 } }
729 rg_log_ml("DEBUG: r[list]=" . print_r($r['list'], TRUE));
729 //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: r[list]=" . print_r($r['list'], TRUE));
730 730 } }
731 731
732 732 return rg_rights_test($r['list'], $needed_rights, $ip, $misc); return rg_rights_test($r['list'], $needed_rights, $ip, $misc);
File inc/sql.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index a472e99..a66f437)
... ... function rg_sql_query_params($h, $sql, $params)
214 214 $params2 = array(); $params2 = array();
215 215 $i = 1; $i = 1;
216 216 foreach ($params as $k => $v) { foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
217 $what = "/@@" . $k . "@@/";
218 $value = "\\$" . $i;
219 $sql = preg_replace($what, $value, $sql, -1, $count);
217 $what = '@@' . $k . '@@';
218 $value = '$' . $i;
219 $sql = str_replace($what, $value, $sql, $count);
220 220
221 221 //rg_log("rg_sql_query_params: k=[$k] value=$value count=$count"); //rg_log("rg_sql_query_params: k=[$k] value=$value count=$count");
222 222 if ($count > 0) { if ($count > 0) {
File inc/user.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 84aff7d..7e935da)
... ... function rg_user_link_by_name($db, $event)
105 105
106 106 rg_log("user_link_by_name: event=" . rg_array2string($event)); rg_log("user_link_by_name: event=" . rg_array2string($event));
107 107
108 $by_id = rg_user_path_by_id($event['ui::uid']);
108 $by_id = rg_user_path_by_id($event['ui']['uid']);
109 109 if (!is_dir($by_id) && (mkdir($by_id, 0755, TRUE) === FALSE)) { if (!is_dir($by_id) && (mkdir($by_id, 0755, TRUE) === FALSE)) {
110 110 rg_user_set_error("cannot mkdir by_id=$by_id ($php_errormsg)"); rg_user_set_error("cannot mkdir by_id=$by_id ($php_errormsg)");
111 111 return FALSE; return FALSE;
112 112 } }
113 113
114 $by_name = rg_user_path_by_name($event['ui::username']);
114 $by_name = rg_user_path_by_name($event['ui']['username']);
115 115 $by_name_parent = dirname($by_name); $by_name_parent = dirname($by_name);
116 116 if (!is_dir($by_name_parent) && (mkdir($by_name_parent, 0755, TRUE) === FALSE)) { if (!is_dir($by_name_parent) && (mkdir($by_name_parent, 0755, TRUE) === FALSE)) {
117 117 rg_user_set_error("cannot mkdir by_name_parent=$by_name_parent ($php_errmsg)"); rg_user_set_error("cannot mkdir by_name_parent=$by_name_parent ($php_errmsg)");
118 118 return FALSE; return FALSE;
119 119 } }
120 120
121 $by_id_rel = rg_user_path_by_id_rel($event['ui::uid']);
121 $by_id_rel = rg_user_path_by_id_rel($event['ui']['uid']);
122 122 if (is_link($by_name)) if (is_link($by_name))
123 123 unlink($by_name); unlink($by_name);
124 124 if (symlink($by_id_rel, $by_name) === FALSE) { if (symlink($by_id_rel, $by_name) === FALSE) {
... ... function rg_user_rename($db, $ui, $new_name)
386 386
387 387 // TODO: Check if all parameters are used. // TODO: Check if all parameters are used.
388 388 $event = array("category" => 2005, "prio" => 50, $event = array("category" => 2005, "prio" => 50,
389 "ui::rename_from" => $ui['username'],
390 "ui::rename_to" => $new_name,
391 "ui::uid" => $ui['uid']);
389 'ui' => array(
390 'rename_from' => $ui['username'],
391 'rename_to' => $new_name,
392 'uid' => $ui['uid']
393 )
394 );
392 395 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
393 396 if ($r !== TRUE) { if ($r !== TRUE) {
394 397 rg_repo_set_error("cannot add event" rg_repo_set_error("cannot add event"
... ... function rg_user_edit($db, $d)
506 509 rg_cache_unset("user::" . $d['uid']); rg_cache_unset("user::" . $d['uid']);
507 510
508 511 if ($d['uid'] == 0) { // add if ($d['uid'] == 0) { // add
509 $event = array("category" => 2000, "prio" => 50,
510 "ui::uid" => $row['uid'],
511 "ui::username" => $d['username'],
512 "ui::email" => $confirmed > 0 ? $d['email'] : "",
513 "ui::confirm_token" => $d['confirm_token'],
514 "rg_account_email_confirm" => $rg_account_email_confirm,
515 "url" => rg_base_url()
512 $event = array('category' => 2000, 'prio' => 50,
513 'ui' => array(
514 'uid' => $row['uid'],
515 'username' => $d['username'],
516 'email' => $confirmed > 0 ? $d['email'] : "",
517 'confirm_token' => $d['confirm_token']
518 ),
519 'rg_account_email_confirm' => $rg_account_email_confirm,
520 'url' => rg_base_url()
516 521 ); );
517 522 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
518 523 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
... ... function rg_user_list($db)
1002 1007 } }
1003 1008
1004 1009 $ret = ""; $ret = "";
1005 $ret .= "<table>\n";
1010 $ret .= "<table summary=\"users and operations\">\n";
1006 1011 $ret .= "<tr>\n"; $ret .= "<tr>\n";
1007 1012 $ret .= " <th>User name</th>\n"; $ret .= " <th>User name</th>\n";
1008 1013 $ret .= " <th>Name</th>\n"; $ret .= " <th>Name</th>\n";
... ... function rg_user_confirm($db, $token)
1295 1300 rg_log_enter("user_confirm: token=$token"); rg_log_enter("user_confirm: token=$token");
1296 1301
1297 1302 $now = time(); $now = time();
1298 $token = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $token);
1303 $token = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $token);
1299 1304
1300 1305 $ret = FALSE; $ret = FALSE;
1301 1306 while (1) { while (1) {
... ... function rg_user_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1415 1420
1416 1421 if (($rg['target_ui']['uid'] == 0) if (($rg['target_ui']['uid'] == 0)
1417 1422 && ($rg['rg_account_allow_creation'] != 1)) { && ($rg['rg_account_allow_creation'] != 1)) {
1418 $ret .= rg_template("user/create_na.html", $rg);
1423 $ret .= rg_template("user/create_na.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1419 1424 return $ret; return $ret;
1420 1425 } }
1421 1426
... ... function rg_user_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1431 1436 $x['ip'] = $rg['ip']; $x['ip'] = $rg['ip'];
1432 1437 $x['misc'] = ""; $x['misc'] = "";
1433 1438 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
1434 $ret .= rg_template("access_denied.html", $rg);
1439 $ret .= rg_template("access_denied.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1435 1440 return $ret; return $ret;
1436 1441 } }
1437 1442 } }
... ... function rg_user_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1525 1530 // TODO: should we just redirect to login page? // TODO: should we just redirect to login page?
1526 1531 // TODO: or to user page if there is no need to confirm the account? // TODO: or to user page if there is no need to confirm the account?
1527 1532 if ($ui['uid'] == 0) if ($ui['uid'] == 0)
1528 $ret = rg_template("user/create_ok.html", $rg);
1533 $ret = rg_template("user/create_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1529 1534 else else
1530 $ret = rg_template("user/edit_ok.html", $rg);
1535 $ret = rg_template("user/edit_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1531 1536 $load_form = FALSE; $load_form = FALSE;
1532 1537 break; break;
1533 1538 } }
... ... function rg_user_edit_high_level($db, &$rg)
1539 1544 "rights", $ui['rights']); "rights", $ui['rights']);
1540 1545 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
1541 1546 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
1542 $ret .= rg_template("user/add_edit.html", $rg);
1547 $ret .= rg_template("user/add_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
1543 1548 } }
1544 1549
1545 1550 return $ret; return $ret;
File inc/user/confirm.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 2f4343b..e851c16)
... ... if ($uid !== FALSE) {
16 16 } }
17 17
18 18 // error // error
19 $_confirm = rg_template("user/bad_token.html", $rg);
19 $_confirm = rg_template("user/bad_token.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
20 20
21 21 ?> ?>
File inc/user/forgot.php changed (mode: 100644) (index e51321d..f0b68aa)
... ... if ($rg['doit'] == 1) {
39 39 rg_user_forgot_pass_destroy($db, $r['uid']); rg_user_forgot_pass_destroy($db, $r['uid']);
40 40 // auto-login // auto-login
41 41 if (!rg_user_auto_login($db, $r['uid'], $lock_ip, $rg['login_ui'])) { if (!rg_user_auto_login($db, $r['uid'], $lock_ip, $rg['login_ui'])) {
42 $_forgot = rg_template("msg/internal.txt");
42 $_forgot = rg_template("msg/internal_err.html", TRUE /* xss */);
43 43 return; return;
44 44 } }
45 45
... ... $rg['forgot_token'] = $forgot_token;
53 53 $rg['pass1'] = $pass1; $rg['pass1'] = $pass1;
54 54 $rg['pass2'] = $pass2; $rg['pass2'] = $pass2;
55 55 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
56 $_forgot .= rg_template("user/forgot.html", $rg);
56 $_forgot .= rg_template("user/forgot.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
57 57 ?> ?>
File inc/user/forgot_send.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 2526202..cc33275)
... ... if ($rg['doit'] == 1) {
26 26 if ($_show_form == 1) { if ($_show_form == 1) {
27 27 $rg['email'] = $email; $rg['email'] = $email;
28 28 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
29 $_forgot .= rg_template("user/forgot_send.html", $rg);
29 $_forgot .= rg_template("user/forgot_send.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
30 30 } }
31 31
32 32 ?> ?>
File inc/user/home-page.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 4384af4..d41adc9)
... ... $_home = "";
5 5
6 6 $page_ui = rg_user_info($db, 0, $user, ""); $page_ui = rg_user_info($db, 0, $user, "");
7 7 if ($page_ui['exists'] == 0) { if ($page_ui['exists'] == 0) {
8 $_home .= rg_template("user/invalid.html", $rg);
8 $_home .= rg_template("user/invalid.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
9 9 return; return;
10 10 } }
11 11
File inc/user/keys/keys.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 473ab98..51f5c31)
... ... if (rg_var_uint("add") == 1) {
27 27 } }
28 28
29 29 $_r = rg_keys_add($db, $rg['login_ui'], $key); $_r = rg_keys_add($db, $rg['login_ui'], $key);
30 if ($_r === FALSE)
30 if ($_r === FALSE) {
31 31 $add_errmsg[] = rg_keys_error(); $add_errmsg[] = rg_keys_error();
32 break;
33 }
35 $key = '';
32 36 break; break;
33 37 } }
34 38 } else if (rg_var_uint("delete") == 1) { } else if (rg_var_uint("delete") == 1) {
... ... if (rg_var_uint("add") == 1) {
53 57 break; break;
54 58 } }
55 59
56 $rg['HTML:status'] = rg_template("user/keys/remove_ok.html", $rg);
60 $rg['HTML:status'] = rg_template("user/keys/remove_ok.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
57 61 break; break;
58 62 } }
59 63 } }
... ... if (rg_var_uint("add") == 1) {
61 65 $rg['HTML:add_errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($add_errmsg); $rg['HTML:add_errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($add_errmsg);
62 66 $rg['HTML:del_errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($del_errmsg); $rg['HTML:del_errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($del_errmsg);
63 67
64 $rg['HTML:add_form'] = rg_template("user/keys/add.html", $rg);
68 $rg['key'] = $key;
69 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
70 $rg['HTML:add_form'] = rg_template("user/keys/add.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
65 71
66 72 $keys_list = rg_keys_list($db, $rg['login_ui']); $keys_list = rg_keys_list($db, $rg['login_ui']);
67 73 if ($keys_list === FALSE) if ($keys_list === FALSE)
... ... else
71 77
72 78 $hints = array(); $hints = array();
73 79 if ($rg_ssh_port != 0) if ($rg_ssh_port != 0)
74 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/ssh/key.html", $rg);
80 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/ssh/key.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
75 81 $rg['HTML:hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg); $rg['HTML:hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg);
76 82
77 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
78 $rg['key'] = $key;
80 $_keys = rg_template("user/keys/main.html", $rg);
83 $_keys = rg_template("user/keys/main.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
81 84 ?> ?>
File inc/user/pass/pass.php changed (mode: 100644) (index aa6eced..53fa336)
... ... while (1) {
39 39 break; break;
40 40 } }
41 41
42 $_pass .= rg_template("user/pass_changed.html", $rg);
42 $_pass .= rg_template("user/pass_changed.html", $rg, TRUE /*xss*/);
43 43 $show_form = 0; $show_form = 0;
44 44 break; break;
45 45 } }
... ... if ($show_form == 1) {
51 51 $rg['pass1'] = $pass1; $rg['pass1'] = $pass1;
52 52 $rg['pass2'] = $pass2; $rg['pass2'] = $pass2;
53 53
54 $_pass .= rg_template("user/pass.html", $rg);
54 $_pass .= rg_template("user/pass.html", $rg, TRUE /*xss*/);
55 55 } }
56 56
57 57 ?> ?>
File inc/user/repo-page.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 7989e48..d97eee9)
... ... if ($rg['page_ui']['ok'] != 1) {
13 13 return; return;
14 14 } }
15 15 if ($rg['page_ui']['exists'] != 1) { if ($rg['page_ui']['exists'] != 1) {
16 $_repo_page .= rg_template("user/invalid.html", $rg);
16 $_repo_page .= rg_template("user/invalid.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
17 17 return; return;
18 18 } }
19 19
20 20 if (rg_repo_ok($repo) !== TRUE) { if (rg_repo_ok($repo) !== TRUE) {
21 $_repo_page .= rg_template("repo/invalid.html", $rg);
21 $_repo_page .= rg_template("repo/invalid.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
22 22 return; return;
23 23 } }
24 24 $rg['ri'] = rg_repo_info($db, 0, $rg['page_ui']['uid'], $repo); $rg['ri'] = rg_repo_info($db, 0, $rg['page_ui']['uid'], $repo);
... ... while (1) {
48 48 break; break;
49 49 } }
50 50 if ($allow !== TRUE) { if ($allow !== TRUE) {
51 $_repo_page .= rg_template("user/repo/deny.html", $rg);
51 $_repo_page .= rg_template("user/repo/deny.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
52 52 return; return;
53 53 } }
54 54
... ... $rg['url_repo'] = rg_re_repopage($rg['page_ui'], $repo);
63 63 $rg['ssh'] = rg_re_repo_ssh($organization, $user, $repo); $rg['ssh'] = rg_re_repo_ssh($organization, $user, $repo);
64 64 $rg['git'] = rg_re_repo_git($organization, $user, $repo); $rg['git'] = rg_re_repo_git($organization, $user, $repo);
65 65 $rg['can_admin'] = $can_admin; $rg['can_admin'] = $can_admin;
66 $rg['hints'] = "";
66 $rg['HTML:hints'] = '';
67 67
68 68 $repo_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($rg['ri']['uid'], $rg['ri']['repo_id']); $repo_path = rg_repo_path_by_id($rg['ri']['uid'], $rg['ri']['repo_id']);
69 69 rg_log("repo_path=$repo_path"); rg_log("repo_path=$repo_path");
70 70 putenv("GIT_DIR=$repo_path"); // TODO: this will be removed after all functios will got a path para putenv("GIT_DIR=$repo_path"); // TODO: this will be removed after all functios will got a path para
71 71
72 $rg['repo_body'] = "";
73 $rg['branches_and_tags'] = "";
74 $rg['repo_submenu'] = "";
72 $rg['HTML:branches_and_tags'] = '';
75 73 $_repo_body = ""; $_repo_body = "";
76 74
77 75 // build urls list // build urls list
78 76 $urls = array(); $urls = array();
79 77 if ($rg_ssh_port != 0) if ($rg_ssh_port != 0)
80 $urls[]['HTML:url'] = '<a href="' . $rg['ssh'] . '">' . $rg['ssh'] . '</a>';
78 $urls[]['HTML:clone_url'] = '<a href="' . $rg['ssh'] . '">' . $rg['ssh'] . '</a>';
81 79 if ($rg_git_port != 0) if ($rg_git_port != 0)
82 $urls[]['HTML:url'] = '<a href="' . $rg['git'] . '">' . $rg['git'] . '</a>';
80 $urls[]['HTML:clone_url'] = '<a href="' . $rg['git'] . '">' . $rg['git'] . '</a>';
83 81 $rg['HTML:urls'] = rg_template_table("repo/urls", $urls, $rg); $rg['HTML:urls'] = rg_template_table("repo/urls", $urls, $rg);
84 82
85 83 function rg_add_clone_hints($db, &$rg, $ref) function rg_add_clone_hints($db, &$rg, $ref)
... ... function rg_add_clone_hints($db, &$rg, $ref)
89 87
90 88 $hints = array(); $hints = array();
91 89
92 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/git_setup.html", $rg);
90 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/git_setup.html",
91 $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
93 92
94 93 if ($rg['ri']['uid'] == $rg['login_ui']['uid']) { if ($rg['ri']['uid'] == $rg['login_ui']['uid']) {
95 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/clone_owner.html", $rg);
94 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/clone_owner.html",
95 $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
96 96 } else { } else {
97 97 if ($rg_ssh_port != 0) if ($rg_ssh_port != 0)
98 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/clone_ssh.html", $rg);
98 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/clone_ssh.html",
99 $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
99 100
100 101 if ($rg_git_port != 0) if ($rg_git_port != 0)
101 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/clone_git.html", $rg);
102 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/clone_git.html",
103 $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
102 104
103 105 $x = array(); $x = array();
104 106 $x['obj_id'] = $rg['ri']['repo_id']; $x['obj_id'] = $rg['ri']['repo_id'];
... ... function rg_add_clone_hints($db, &$rg, $ref)
110 112 $x['ip'] = $rg['ip']; $x['ip'] = $rg['ip'];
111 113 $x['misc'] = $ref; $x['misc'] = $ref;
112 114 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) === TRUE) if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) === TRUE)
113 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/anon_push.html", $rg);
115 $hints[]['HTML:hint'] = rg_template("hints/repo/anon_push.html",
116 $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
114 117 } }
115 118
116 119 $rg['HTML:hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg); $rg['HTML:hints'] = rg_template_table("hints/list", $hints, $rg);
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
142 145
143 146 rg_add_clone_hints($db, $rg, $ref); rg_add_clone_hints($db, $rg, $ref);
144 147
145 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/source.html", $rg);
148 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/source.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
146 149
147 150 rg_log("DEBUG: _subsubop=[$_subsubop]"); rg_log("DEBUG: _subsubop=[$_subsubop]");
148 151 if ($rg['ri']['git_dir_done'] == 0) { if ($rg['ri']['git_dir_done'] == 0) {
149 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/no_git_dir.html", $rg);
152 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/no_git_dir.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
150 153 } else if (strcmp($_subsubop, "tree") == 0) { } else if (strcmp($_subsubop, "tree") == 0) {
151 154 $type = array_shift($paras); $type = array_shift($paras);
152 155 rg_log("DEBUG: tree: type=$type"); rg_log("DEBUG: tree: type=$type");
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
168 171 ); );
169 172 $blob = array_merge($blob, $_content); $blob = array_merge($blob, $_content);
170 173 $blob = array_merge($blob, $rg); $blob = array_merge($blob, $rg);
171 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/blob.html", $blob);
174 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/blob.html", $blob, TRUE /* xss */);
172 175 } }
173 176 } else if (strcmp($type, "tree") == 0) { } else if (strcmp($type, "tree") == 0) {
174 177 // find treeish of dir // find treeish of dir
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
189 192 $_repo_body .= rg_template_table("repo/tree", $_tree, $_repo_body .= rg_template_table("repo/tree", $_tree,
190 193 $rg); $rg);
191 194 } }
192 } else {
193 // show the log
195 } else { // show the log
194 196 $log = rg_git_log($repo_path, 10, "", $ref, FALSE); $log = rg_git_log($repo_path, 10, "", $ref, FALSE);
195 197 if ($log === FALSE) { if ($log === FALSE) {
196 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/not_init.html", $rg);
198 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/not_init.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
197 199 } else { } else {
198 200 //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: log: " . print_r($log, TRUE)); //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: log: " . print_r($log, TRUE));
199 201 $_repo_body .= rg_git_log_template($log, "repo/log", $rg); $_repo_body .= rg_git_log_template($log, "repo/log", $rg);
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
202 204 $type = array_shift($paras); $type = array_shift($paras);
203 205 //rg_log("DEBUG: log: type=$type"); //rg_log("DEBUG: log: type=$type");
204 206 if (strcmp($type, "commit") == 0) { if (strcmp($type, "commit") == 0) {
205 $commit = rg_git_reference($paras[0]);
207 if (empty($paras))
208 $commit = FALSE;
209 else
210 $commit = rg_git_reference($paras[0]);
206 211 if ($commit === FALSE) { if ($commit === FALSE) {
207 212 rg_internal_error("Invalid commit" rg_internal_error("Invalid commit"
208 213 . " [" . $paras[0] . "]." . " [" . $paras[0] . "]."
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
230 235 $_repo_body .= $bug_body; $_repo_body .= $bug_body;
231 236 } else if (strcmp($_subop, "stats") == 0) { } else if (strcmp($_subop, "stats") == 0) {
232 237 if ($rg['ri']['git_dir_done'] == 0) if ($rg['ri']['git_dir_done'] == 0)
233 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/no_git_dir.html", $rg);
238 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/no_git_dir.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
234 239 else else
235 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/stats.html", $rg);
240 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/stats.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
236 241 } else if (strcmp($_subop, "mr") == 0) { } else if (strcmp($_subop, "mr") == 0) {
237 242 if ($rg['ri']['git_dir_done'] == 0) { if ($rg['ri']['git_dir_done'] == 0) {
238 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/no_git_dir.html", $rg);
243 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/no_git_dir.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
239 244 } else { } else {
240 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/mrs.html", $rg);
245 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/mrs.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
241 246
242 247 $r = rg_mr_load($db, $rg['ri']['repo_id'], 20); $r = rg_mr_load($db, $rg['ri']['repo_id'], 20);
243 248 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
267 272 } }
268 273
269 274 $mri['HTML:diff'] = rg_git_log2listing($_log, $rg, TRUE); $mri['HTML:diff'] = rg_git_log2listing($_log, $rg, TRUE);
270 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/mr/page.html", $mri);
275 $_repo_body .= rg_template("repo/mr/page.html", $mri, TRUE /* xss */);
271 276
272 277 break; break;
273 278 } }
... ... if (strcmp($_subop, "history") == 0) {
276 281
277 282 $rg['per_repo_menu'][$_subop] = 1; $rg['per_repo_menu'][$_subop] = 1;
278 283 $rg['HTML:repo_body'] = $_repo_body; $rg['HTML:repo_body'] = $_repo_body;
279 $_repo_page = rg_template("repo/main.html", $rg);
284 $_repo_page = rg_template("repo/main.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
280 285 ?> ?>
File inc/user/repo/bug/main.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 2092590..4ab4e63)
... ... case 'list':
71 71 if (isset($filter['standard']) && ($filter['standard'] == 0)) { if (isset($filter['standard']) && ($filter['standard'] == 0)) {
72 72 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
73 73 $rg['search_remove_errmsg'] = ""; $rg['search_remove_errmsg'] = "";
74 $_bug_body .= rg_template("repo/bug/search/remove.html", $rg);
74 $_bug_body .= rg_template("repo/bug/search/remove.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
75 75 } }
76 76 break; break;
77 77
... ... default: // show - go directly to a bug
89 89 } }
90 90
91 91 $rg['HTML:bug_body'] = $_bug_body; $rg['HTML:bug_body'] = $_bug_body;
92 $bug_body = rg_template("repo/bug/main.html", $rg);
92 $bug_body = rg_template("repo/bug/main.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
93 93 ?> ?>
File inc/user/repo/bug/search/search.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 5acce9e..22c08b9)
... ... $rg = array_merge($rg, $_x);
56 56 $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg); $rg['HTML:errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($errmsg);
57 57 $_exclude = array(); $_exclude = array();
58 58 $rg['HTML:state_select'] = rg_bug_state_select($_x['state'], $_exclude); $rg['HTML:state_select'] = rg_bug_state_select($_x['state'], $_exclude);
59 $_bug_search .= rg_template("repo/bug/search/search.html", $rg);
59 $_bug_search .= rg_template("repo/bug/search/search.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
60 60 ?> ?>
File inc/user/repo/bug/show/add_note.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 9165487..370366a)
... ... while (1) {
47 47 $rg['HTML:note_errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($note_errmsg); $rg['HTML:note_errmsg'] = rg_template_errmsg($note_errmsg);
48 48 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg); $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
49 49 $rg['note'] = $note; $rg['note'] = $note;
50 $rg['HTML:note_add'] = rg_template("repo/bug/note_add.html", $rg);
50 $rg['HTML:note_add'] = rg_template("repo/bug/note_add.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
51 51 ?> ?>
File inc/user/repo/bug/show/show.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 5898cb7..9ad0863)
... ... rg_log("FILE: /inc/user/repo/bug/show/show");
5 5
6 6 $_bug_show = ""; $_bug_show = "";
7 7
8 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
8 9 $rg['HTML:bug_edit'] = ""; $rg['HTML:bug_edit'] = "";
9 10
10 11 $ibug = rg_bug_info($db, $rg['ri']['repo_id'], $rg['bug']['bug_id']); $ibug = rg_bug_info($db, $rg['ri']['repo_id'], $rg['bug']['bug_id']);
... ... if ($ibug === FALSE)
14 15 $rg['bug'] = array_merge($rg['bug'], $ibug); $rg['bug'] = array_merge($rg['bug'], $ibug);
15 16
16 17 if ($ibug['exists'] != 1) { if ($ibug['exists'] != 1) {
17 $_bug_body .= rg_template("repo/bug/not_found.html", $rg);
18 $_bug_body .= rg_template("repo/bug/not_found.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
18 19 return; return;
19 20 } }
20 21
... ... $x['misc'] = '';
31 32 if ($ibug['deleted'] > 0) { if ($ibug['deleted'] > 0) {
32 33 $x['needed_rights'] = 'd'; $x['needed_rights'] = 'd';
33 34 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
34 $_bug_body .= rg_template("repo/bug/deleted.html", $rg);
35 $_bug_body .= rg_template("repo/bug/deleted.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
35 36 return; return;
36 37 } }
37 38 } }
... ... else
45 46 $rg['bug']['labels'] = implode(" ", $labels); $rg['bug']['labels'] = implode(" ", $labels);
46 47
47 48 // edit // edit
48 $rg['HTML:edit_form'] = rg_template("repo/bug/b_edit.html", $rg);
49 $rg['HTML:edit_form'] = rg_template("repo/bug/b_edit.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
49 50 if (rg_var_uint("edit") == 1) if (rg_var_uint("edit") == 1)
50 51 $rg['HTML:bug_edit'] = rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, $rg); $rg['HTML:bug_edit'] = rg_bug_edit_high_level($db, $rg);
51 52
... ... while (1) {
61 62 if ($ibug['state'] == 1) { // reopen if ($ibug['state'] == 1) { // reopen
62 63 $x['needed_rights'] = 'r'; $x['needed_rights'] = 'r';
63 64 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
64 rg_template("repo/bug/deny_reopen.html", $rg);
65 rg_template("repo/bug/deny_reopen.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
65 66 break; break;
66 67 } }
67 68 } else { // close } else { // close
68 69 $x['needed_rights'] = 'C'; $x['needed_rights'] = 'C';
69 70 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
70 rg_template("repo/bug/deny_close.html", $rg);
71 rg_template("repo/bug/deny_close.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
71 72 break; break;
72 73 } }
73 74 } }
... ... if ($ibug['state'] == 1)
95 96 $t = "repo/bug/b_close.html"; $t = "repo/bug/b_close.html";
96 97 else else
97 98 $t = "repo/bug/b_reopen.html"; $t = "repo/bug/b_reopen.html";
98 $rg['HTML:close_form'] = rg_template($t, $rg);
99 $rg['HTML:close_form'] = rg_template($t, $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
99 100 $rg['HTML:button_error'] = rg_warning($close_reopen_error, $rg); $rg['HTML:button_error'] = rg_warning($close_reopen_error, $rg);
100 101
101 102 // 'add_note' must be unconditionally included because we must insert the form // 'add_note' must be unconditionally included because we must insert the form
... ... if ($watch === FALSE) {
142 143 $t = "repo/bug/b_watch.html"; $t = "repo/bug/b_watch.html";
143 144 else else
144 145 $t = "repo/bug/b_unwatch.html"; $t = "repo/bug/b_unwatch.html";
145 $r = rg_template($t, $rg);
146 $r = rg_template($t, $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
146 147 if ($r !== FALSE) if ($r !== FALSE)
147 148 $watch_body .= $r; $watch_body .= $r;
148 149 } }
... ... while (1) {
157 158
158 159 $x['needed_rights'] = 'd'; $x['needed_rights'] = 'd';
159 160 if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) { if (rg_rights_allow($db, $x) !== TRUE) {
160 $delete_error = rg_template("repo/bug/deny_delete.html", $rg);
161 $delete_error = rg_template("repo/bug/deny_delete.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
161 162 break; break;
162 163 } }
163 164
... ... if ($ibug === FALSE)
188 189 rg_fatal("Cannot lookup bug!"); rg_fatal("Cannot lookup bug!");
189 190 $rg = rg_array_merge($rg, "bug", $ibug); $rg = rg_array_merge($rg, "bug", $ibug);
190 191
191 $rg['rg_form_token'] = rg_token_get($db, $rg);
192 $_bug_show .= rg_template("repo/bug/show.html", $rg);
192 $_bug_show .= rg_template("repo/bug/show.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
193 193 ?> ?>
File inc/user/settings.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 0543651..a376fe8)
... ... case 'keys':
31 31 } }
32 32
33 33 $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1; $rg['menu']['sub1'][$_subop] = 1;
34 $rg['HTML:submenu1'] = rg_template("user/settings/menu.html", $rg);
34 $rg['HTML:submenu1'] = rg_template("user/settings/menu.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
35 35
36 36 ?> ?>
File inc/util.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 2ca3c11..7df267a)
... ... function rg_rmdir($dir)
377 377 } }
378 378
379 379 /* /*
380 * Provides a link to an image, taking in consideration the theme
381 * Used by rg_prepare_image.
380 * Lookup a path in the current theme with fallback to default
381 * Returns the correct path
382 382 */ */
383 function rg_image_callback($matches)
383 function rg_theme_resolve_path($path)
384 384 { {
385 global $rg_theme_dir;
386 global $rg_theme;
385 global $rg_theme, $rg_theme_dir;
387 386
388 $n = $matches[1];
389 $url = "/themes/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $n;
390 $xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $n;
391 if (!is_file($xfile))
392 $url = "/themes/default/" . $n;
394 return $url;
395 }
387 $url = "/themes/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $path;
388 $xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $path;
389 if (!is_file($xfile))
390 $url = "/themes/default/" . $path;
396 391
397 /*
398 * Prepares the images to point to a correct image.
399 */
400 function rg_prepare_image($s)
401 {
402 return preg_replace_callback('/@@IMG:(.*)@@/uU', "rg_image_callback", $s);
392 return $url;
403 393 } }
404 394
405 395 /* /*
406 * Resolve variables like '@@func:func_name:paras@@'
396 * Loads a file if exists, else return ""
407 397 */ */
408 function rg_prepare_func($s, &$what, &$values)
398 function rg_file_get_contents($f)
409 399 { {
410 global $rg_template_functions;
412 $seen = array();
414 $r = preg_match_all('/@@func:(.*):(.*)@@/uU', $s, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
415 foreach ($matches as $i) {
416 $k = '/' . $i[0] . '/';
417 $func = $i[1];
418 $var = $i[2];
420 /* Function already called? */
421 if (isset($seen[$k]))
422 continue;
424 if (!isset($rg_template_functions[$func]))
425 continue;
427 $v = preg_replace($what, $values, "@@" . $var . "@@");
428 $final = $rg_template_functions[$func]($v);
400 global $php_errormsg;
429 401
430 $what[] = $k;
431 $values[] = $final;
402 if (!file_exists($f))
403 return "";
432 404
433 $seen[$k] = 1;
405 $c = @file_get_contents($f);
406 if ($c === FALSE) {
407 rg_internal_error("Could not load file [$f] ($php_errormsg).");
408 return "";
434 409 } }
411 return $c;
435 412 } }
436 413
437 414 /* /*
438 * Helper for rg_prepare_replace
415 * Merges an array (a) into another (src), using a namespace
416 * Protects modifiers (HTML: etc.).
439 417 */ */
440 function rg_prepare_replace_helper($a, $prefix, &$what, &$values)
418 function rg_array_merge($src, $namespace, $a)
441 419 { {
442 foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
443 if (empty($prefix))
444 $add = "";
445 else
446 $add = "::";
448 $new_prefix = $prefix . $add . $k;
450 if (is_array($v)) {
451 rg_prepare_replace_helper($v, $new_prefix,
452 $what, $values);
453 continue;
454 }
420 $ret = $src;
455 421
456 if (strncmp($k, "HTML:", 5) == 0) {
457 $k = substr($k, 5);
458 $new_prefix = $prefix . $add . $k;
459 } else {
460 $v = rg_xss_safe($v);
461 }
422 if (!empty($namespace))
423 if (!isset($ret[$namespace]))
424 $ret[$namespace] = array();
462 425
463 $what[$new_prefix] = "/@@" . preg_quote($new_prefix, '/') . "@@/uU";
464 $values[$new_prefix] = $v;
426 foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
427 if (empty($namespace))
428 $ret[$k] = $v;
429 else
430 $ret[$namespace][$k] = $v;
465 431 } }
433 return $ret;
466 434 } }
467 435
468 function rg_prepare_replace(&$data, &$what, &$values)
436 /*
437 * Performs a lookup of a var of type 'a::b::c' into an array and
438 * returns FALSE or the value
439 */
440 function rg_template_tree_lookup($var, &$data, $xss_protection)
469 441 { {
470 if (!empty($data)) {
471 if (!is_array($data))
472 rg_internal_error("prepare_replace: invalid type passed");
442 $tree = &$data;
443 $t = explode('::', $var);
444 $v = array_pop($t);
445 foreach ($t as $token) {
446 if (!isset($tree[$token]))
447 return FALSE;
473 448
474 rg_prepare_replace_helper($data, "", $what, $values);
449 $tree = &$tree[$token];
475 450 } }
476 451
477 // we replace @@unknown@@ with empty
478 //$what['FINAL'] = "/@@.*@@/U";
479 //$values['FINAL'] = "";
481 //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: what: " . print_r($what, TRUE));
482 //rg_log_ml("DEBUG: values: " . print_r($values, TRUE));
483 }
452 // We prefer the HTML version
453 $hv = 'HTML:' . $v;
454 if (isset($tree[$hv]))
455 return $tree[$hv];
484 456
485 /*
486 * Lookup a var into data array, if needed.
487 * It is used for conditionals.
488 */
489 function rg_replace_lookup(&$data, $var)
490 {
491 rg_prepare_replace($data, $what, $values);
492 if (empty($what))
493 return $var;
457 if (isset($tree[$v])) {
458 if ($xss_protection)
459 return rg_xss_safe($tree[$v]);
460 else
461 return $tree[$v];
462 }
494 463
495 return preg_replace($what, $values, $var);
464 return FALSE;
496 465 } }
497 466
498 467 /* /*
499 * Helper for rg_replace_conditionals.
500 * It works at line level.
501 * @master_block (TRUE / FALSE) is the condition for parent block.
468 * Evaluates a condition
502 469 */ */
503 function rg_replace_conditionals_block($block, &$data, &$stack)
470 function rg_template_eval_cond($cond, &$data)
504 471 { {
505 //rg_log("DEBUG: rg_replace_conditionals_block: block=[$block]"
506 // . " stack=" . rg_array2string($stack));
508 if (!is_string($block)) {
509 rg_internal_error("Block is not a string!");
510 return FALSE;
511 }
513 // Nesting error
514 if (empty($stack)) {
515 rg_internal_error("Nesting error!");
516 return FALSE;
472 $t = explode('!=', $cond);
473 if (count($t) == 2) {
474 $negate = TRUE;
475 } else {
476 $t = explode('==', $cond);
477 if (count($t) != 2) {
478 rg_log("invalid condition [$cond]!");
479 return FALSE;
480 }
481 $negate = FALSE;
517 482 } }
518 483
519 $cond = array_pop($stack);
520 $stack[] = $cond;
521 //rg_log("cond is " . ($cond ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
523 // First, try to match a start of 'if'
524 $match1 = "@@if\s*\((.*?)\)\s*?{{";
525 $match2 = "{{";
526 $match3 = "}}";
527 $search = $match1 . '|' . $match2 . '|' . $match3;
528 $r = preg_match('/^(.*?)(' . $search . ')(.*)/su',
529 $block, $matches);
530 if ($r === FALSE)
531 return FALSE;
532 if ($r === 1) {
533 //rg_log("DEBUG: matches: " . rg_array2string($matches));
535 $ret = "";
536 if ($cond === TRUE)
537 $ret = $matches[1];
539 $rest = $matches[4];
540 if (strcmp($matches[2], "}}") == 0) {
541 // We pop from stack only at }} and not at {{
542 //rg_log("}}: Pop the stack!");
543 array_pop($stack);
544 } else if (strcmp($matches[2], "{{") == 0) {
545 //rg_log("{{");
546 } else {
547 //rg_log("DEBUG: cond=" . $matches[3]);
548 if (empty($matches[3])) {
549 $new_cond = FALSE;
550 } else {
551 $r = preg_match('/^\s*(.*?)\s*(==|!=)\s*(.*?)\s*$/Dsu',
552 $matches[3], $matches2);
553 if ($r === FALSE) {
554 rg_internal_error("Invalid condition!");
555 return FALSE;
556 }
557 if (count($matches2) < 3) {
558 rg_log("matches[3]: " . $matches[3]);
559 rg_log("matches2: " . rg_array2string($matches2));
560 rg_internal_error("Cannot match condition.");
561 return FALSE;
562 }
563 $left = rg_replace_lookup($data, trim($matches2[1]));
564 $op = trim($matches2[2]);
565 $right = rg_replace_lookup($data, trim($matches2[3]));
566 //rg_log("DEBUG: if left=[$left] op=[$op] right=[$right]");
567 if (empty($op)) {
568 $new_cond = empty($left) ? FALSE : TRUE;
569 } else if (strcmp($op, "==") == 0) {
570 $new_cond = strcmp($left, $right) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
571 } else if (strcmp($op, "!=") == 0) {
572 $new_cond = strcmp($left, $right) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
573 } else {
574 rg_internal_error("Invalid operation!");
575 return FALSE;
576 }
577 }
578 $not_new_cond = $new_cond ? FALSE : TRUE;
484 $left = trim($t[0]);
485 $left = rg_template_string($left, 0, $data, FALSE);
579 486
580 // We have to respect the outer block condition
581 // We have to push in reverse order. Remeber, first in, last out
582 $stack[] = $not_new_cond && $cond;
583 $stack[] = $new_cond && $cond;
584 }
487 $right = trim($t[1]);
488 $right = rg_template_string($right, 0, $data, FALSE);
585 489
586 $tmp = rg_replace_conditionals_block($rest, $data, $stack);
587 if ($tmp === FALSE)
490 $ret = strcmp($left, $right);
491 if ($ret === 0) {
492 if ($negate === TRUE)
493 return FALSE;
494 } else {
495 if (!$negate)
588 496 return FALSE; return FALSE;
590 //rg_log("DEBUG: returning [" . $ret . $tmp . "]");
591 return $ret . $tmp;
592 497 } }
593 498
594 if ($cond === FALSE)
595 $block = "";
597 //rg_log("DEBUG: returning [$block]");
598 return $block;
499 return TRUE;
599 500 } }
600 501
601 502 /* /*
602 * Replace conditionals
603 * @@if(X == Y){{A}}{{B}} - if X == Y it will return A, else B.
604 * Do note that there is no ending @@.
605 * Because of complexity, I choosed to have a restriction: the 'if' is on
606 * a single line or '@@if(...){{', '}}{{' and '}}' are on separate lines.
607 * TODO: Also, we must have both branches (both true and false), for now.
608 * We support nested ifs.
503 * Finds matching }} for an {{
504 * We assume @off points to the byte after '{{'
505 * Returns the offset of the byte before '}}'
609 506 */ */
610 function rg_replace_conditionals($block, &$data)
507 function rg_template_find_closing(&$s, $off)
611 508 { {
612 rg_prof_start("replace_conditionals");
613 $ret = array();
509 $nesting_level = 0;
615 510 while (1) { while (1) {
616 $stack = array();
617 $stack[] = TRUE;
618 $ret = rg_replace_conditionals_block($block, $data, $stack);
619 if ($ret === FALSE)
620 break;
511 $end = strpos($s, '}}', $off);
512 if ($end === FALSE)
513 return -1;
621 514
622 if (empty($stack) || ($stack[0] !== TRUE)) {
623 rg_internal_error("Template nesting error!");
624 $ret = FALSE;
625 break;
626 }
515 $start = strpos($s, '{{', $off);
516 if (($start === FALSE) || ($start >= $end)) {
517 if ($nesting_level == 0)
518 return $end - 1;
627 519
628 break;
520 $nesting_level--;
521 $off = $end + 2;
522 } else {
523 $nesting_level++;
524 $off = $start + 2;
525 }
629 526 } }
631 rg_prof_end("replace_conditionals");
632 return $ret;
633 527 } }
634 528
635 529 /* /*
636 * Loads a file if exists, else return ""
530 * "Decodes" an 'if', returning 'true_start/end' and false_start/end'
531 * s + off must point after ')'
532 * Returns -1 on error, 0 on success
637 533 */ */
638 function rg_file_get_contents($f)
534 function rg_template_find_true_and_false(&$s, $off, &$true_start, &$true_end,
535 &$false_start, &$false_end)
639 536 { {
640 global $php_errormsg;
537 //rg_log_enter("DEBUG: template_find_true_and_false s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");
641 538
642 if (!file_exists($f))
643 return "";
539 $true_start = strpos($s, '{{', $off);
540 if ($true_start === FALSE) {
541 //rg_log("DEBUG: no '{{'!");
542 //rg_log_exit();
543 return -1;
544 }
545 $true_start += 2;
644 546
645 $c = @file_get_contents($f);
646 if ($c === FALSE) {
647 rg_internal_error("Could not load file [$f] ($php_errormsg).");
648 return "";
547 if (strncmp(substr($s, $true_start, 1), "\n", 1) == 0) {
548 //rg_log("DEBUG: true starts with CR, remove it");
549 $true_start++;
649 550 } }
650 551
651 return $c;
552 $true_end = rg_template_find_closing($s, $true_start);
553 if ($true_end == -1) {
554 //rg_log("DEBUG: no true_end!");
555 //rg_log_exit();
556 return -1;
557 }
558 //rg_log("DEBUG: true_start=$true_start true_end=$true_end [" . substr($s, $true_end, 3) . "...]"
559 // . " true=[" . substr($s, $true_start, $true_end - $true_start + 1) . "]");
561 // We try to detect if we have an else
562 $false_start = -1; $false_end = -1;
563 $x = strpos($s, '{{', $true_end);
564 if ($x !== FALSE) {
565 $gap = substr($s, $true_end + 3, $x - $true_end - 3);
566 $gap = trim($gap);
567 //rg_log("DEBUG: gap = [$gap]");
568 if (empty($gap)) {
569 $false_start = $x + 2;
570 if (strncmp(substr($s, $false_start, 1), "\n", 1) == 0) {
571 //rg_log("DEBUG: false starts with CR, remove it");
572 $false_start++;
573 }
574 $false_end = rg_template_find_closing($s, $x + 2);
575 //rg_log("DEBUG: false=[" . substr($s, $false_start, $false_end - $false_start + 1) . "]");
576 } else {
577 //rg_log("DEBUG: gap prevents parsing stuff as false, we have only true part");
578 }
579 } else {
580 //rg_log("DEBUG: cannot find '{{'");
581 }
583 rg_log_exit();
584 return 0;
652 585 } }
653 586
654 587 /* /*
655 * Merges an array (a) into another (src), using a namespace
656 * Protects modifiers (HTML: etc.).
588 * Helper for rg_tempalte_string to deal with 'if's
589 * Returns how many bytes used from string @s in @next
657 590 */ */
658 function rg_array_merge($src, $namespace, $a)
591 function rg_template_string_if(&$s, $off, &$data, &$next, $xss_protection)
659 592 { {
660 $ret = $src;
593 rg_prof_start("template_string_if");
594 //rg_log_enter("DEBUG: template_string_if s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");
596 $ret = '';
597 $next = $off;
599 $off += 5; /* skip '@@if(' */
600 $pos = strpos($s, ')', $off);
601 if ($pos === FALSE) {
602 rg_log("no closing ')' in [" . substr($s, $off) . "]!");
603 rg_log_exit();
604 rg_prof_end("template_string_if");
605 return '';
606 }
661 607
662 if (empty($a))
663 return $ret;
608 $cond = substr($s, $off, $pos - $off); $off = $pos + 1;
609 $eval_cond = rg_template_eval_cond($cond, $data);
610 //rg_log("DEBUG: cond=[$cond] eval_cond=" . ($eval_cond ? "true" : "false"));
664 611
665 if (!empty($namespace))
666 $namespace .= "::";
612 // TODO: Between ')' and '{{' must be only space, else ignore anything??
667 613
668 foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
669 $t = explode(":", $k, 2);
670 if (count($t) == 1)
671 $ret[$namespace . $k] = $v;
672 else
673 $ret[$t[0] . ":" . $namespace . $t[1]] = $v;
614 $r = rg_template_find_true_and_false($s, $off, $true_start, $true_end,
615 $false_start, $false_end);
616 if ($r == -1) {
617 rg_log("no if skeleton found [" . substr($s, $off) . "]!");
618 //rg_log_exit();
619 rg_prof_end("template_string_if");
620 return -1;
621 }
623 $x = '';
624 if ($eval_cond === TRUE) {
625 $x = substr($s, $true_start, $true_end - $true_start + 1);
626 } else {
627 if ($false_start != -1)
628 $x = substr($s, $false_start, $false_end - $false_start + 1);
674 629 } }
630 //rg_log("DEBUG: x=[$x]");
675 631
632 $ret .= rg_template_string($x, 0, $data, $xss_protection);
634 if ($false_start != -1)
635 $next = $false_end + 3;
636 else
637 $next = $true_end + 3;
639 if (strncmp(substr($s, $next, 1), "\n", 1) == 0)
640 $next++;
642 //rg_log("DEBUG: next: [" . substr($s, $next) . "]");
643 //rg_log_exit();
644 rg_prof_end("template_string_if");
676 645 return $ret; return $ret;
677 646 } }
678 647
679 648 /* /*
680 * Builds a html output based on a template with header, footer and line
681 * @data - in array of data for every out line: index 0 is line 1, index 1 is line 2...
649 * Replace all known variables in string @s
650 * Example @data: a->a2->a3, b->b2; @s='@@a::a2@@ @@b@@' => 'a3 b2'
651 * @xss_protection - TRUE if you want to apply rg_xss_safe on the value of vars
682 652 */ */
683 function rg_template_table($dir, &$data, $more)
653 function rg_template_string(&$s, $off, &$data, $xss_protection)
684 654 { {
685 global $rg_theme_dir;
686 global $rg_theme;
688 rg_log("rg_template_table: $dir");
690 $xdir = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $dir;
691 if (!is_dir($xdir)) {
692 rg_log("$xdir not found.");
693 $xdir = $rg_theme_dir . "/default/" . $dir;
694 rg_log("Using [$xdir]");
695 }
697 $m_what = array(); $m_values = array();
698 rg_prepare_replace($more, $m_what, $m_values);
700 if (!is_array($data) || empty($data)) {
701 $no_data = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/nodata.html");
702 $r = rg_replace_conditionals($no_data, $more);
703 return preg_replace($m_what, $m_values, $r);
704 }
706 $head = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/header.html");
707 $line = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/line.html");
708 $foot = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/footer.html");
709 $between = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/between.html");
655 global $rg_template_functions;
710 656
711 $head = rg_replace_conditionals($head, $more);
712 $foot = rg_replace_conditionals($foot, $more);
713 $between = rg_replace_conditionals($between, $more);
657 rg_prof_start("rg_template_string");
658 //rg_log_enter("DEBUG: template_string: s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");
714 659
715 $head = preg_replace($m_what, $m_values, $head);
716 $foot = preg_replace($m_what, $m_values, $foot);
717 $between = preg_replace($m_what, $m_values, $between);
660 $ret = '';
661 while (strlen(substr($s, $off, 1)) == 1) {
662 //rg_log("DEBUG: template_string: s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");
663 $pos = strpos($s, '@@', $off);
664 if ($pos === FALSE) {
665 $ret .= substr($s, $off);
666 break;
667 }
668 $var_start = $pos + 2;
670 // copy everything before '@@'
671 $ret .= substr($s, $off, $pos - $off);
672 //rg_log("DEBUG: after copy all before @@, ret=[$ret]");
673 $off = $pos;
675 $s2 = substr($s, $off, 5);
676 if (strcmp($s2, '@@if(') == 0) {
677 $ret .= rg_template_string_if($s, $off, $data, $next,
678 $xss_protection);
679 $off = $next;
680 continue;
681 }
718 682
719 $body = "";
720 $first = 1;
721 foreach ($data as $index => $info) {
722 $what = $m_what; $values = $m_values;
683 $off += 2; /* skip start '@@' */
684 $pos2 = strpos($s, '@@', $off);
685 if ($pos2 === FALSE) {
686 // We have only start '@@'
687 $ret .= substr($s, $off);
688 break;
689 }
690 $var_end = $pos2 - 1;
691 $off = $pos2 + 2;
693 $var = substr($s, $var_start, $var_end - $var_start + 1);
694 //rg_log("DEBUG: var=[$var]");
696 $value = rg_template_tree_lookup($var, $data, $xss_protection);
697 if ($value === FALSE) {
698 $value = '@@' . $var . '@@';
699 if (strncmp($var, 'IMG:', 4) == 0) {
700 $path = substr($var, 4);
701 $path = rg_template_string($path, 0, $data, $xss_protection);
702 //rg_log("DEBUG: found an img tag path=[$path]!");
703 $value = rg_theme_resolve_path($path);
704 } else if (strncmp($var, 'FUNC:', 5) == 0) {
705 $rest = substr($var, 5);
706 //rg_log("DEBUG: found a function call rest=[$rest]!");
707 $fpos = strpos($rest, ':');
708 if ($fpos === FALSE) {
709 // no params
710 $_param = '';
711 } else {
712 $_param = '@@' . substr($rest, $fpos + 1) . '@@';
713 }
723 714
724 rg_prepare_replace($info, $what, $values);
725 rg_prepare_func($line, $what, $values);
715 $func = substr($rest, 0, $fpos);
716 //rg_log("DEBUG: func=$func _param=$_param");
726 717
727 $line = rg_prepare_image($line);
718 // out var may be with '@@'
719 $param = rg_template_string($_param, 0, $data, $xss_protection);
728 720
729 if ($first == 1) {
730 $first = 0;
731 } else {
732 $body .= $between;
721 if (isset($rg_template_functions[$func]))
722 $value = $rg_template_functions[$func]($param);
723 } else {
724 rg_log("DEBUG: VAR [$var] NOT FOUND!");
725 }
733 726 } }
735 $more2 = array_merge($more, $info);
736 $r = rg_replace_conditionals($line, $more2);
737 $body .= preg_replace($what, $values, $r);
727 //rg_log("DEBUG: value=[$value]");
728 $ret .= $value;
738 729 } }
739 730
740 return $head . $body . $foot;
731 //rg_log("DEBUG: ret=[$ret]");
732 //rg_log_exit();
733 rg_prof_end("rg_template_string");
734 return $ret;
741 735 } }
742 736
743 737 /* /*
744 * Loads a template.
745 * TODO: why we pass variable by reference?!
738 * Loads a template from disk and replase all known variables
739 * @xss_protection - TRUE if you want to apply rg_xss_safe on the value of vars
746 740 */ */
747 function rg_template($file, &$data)
741 function rg_template($file, &$data, $xss_protection)
748 742 { {
749 743 global $rg_theme_dir; global $rg_theme_dir;
750 744 global $rg_theme; global $rg_theme;
... ... function rg_template($file, &$data)
752 746 rg_prof_start("rg_template"); rg_prof_start("rg_template");
753 747 rg_log_enter("rg_template: $file"); rg_log_enter("rg_template: $file");
754 748
755 $ret = "";
749 $ret = '';
756 750 while (1) { while (1) {
757 751 $xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $file; $xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $file;
758 752 if (!is_file($xfile)) { if (!is_file($xfile)) {
... ... function rg_template($file, &$data)
771 765 break; break;
772 766 } }
773 767
774 $what = array();
775 $values = array();
768 $ret = rg_template_string($body, 0, $data, $xss_protection);
769 break;
770 }
772 //rg_log("DEBUG: rg_template returns [$ret]");
773 rg_log_exit();
774 rg_prof_end("rg_template");
775 return $ret;
776 }
778 /*
779 * Builds a html output based on a template with header, footer and line
780 * @data - in array of data for every out line: index 0 is line 1, index 1 is line 2...
781 */
782 function rg_template_table($dir, &$data, $more)
783 {
784 global $rg_theme_dir;
785 global $rg_theme;
776 786
777 rg_prepare_replace($data, $what, $values);
778 rg_prepare_func($body, $what, $values);
787 rg_log("rg_template_table: $dir");
779 788
780 $body = rg_prepare_image($body);
789 $xdir = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $dir;
790 if (!is_dir($xdir)) {
791 rg_log("$xdir not found.");
792 $xdir = $rg_theme_dir . "/default/" . $dir;
793 rg_log("Using [$xdir]");
794 }
781 795
782 $r = rg_replace_conditionals($body, $data);
783 // TODO: check error code!
796 if (!is_array($data) || empty($data))
797 return rg_template($xdir . "/nodata.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);
784 798
785 $ret = preg_replace($what, $values, $r);
786 // TODO: check error code!
799 $head = rg_template($xdir . "/header.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);
800 $foot = rg_template($xdir . "/footer.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);
801 $between = rg_template($xdir . "/between.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);
787 802
788 break;
803 $line = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/line.html");
805 $body = '';
806 $first = 1;
807 foreach ($data as $index => $info) {
808 if ($first == 1)
809 $first = 0;
810 else
811 $body .= $between;
813 $more2 = array_merge($more, $info);
814 $body .= rg_template_string($line, 0, $more2, TRUE /* xss */);
789 815 } }
790 816
791 rg_log_exit();
792 rg_prof_end("rg_template");
793 return $ret;
817 return $head . $body . $foot;
794 818 } }
795 819
796 820 /* /*
... ... function rg_warning($msg)
839 863 rg_log("Warning: $msg"); rg_log("Warning: $msg");
840 864
841 865 $x = array("msg" => $msg); $x = array("msg" => $msg);
842 return rg_template("warning.html", $x);
866 return rg_template("warning.html", $x, TRUE /* xss */);
843 867 } }
844 868
845 869 /* /*
... ... function rg_ok($msg)
852 876 return ""; return "";
853 877
854 878 $x = array("msg" => $msg); $x = array("msg" => $msg);
855 return rg_template("ok.html", $x);
879 return rg_template("ok.html", $x, TRUE /* xss */);
856 880 } }
857 881
858 882 /* /*
... ... function rg_copy_tree($src, $dst, $mask)
1080 1104 { {
1081 1105 global $php_errormsg; global $php_errormsg;
1082 1106
1083 rg_log("rg_copy_tree($src, $dst, $mask)");
1107 rg_prof_start("copy_tree");
1108 rg_log_enter("rg_copy_tree($src, $dst, $mask)");
1084 1109
1085 if (!is_dir($dst)) {
1086 $r = @mkdir($dst, $mask);
1087 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1088 rg_log("ERROR: Cannot mkdir [$dst] ($php_errormsg).");
1089 return FALSE;
1110 $ret = FALSE;
1111 while (1) {
1112 if (!is_dir($dst)) {
1113 $r = @mkdir($dst, $mask);
1114 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1115 rg_log("ERROR: Cannot mkdir [$dst] ($php_errormsg).");
1116 break;
1117 }
1090 1118 } }
1091 }
1092 1119
1093 $d = rg_dir_load($src);
1094 foreach ($d as $obj) {
1095 if (is_dir($src . "/" . $obj)) {
1096 if (!is_dir($dst . "/" . $obj)) {
1097 $r = @mkdir($dst . "/" . $obj, $mask);
1098 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1099 rg_log("ERROR: Cannot mkdir [$dst/$obj]"
1100 . " ($php_errormsg).");
1101 return FALSE;
1120 $d = rg_dir_load($src);
1121 $err = FALSE;
1122 foreach ($d as $obj) {
1123 if (is_dir($src . "/" . $obj)) {
1124 if (!is_dir($dst . "/" . $obj)) {
1125 $r = @mkdir($dst . "/" . $obj, $mask);
1126 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1127 rg_log("ERROR: Cannot mkdir [$dst/$obj]"
1128 . " ($php_errormsg).");
1129 $err = TRUE;
1130 break;
1131 }
1102 1132 } }
1103 }
1104 1133
1105 $r = rg_copy_tree($src . "/" . $obj, $dst . "/" . $obj, $mask);
1106 if ($r !== TRUE)
1107 return FALSE;
1108 } else {
1109 $r = @copy($src . "/" . $obj, $dst . "/" . $obj);
1110 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1111 rg_log("ERROR: Cannot copy file ($php_errormsg).");
1112 return FALSE;
1134 $r = rg_copy_tree($src . "/" . $obj, $dst . "/" . $obj, $mask);
1135 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1136 $err = TRUE;
1137 break;
1138 }
1139 } else {
1140 $r = @copy($src . "/" . $obj, $dst . "/" . $obj);
1141 if ($r !== TRUE) {
1142 rg_log("ERROR: Cannot copy file ($php_errormsg).");
1143 $err = TRUE;
1144 break;
1145 }
1113 1146 } }
1114 1147 } }
1149 if (!$err)
1150 $ret = TRUE;
1151 break;
1115 1152 } }
1116 1153
1117 return TRUE;
1154 rg_log_exit();
1155 rg_prof_end("copy_tree");
1156 return $ret;
1118 1157 } }
1119 1158
1120 1159 /* /*
... ... function rg_mail_template($template, $more)
1201 1240 rg_log("mail_template: $template, more=" . rg_array2string($more)); rg_log("mail_template: $template, more=" . rg_array2string($more));
1202 1241
1203 1242 // Account was not confirmed, so do not send mail // Account was not confirmed, so do not send mail
1204 if (empty($more['ui::email']))
1243 if (empty($more['ui']['email']))
1205 1244 return TRUE; return TRUE;
1206 1245
1207 1246 $more['HTML:rg_admin_email'] = $rg_admin_email; $more['HTML:rg_admin_email'] = $rg_admin_email;
1208 1247 $more['HTML:utf8_rg_admin_name'] = "=?UTF-8?B?" $more['HTML:utf8_rg_admin_name'] = "=?UTF-8?B?"
1209 1248 . base64_encode($rg_admin_name) . "?="; . base64_encode($rg_admin_name) . "?=";
1210 1249
1211 $subject = rg_template($template . ".subj.txt", $more);
1250 $subject = rg_template($template . ".subj.txt", $more, FALSE /* xss */);
1212 1251 $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode(trim($subject)) . "?="; $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode(trim($subject)) . "?=";
1213 $header = rg_template("mail/common.head.txt", $more);
1214 $header .= rg_template($template . ".head.txt", $more);
1252 $header = rg_template("mail/common.head.txt", $more, FALSE /* xss */);
1253 $header .= rg_template($template . ".head.txt", $more, FALSE /* xss */);
1215 1254 $header = trim($header); $header = trim($header);
1216 $body = rg_template($template . ".body.txt", $more);
1255 $body = rg_template($template . ".body.txt", $more, FALSE /* xss */);
1217 1256
1218 rg_log("CHECK: mail_template(" . $more['ui::email'] . ",
1257 rg_log("CHECK: mail_template(" . $more['ui']['email'] . ",
1219 1258 $subject, $body, $header, -f $rg_admin_email"); $subject, $body, $header, -f $rg_admin_email");
1220 $ret = mail($more['ui::email'], $subject, $body, $header,
1259 $ret = mail($more['ui']['email'], $subject, $body, $header,
1221 1260 "-f $rg_admin_email"); "-f $rg_admin_email");
1222 1261 if ($ret === FALSE) if ($ret === FALSE)
1223 rg_log("Sending mail failed to=" . $more['ui::email'] . " subject=$subject!");
1262 rg_log("Sending mail failed to=" . $more['ui']['email']
1263 . " subject=$subject!");
1224 1264
1225 1265 rg_prof_end("mail_template"); rg_prof_end("mail_template");
1226 1266 return $ret; return $ret;
File root/index.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 90dadfc..65596f0)
... ... error_reporting(E_ALL);
3 3 ini_set("track_errors", "On"); ini_set("track_errors", "On");
4 4 set_time_limit(30); set_time_limit(30);
5 5
6 $peak0 = memory_get_peak_usage();
6 8 $rg = array(); $rg = array();
7 9
8 10 require_once("/etc/rocketgit/config.php"); require_once("/etc/rocketgit/config.php");
... ... $rg['first_install_text'] = "?";
132 134 $r = rg_state_get($db, "first_install"); $r = rg_state_get($db, "first_install");
133 135 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
134 136 // Probably we cannot connect to database/cache // Probably we cannot connect to database/cache
135 $body .= rg_template('admin/db_error.html');
137 $body .= rg_template('admin/db_error.html', TRUE /* xss */);
136 138 } else if ($r === '') { } else if ($r === '') {
137 139 $body .= rg_init($db, $rg); $body .= rg_init($db, $rg);
138 140 } else { } else {
... ... if ($rg['login_ui']['uid'] > 0) {
153 155
154 156
155 157 $rg['HTML:rg_body'] = $body; $rg['HTML:rg_body'] = $body;
156 echo rg_template("index.html", $rg);
158 // DEBUG: aici deja e busit content-ul! Merg inapoi pe fir.
159 echo rg_template("index.html", $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
157 160
158 161 rg_prof_end("MAIN"); rg_prof_end("MAIN");
159 162 rg_prof_log(); rg_prof_log();
File root/themes/default/admin/plans/list/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 4ec2fcf..0418109)
6 6 <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" />
7 7 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
8 8
9 <table>
9 <table summary="plans">
10 10 <tr> <tr>
11 11 <th>Select</th> <th>Select</th>
12 12 <th>Position</th> <th>Position</th>
File root/themes/default/download-vm.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 998369f..834f9b9)
16 16 </div> </div>
17 17 </div> </div>
18 18
19 <a id="qemu"></a>
19 <a name="qemu"></a>
20 20 <div class="island_row"> <div class="island_row">
21 21 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
22 22 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
118 118 </div> </div>
119 119 </div> </div>
120 120
121 <a id="vmware_esxi"></a>
121 <a name="vmware_esxi"></a>
122 122 <div class="island_row"> <div class="island_row">
123 123 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
124 124 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
163 163 </div> </div>
164 164 </div> </div>
165 165
166 <a id="vmware_player"></a>
166 <a name="vmware_player"></a>
167 167 <div class="island_row"> <div class="island_row">
168 168 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
169 169 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
217 217 </div> </div>
218 218 </div> </div>
219 219
220 <a id="virtualbox"></a>
220 <a name="virtualbox"></a>
221 221 <div class="island_row"> <div class="island_row">
222 222 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
223 223 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
267 267 </div> </div>
268 268 </div> </div>
269 269
270 <a id="common"></a>
270 <a name="common"></a>
271 271 <div class="island_row"> <div class="island_row">
272 272 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
273 273 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
File root/themes/default/features.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 223beaa..cdf14eb)
120 120 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
121 121 <div class="island_title">The features you need are not here?</div> <div class="island_title">The features you need are not here?</div>
122 122 Do not worry! Let us know by leaving us a Do not worry! Let us know by leaving us a
123 <a href="/op/suggestion">suggestion</a> or by writing us an e-mail at
124 in@rocketgit.com.
123 <a href="/op/suggestion">suggestion</a> (you must be logged in)
124 or by writing us an e-mail at in@rocketgit.com.
125 125 </div> </div>
126 126 </div> </div>
127 127 </div> </div>
File root/themes/default/hints/list/footer.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 54352b2..541fad3)
1 </ul>
2 1 </div> <!-- hints --> </div> <!-- hints -->
File root/themes/default/hints/list/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index eabc64b..7f3462e)
1 1 <div class="hints"> <div class="hints">
2 2 <b>Hints:</b><br /> <b>Hints:</b><br />
3 <ul>
File root/themes/default/hints/list/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index c759173..64daeed)
1 <li>@@hint@@</li>
1 @@hint@@
File root/themes/default/index.html changed (mode: 100644) (index bff8953..24e13ff)
23 23 <a href="/op/tos">ToS</a> <a href="/op/tos">ToS</a>
24 24 <a href="/op/donate">Donate</a> <a href="/op/donate">Donate</a>
25 25 @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ != 0){{ @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ != 0){{
26 <a href="/op/suggestion">Suggestion</a>
27 <a href="/op/repo">My repositories</a>
28 <a href="/op/settings">Settings</a>
29 @@if(@@login_ui::is_admin@@ == 1){{<a href="/op/admin">Admin</a>}}{{}}
30 <a href="/op/logout?token=@@logout_token@@">Logout</a>
26 <a href="/op/suggestion">Suggestion</a>
27 <a href="/op/repo">My repositories</a>
28 <a href="/op/settings">Settings</a>
29 @@if(@@login_ui::is_admin@@ == 1){{<a href="/op/admin">Admin</a>}}
30 <a href="/op/logout?token=@@logout_token@@">Logout</a>
31 31 }}{{ }}{{
32 <a href="/op/login">Sign in</a>
32 <a href="/op/login">Sign in</a>
33 33 }} }}
34 34 </div> </div>
35 35 </div> <!-- header --> </div> <!-- header -->
36 36
37 <div class="slogan">
38 FLOS (free, libre and open-source) software for managing Git projects,
39 both public and private.
40 <font color="red">Beta.</font>
41 </div>
43 37 <div id="main_container"> <div id="main_container">
44 38 <div class="menus"> <div class="menus">
45 39 @@submenu1@@ @@submenu1@@
72 66 </div> <!-- container --> </div> <!-- container -->
73 67
74 68 </body> </body>
75 </html>
69 </html>
File root/themes/default/internal_err.html changed (mode: 100644) (index e69de29..826082f)
1 <div class="warning">
2 An internal error occurred. Please try again later.
3 </div>
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index a5d32d0..b0d851d)
1 1 Hello! Hello!
2 2
3 A new bug was added to repo '@@repo::name@@':
3 A new bug was added to repo '@@ri::name@@':
4 4 '@@bug::title@@'. '@@bug::title@@'.
5 5
6 6 Description: Description:
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/bug/new_note.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index bc2fda9..ac74db2)
... ... Hello!
2 2
3 3 A new note was added to bug A new note was added to bug
4 4 '@@bug::title@@', '@@bug::title@@',
5 repo '@@repo::name@@'.
5 repo '@@ri::name@@'.
6 6 The note was added by '@@note::who_added_text@@'. The note was added by '@@note::who_added_text@@'.
7 7
8 @@note@@
8 @@note::body@@
9 9
10 10 Link to bug: @@bug::url@@ Link to bug: @@bug::url@@
11 11
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/new.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index c35600b..06ec600)
1 1 Hello! Hello!
2 2
3 @@if(@@ri::public == 1){{Public}}{{Private}} repository '@@ri::name@@' was created.
3 @@if(@@ri::public@@ == 1){{Public}}{{Private}} repository '@@ri::name@@' was created.
4 4
5 5 Description: Description:
6 6 @@ri::description@@ @@ri::description@@
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/update.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 3d07e32..f2d5c18)
1 1 Hello! Hello!
2 2
3 @@if(@@ri::renamed@@ == 1){{Repository '@@ri::old::name@@' was renamed to '@@ri::name@@.}}{{}}
4 @@if(@@ri::old::description_md5@@ != @@ri::description_md5@@){{
3 @@if(@@ri::renamed@@ == 1){{Repository '@@ri_old::name@@' was renamed to '@@ri::name@@.}}
4 @@if(@@ri_old::description_md5@@ != @@ri::description_md5@@){{
5 5 Description changed to: Description changed to:
6 @@ri::description@@}}{{}}
6 @@ri::description@@
7 }}
7 8 Repository is @@if(@@ri::public@@ == 1){{public}}{{private}}. Repository is @@if(@@ri::public@@ == 1){{public}}{{private}}.
8 9 Link to repository: @@ri::url@@ Link to repository: @@ri::url@@
9 10
File root/themes/default/mail/user/repo/update.subj.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 4db950f..feacbc4)
1 '@@ri::old::name@@' repo was changed
1 '@@ri_old::name@@' repo was changed
File root/themes/default/mail/user/welcome.body.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 7a29e9e..782e34f)
... ... Welcome to RocketGit!
4 4
5 5 We will gladly host your projects. We will gladly host your projects.
6 6 Enjoy your stay! Enjoy your stay!
7 @@if(@@rg_account_email_confirm@@ == 1)
8 {{
7 @@if(@@rg_account_email_confirm@@ == 1){{
9 8 You must confirm your e-mail address before you can use your account, You must confirm your e-mail address before you can use your account,
10 by clicking on the link below:}}
11 {{You may want to confirm your e-mail address by clicking on the link below:}}
9 by clicking on the link below:
10 }}{{
11 You may want to confirm your e-mail address by clicking on the link below:
12 }}
12 13 @@url@@/op/confirm/@@ui::confirm_token@@ @@url@@/op/confirm/@@ui::confirm_token@@
13 14
14 15 Thank you! Thank you!
File root/themes/default/main.css changed (mode: 100644) (index 31e4fe5..6c5e54c)
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
162 162 overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
163 163 box-shadow: 0px 4px 6px #666666; box-shadow: 0px 4px 6px #666666;
164 164 background-color: #888888; background-color: #888888;
165 background-color: #aaa;
165 166 width: 100%; width: 100%;
166 167 margin-bottom: 6px; margin-bottom: 6px;
167 168 line-height: 120%; line-height: 120%;
... ... form input[type="submit"] {
295 296 width: 10px; width: 10px;
296 297 } }
297 298
298 .codeline {
299 .cl-r {
299 300 font-family: monospace; font-family: monospace;
300 301 font-size: 9pt; font-size: 9pt;
302 background-color: #f00;
303 }
305 .cl-g {
306 font-family: monospace;
307 font-size: 9pt;
308 background-color: #0f0;
309 }
311 .cl-e {
312 font-family: monospace;
313 font-size: 9pt;
314 background-color: #eee;
301 315 } }
302 316
303 317 .submenu { .submenu {
File root/themes/default/main.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 7a5befe..f537f53)
1 1 <div class="islands"> <div class="islands">
2 2 <div class="main_title">Welcome to RocketGit!</div> <div class="main_title">Welcome to RocketGit!</div>
3 3
4 <div class="island_row">
5 <div class="island_cell">
6 <div class="island">
7 FLOS (free, libre and open-source) software for managing Git projects,
8 both public and private.
9 <font color="red">Beta.</font>
10 </div>
11 </div>
12 </div>
4 14 <div class="island_row"> <div class="island_row">
5 15 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
6 16 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
File root/themes/default/repo/add_edit.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 6ffa2a8..253e309)
10 10 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
11 11 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
12 12
13 @@if("@@ri::master_name@@" != ""){{Master repo: @@ri::master_name@@<br />}}{{}}
13 @@if("@@ri::master_name@@" != ""){{Master repo: @@ri::master_name@@<br />}}
14 14
15 15 <label for="name" class="form_item_title">Name</label><br /> <label for="name" class="form_item_title">Name</label><br />
16 16 <input type="text" name="name" value="@@ri::name@@" /> <input type="text" name="name" value="@@ri::name@@" />
File root/themes/default/repo/diff.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 14137f4..fa9fc77)
1 1 <tr> <tr>
2 2 <td class="numbers">@@line_left@@</td> <td class="numbers">@@line_left@@</td>
3 3 <td class="numbers">@@line_right@@</td> <td class="numbers">@@line_right@@</td>
4 <td class="codeline" bgcolor="@@left_color@@">@@left@@</td>
5 <td class="codeline" bgcolor="@@right_color@@">@@right@@</td>
4 <td class="@@left_class@@">@@left@@</td>
5 <td class="@@right_class@@">@@right@@</td>
6 6 </tr> </tr>
File root/themes/default/repo/discover.html changed (mode: 100644) (index de33d41..f794798)
3 3 <div class="menus"> <div class="menus">
4 4 <div class="menu menu2"> <div class="menu menu2">
5 5 <ul> <ul>
6 <li@@if(@@discover::menu::list@@ == 1){{ class="selected"}}{{}}>
6 <li@@if(@@discover_menu_list@@ == 1){{ class="selected"}}>
7 7 <a href="/op/discover/list">List</a> <a href="/op/discover/list">List</a>
8 8 </li> </li>
9 9
10 <li@@if(@@discover::menu::search@@ == 1){{ class="selected"}}{{}}>
10 <li@@if(@@discover_menu_search@@ == 1){{ class="selected"}}>
11 11 <a href="/op/discover/search">Search</a> <a href="/op/discover/search">Search</a>
12 12 </li> </li>
13 13 </ul> </ul>
File root/themes/default/repo/fstat/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 73eefdd..cabe134)
1 <table>
1 <table summary="file stats">
2 2 <tr> <tr>
3 3 <th>File</th> <th>File</th>
4 4 <th>Lines added</th> <th>Lines added</th>
File root/themes/default/repo/fstat/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 4f3b893..794bf3a)
1 1 <tr> <tr>
2 <td>@@file@@</td>
2 <td><a href="#file-@@file@@">@@file@@</a></td>
3 3 <td>@@add@@</td> <td>@@add@@</td>
4 4 <td>@@del@@</td> <td>@@del@@</td>
5 5 </tr> </tr>
File root/themes/default/repo/history/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index c0f66ae..a052738)
1 <table>
1 <table summary="repo history">
2 2 <tr> <tr>
3 3 <th>Date (UTC)</th> <th>Date (UTC)</th>
4 4 <th>User</th> <th>User</th>
File root/themes/default/repo/log/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index f7679f2..df4d8e6)
1 1 <br /> <br />
2 <table>
2 <table summary="log">
3 3 <tr> <tr>
4 4 <th>Subject</th> <th>Subject</th>
5 5 <th>SHA-1</th> <th>SHA-1</th>
File root/themes/default/repo/main.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 5e43435..7174563)
22 22 @@if(@@can_admin@@ == 1){{<li@@if(@@per_repo_menu::admin@@ == 1){{ class="selected"}}{{}}><a href="@@url_repo@@/admin">Admin</a></li>}}{{}} @@if(@@can_admin@@ == 1){{<li@@if(@@per_repo_menu::admin@@ == 1){{ class="selected"}}{{}}><a href="@@url_repo@@/admin">Admin</a></li>}}{{}}
23 23 </ul> </ul>
24 24 </div> </div>
25 @@repo_submenu@@
26 25 </div> <!-- repo_header --> </div> <!-- repo_header -->
27 26
28 27 <div class="repo_body"> <div class="repo_body">
File root/themes/default/repo/mr/list/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 0b689e6..13ad6b1)
1 <table>
1 <table summary="pull requests">
2 2 <tr> <tr>
3 3 <th>ID</th> <th>ID</th>
4 4 <th>Date / time</th> <th>Date / time</th>
File root/themes/default/repo/search.html changed (mode: 100644) (index af7478e..da957c3)
4 4
5 5 @@errmsg@@ @@errmsg@@
6 6
7 <form method="post" action="@@search::url@@/search">
7 <form method="post" action="@@search_url@@/search">
8 8 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
9 9
10 10 <label for="q" class="form_item_title">Keyword</label><br /> <label for="q" class="form_item_title">Keyword</label><br />
File root/themes/default/repo/tree/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index c97773a..ada94b6)
1 1 <br /> <br />
2 <table>
2 <table summary="tree">
3 3 <tr> <tr>
4 4 <th>Mode</th> <th>Mode</th>
5 5 <th>Type</th> <th>Type</th>
File root/themes/default/repo/urls/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 39971f7..5e6becd)
1 <li>@@url@@</li>
1 <li>@@clone_url@@</li>
File root/themes/default/suggestion.html changed (mode: 100644) (index dde9b37..001f0c6)
8 8 <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
9 9 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
10 10
11 @@if(login_ui::uid == 0){{
11 @@if(@@login_ui::uid@@ == 0){{
12 12 <label for="suggestion" class="form_item_title">Suggestion</label><br /> <label for="suggestion" class="form_item_title">Suggestion</label><br />
13 13 <input type="text" name="email">@@email@@ /> <input type="text" name="email">@@email@@ />
14 14 <br /> <br />
File root/themes/default/user/keys/list/line.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 7011df5..5009f69)
1 <!-- @@DUMP-DISABLED@@ -->
2 1 <tr> <tr>
3 2 <td><input type="checkbox" name="key_delete_ids[@@key_id@@]" /></td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="key_delete_ids[@@key_id@@]" /></td>
4 3 <td>@@itime@@</td> <td>@@itime@@</td>
File root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index a91bf64..78d7840)
6 6 <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" />
7 7 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
8 8
9 <table>
9 <table summary="repo rights">
10 10 <tr> <tr>
11 11 <th>Select</th> <th>Select</th>
12 12 <th>Priority</th> <th>Priority</th>
File root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_path/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 440f7d1..344f7cf)
6 6 <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" />
7 7 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
8 8
9 <table>
9 <table summary="path rights">
10 10 <tr> <tr>
11 11 <th>Select</th> <th>Select</th>
12 12 <th>Priority</th> <th>Priority</th>
File root/themes/default/user/repo/rights/list_repo_refs/header.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 7fd17e0..9c1115e)
6 6 <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="1" />
7 7 <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="@@rg_form_token@@" />
8 8
9 <table>
9 <table summary="refs rights">
10 10 <tr> <tr>
11 11 <th>Select</th> <th>Select</th>
12 12 <th>Priority</th> <th>Priority</th>
File scripts/remote.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 6ed30f1..0174c0b)
... ... if ($push == 1) {
250 250
251 251 $run = "git-shell -c \"" . $cmd . " " . escapeshellarg($repo_path) . "\""; $run = "git-shell -c \"" . $cmd . " " . escapeshellarg($repo_path) . "\"";
252 252 rg_log("Running [$run]..."); rg_log("Running [$run]...");
253 rg_prof_start("git-shell");
253 254 passthru($run, $ret); passthru($run, $ret);
255 rg_prof_end("git-shell");
254 256 rg_log("[$run] returned $ret."); rg_log("[$run] returned $ret.");
255 257
256 258 rg_prof_end("remote.php"); rg_prof_end("remote.php");
File tests/.gitignore changed (mode: 100644) (index 96b7a28..30261ee)
... ... err-*
9 9 *.diff *.diff
10 10 http.tidy.in http.tidy.in
11 11 http.tidy.out http.tidy.out
12 git2
13 git2key
14 git2key.pub
15 git_log1
16 q_merge_requests
17 qstats
File tests/Makefile changed (mode: 100644) (index d97b245..81979eb)
... ... tests := git_log1.sh \
2 2 http_admin http_bug \ http_admin http_bug \
3 3 token util log state cache prof db event rights keys user repo git bug \ token util log state cache prof db event rights keys user repo git bug \
4 4 hook_update http_create_account http_login http_settings http_csrf \ hook_update http_create_account http_login http_settings http_csrf \
5 http_top
5 http_top git2
6 6 .PHONY: $(tests) .PHONY: $(tests)
7 7
8 8 all: $(tests) all: $(tests)
... ... http_admin:
78 78 http_top: http_top:
79 79 php http_top.php php http_top.php
80 80
81 git2:
82 php git2.php
81 84 .PHONY: clean .PHONY: clean
82 85 clean: clean:
83 @rm -rf git_log1 *.log *.strace *.strace.* *.out *.lock err-* *.diff
86 @rm -rf git_log1 *.log *.strace *.strace.* *.out *.lock err-* *.diff \
87 http.arond *.pub git2key git2 *.in
File tests/event.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 3be3774..d7fefcf)
... ... if ($r !== TRUE) {
63 63 $event = array( $event = array(
64 64 "prio" => 1, "prio" => 1,
65 65 "category" => 1, "category" => 1,
66 "ri::repo_id" => 200
66 'ri' => array('repo_id' => 200)
67 67 ); );
68 68
69 69 $r = rg_event_add($db, $event); $r = rg_event_add($db, $event);
File tests/git2.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 66752f2..ef2234a)
... ... $INC = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../inc";
6 6 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
7 7 require_once($INC . "/init.inc.php"); require_once($INC . "/init.inc.php");
8 8 require_once($INC . "/git.inc.php"); require_once($INC . "/git.inc.php");
9 require_once("helpers.inc.php");
10 require_once("http.inc.php");
9 11
10 12 rg_log_set_file("git2.log"); rg_log_set_file("git2.log");
11 13
14 $rg_sql = "host=localhost user=rocketgit dbname=rocketgit connect_timeout=10";
12 15 $rg_no_db = TRUE; $rg_no_db = TRUE;
13 16 require_once("common.php"); require_once("common.php");
14 17
15 system("./git2.sh");
18 $_testns = 'git2';
19 $rg_cache_enable = TRUE;
21 system("./git2.sh &>git2.log");
22 if (!file_exists("git2/.git/refs/heads/group1/branch1")) {
23 rg_log("Something wrong generating the git2 tree: "
24 . file_get_contents("git2.log"));
25 exit(1);
26 }
16 27
17 28 // test rg_git_refs // test rg_git_refs
18 29 $refs = rg_git_refs("git2/.git"); $refs = rg_git_refs("git2/.git");
19 print_r($refs);
30 if (strcmp($refs['tag'][0], "unannot1") != 0) {
31 rg_log("Could not create an un-annotated tag: " . print_r($refs, TRUE));
32 exit(1);
33 }
34 if (strcmp($refs['tag'][1], "v1.0") != 0) {
35 rg_log("Could not create an annotated tag: " . print_r($refs, TRUE));
36 exit(1);
37 }
38 if (strcmp($refs['branch'][0], "group1/branch1") != 0) {
39 rg_log("Could not create branch group1/branch1: " . print_r($refs, TRUE));
40 exit(1);
41 }
43 // This test makes sense only on my devel machine
44 if (php_uname("n") != "r1.embedromix.ro") {
45 rg_log("OK!");
46 exit(0);
47 }
50 rg_log("Generate a SSH key");
51 @unlink("git2key"); @unlink("git2key.pub");
52 system("ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -C \"Key for RocketGit\" -f git2key </dev/null &>git2.log");
53 if (!file_exists("git2key.pub")) {
54 rg_log("Could not generate ssh key: " . file_get_contents("git2.log"));
55 exit(1);
56 }
57 chmod("git2key.pub", 0700);
59 rg_log("Creating a user...");
60 rg_test_create_user($db, $rg_ui);
61 rg_test_create_repo($db, $rg_ui, $repo);
62 $r = test_login($test_url, $rg_ui, $good_sid);
63 if ($r === FALSE) {
64 rg_log("Cannot login!");
65 exit(1);
66 }
68 rg_log("Loading ssh key form...");
69 $data = array();
70 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
71 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=ssh2", $data, $headers);
72 if ($r === FALSE) {
73 rg_log("Cannot load form!");
74 exit(1);
75 }
76 if (empty($r['token'])) {
77 rg_log_ml("token not found! r:" . print_r($r, TRUE));
78 exit(1);
79 }
81 rg_log("Uploading the key...");
82 $key = file_get_contents("git2key.pub");
83 $data = array('add' => 1, 'token' => $r['token'], 'key' => $key);
84 $headers = array('Cookie: sid=' . $good_sid);
85 $r = do_req($test_url . '/op/settings/keys?t=git2', $data, $headers);
86 if ($r === FALSE) {
87 rg_log_ml("Cannot upload key: " . print_r($r, TRUE));
88 exit(1);
89 }
91 rg_log("Waiting for key to be added to the authorized_keys file");
92 while (1) {
93 $c = file_get_contents("/home/rocketgit/.ssh/authorized_keys");
94 if (strstr($c, $key))
95 break;
97 sleep(1);
98 }
100 $remote = 'ssh://rocketgit@rgtest/user/' . escapeshellarg($rg_ui['username'])
101 . '/' . escapeshellarg($repo['name']);
102 system("cd git2; git remote add origin $remote");
103 $ll = system("cd git2; git push origin master", $err);
104 if ($err != 0) {
105 rg_log("Seems I cannot push master! Last line=[$ll] err=$err");
106 exit(1);
107 }
108 $ll = system("cd git2; git push --tags origin", $err);
109 if ($err != 0) {
110 rg_log("Seems I cannot push tags! Last line=[$ll] err=$err");
111 exit(1);
112 }
115 $commit = trim(file_get_contents('git2/.git/refs/heads/master'));
116 rg_log("Load master from .git: $commit");
118 rg_log("Checking on web that everything is OK...");
119 $data = array();
120 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
121 $r = do_req($test_url . '/user/' . rawurlencode($rg_ui['username'])
122 . '/' . rawurlencode($repo['name']) . '/source/log/commit/'
123 . $commit, $data, $headers);
124 if ($r === FALSE) {
125 rg_log("Cannot load master commit!");
126 exit(1);
127 }
20 128
21 system("rm -rf git2");
129 rg_log("Checking on web that tag is OK...");
130 $data = array();
131 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
132 $r = do_req($test_url . '/user/' . rawurlencode($rg_ui['username'])
133 . '/' . rawurlencode($repo['name'])
134 . '/source/tree/tag/unannot1/blob/a', $data, $headers);
135 if (strstr($r['body'], 'a signature') === FALSE) {
136 rg_log_ml("Cannot see the tag: " . print_r($r, TRUE));
137 exit(1);
138 }
22 139
23 140
24 rg_log("OK");
141 rg_log("OK!");
25 142 ?> ?>
File tests/git2.sh changed (mode: 100755) (index 8df50bd..2ccaa3d)
3 3 mkdir git2 mkdir git2
4 4 cd git2 cd git2
5 5 git init git init
6 echo "a" > a
6 echo "a signature" > a
7 7 git add a git add a
8 8 git commit -a -m "aa" git commit -a -m "aa"
9 9 git checkout -b group1/branch1 git checkout -b group1/branch1
File tests/git_log1.expected changed (mode: 100644) (index 821a524..40a55f2)
1 1 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
2 2 <br /> <br />
3 <a name="dis1"></a>
4 <table class="chunk">
3 <a name="file-dis1"></a>
4 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
5 5 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> changed (mode: 100644) (index 2c4179b..2bf9115):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> changed (mode: 100644) (index 2c4179b..2bf9115):</td></tr>
6 1 &nbsp; #ff0000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #eeeeee
7 2 1 #eeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #eeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
8 &nbsp; 2 #eeeeee #00ff00 caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
6 1 cl-r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cl-e
7 2 1 cl-e baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cl-e baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
8 2 cl-e cl-g caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
9 9 </table> </table>
10 10 </div> </div>
11 11 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
12 12 <br /> <br />
13 <a name="dis1"></a>
14 <table class="chunk">
13 <a name="file-dis1"></a>
14 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
15 15 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..2c4179b):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..2c4179b):</td></tr>
16 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
17 &nbsp; 2 #eeeeee #00ff00 baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
16 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
17 2 cl-e cl-g baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
18 18 </table> </table>
19 19 </div> </div>
20 20 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
21 21 <br /> <br />
22 <a name="a b c"></a>
23 <table class="chunk">
22 <a name="file-a b c"></a>
23 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
24 24 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a b c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..72943a1):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a b c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..72943a1):</td></tr>
25 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaa
25 1 cl-e cl-g aaa
26 26 </table> </table>
27 27 </div> </div>
28 28 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
29 29 <br /> <br />
30 <a name="a3"></a>
31 <table class="chunk">
30 <a name="file-a3"></a>
31 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
32 32 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> deleted (index 193814c..0000000):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> deleted (index 193814c..0000000):</td></tr>
33 1 &nbsp; #ff0000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #eeeeee
33 1 cl-r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cl-e
34 34 </table> </table>
35 35 </div> </div>
36 36 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
37 37 <br /> <br />
38 <a name="a3"></a>
39 <table class="chunk">
38 <a name="file-a3"></a>
39 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
40 40 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> renamed from a2 (similarity 100%):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> renamed from a2 (similarity 100%):</td></tr>
41 41 </table> </table>
42 42 <br /> <br />
43 <a name="c"></a>
44 <table class="chunk">
43 <a name="file-c"></a>
44 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
45 45 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8ded189):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8ded189):</td></tr>
46 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
46 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
47 47 </table> </table>
48 48 </div> </div>
49 49 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
50 50 <br /> <br />
51 <a name="a2"></a>
52 <table class="chunk">
51 <a name="file-a2"></a>
52 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
53 53 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a2</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a2</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr>
54 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
54 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
55 55 </table> </table>
56 56 </div> </div>
57 57 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
58 58 <br /> <br />
59 <a name="empty.txt"></a>
60 <table class="chunk">
59 <a name="file-empty.txt"></a>
60 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
61 61 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>empty.txt</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>empty.txt</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr>
62 62 </table> </table>
63 63 </div> </div>
64 64 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
65 65 <br /> <br />
66 <a name="xx&quot;yy"></a>
67 <table class="chunk">
66 <a name="file-xx&quot;yy"></a>
67 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
68 68 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>xx&quot;yy</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>xx&quot;yy</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr>
69 69 </table> </table>
70 70 </div> </div>
71 71 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
72 72 <br /> <br />
73 <a name="a"></a>
74 <table class="chunk">
73 <a name="file-a"></a>
74 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
75 75 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr>
76 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
76 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
77 77 </table> </table>
78 78 </div> </div>
File tests/git_log1.final changed (mode: 100644) (index 821a524..40a55f2)
1 1 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
2 2 <br /> <br />
3 <a name="dis1"></a>
4 <table class="chunk">
3 <a name="file-dis1"></a>
4 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
5 5 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> changed (mode: 100644) (index 2c4179b..2bf9115):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> changed (mode: 100644) (index 2c4179b..2bf9115):</td></tr>
6 1 &nbsp; #ff0000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #eeeeee
7 2 1 #eeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #eeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
8 &nbsp; 2 #eeeeee #00ff00 caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
6 1 cl-r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cl-e
7 2 1 cl-e baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cl-e baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
8 2 cl-e cl-g caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
9 9 </table> </table>
10 10 </div> </div>
11 11 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
12 12 <br /> <br />
13 <a name="dis1"></a>
14 <table class="chunk">
13 <a name="file-dis1"></a>
14 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
15 15 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..2c4179b):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>dis1</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..2c4179b):</td></tr>
16 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
17 &nbsp; 2 #eeeeee #00ff00 baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
16 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
17 2 cl-e cl-g baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
18 18 </table> </table>
19 19 </div> </div>
20 20 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
21 21 <br /> <br />
22 <a name="a b c"></a>
23 <table class="chunk">
22 <a name="file-a b c"></a>
23 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
24 24 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a b c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..72943a1):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a b c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..72943a1):</td></tr>
25 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaa
25 1 cl-e cl-g aaa
26 26 </table> </table>
27 27 </div> </div>
28 28 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
29 29 <br /> <br />
30 <a name="a3"></a>
31 <table class="chunk">
30 <a name="file-a3"></a>
31 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
32 32 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> deleted (index 193814c..0000000):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> deleted (index 193814c..0000000):</td></tr>
33 1 &nbsp; #ff0000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #eeeeee
33 1 cl-r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cl-e
34 34 </table> </table>
35 35 </div> </div>
36 36 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
37 37 <br /> <br />
38 <a name="a3"></a>
39 <table class="chunk">
38 <a name="file-a3"></a>
39 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
40 40 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> renamed from a2 (similarity 100%):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a3</b> renamed from a2 (similarity 100%):</td></tr>
41 41 </table> </table>
42 42 <br /> <br />
43 <a name="c"></a>
44 <table class="chunk">
43 <a name="file-c"></a>
44 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
45 45 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8ded189):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>c</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..8ded189):</td></tr>
46 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
46 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
47 47 </table> </table>
48 48 </div> </div>
49 49 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
50 50 <br /> <br />
51 <a name="a2"></a>
52 <table class="chunk">
51 <a name="file-a2"></a>
52 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
53 53 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a2</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a2</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr>
54 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
54 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
55 55 </table> </table>
56 56 </div> </div>
57 57 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
58 58 <br /> <br />
59 <a name="empty.txt"></a>
60 <table class="chunk">
59 <a name="file-empty.txt"></a>
60 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
61 61 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>empty.txt</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>empty.txt</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr>
62 62 </table> </table>
63 63 </div> </div>
64 64 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
65 65 <br /> <br />
66 <a name="xx&quot;yy"></a>
67 <table class="chunk">
66 <a name="file-xx&quot;yy"></a>
67 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
68 68 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>xx&quot;yy</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>xx&quot;yy</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e69de29):</td></tr>
69 69 </table> </table>
70 70 </div> </div>
71 71 <div class="diff"> <div class="diff">
72 72 <br /> <br />
73 <a name="a"></a>
74 <table class="chunk">
73 <a name="file-a"></a>
74 <table class="chunk" summary="chunk">
75 75 <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr> <tr style="border: 1px; background: #dddddd"><td colspan="4">File <b>a</b> added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..193814c):</td></tr>
76 &nbsp; 1 #eeeeee #00ff00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
76 1 cl-e cl-g aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
77 77 </table> </table>
78 78 </div> </div>
File tests/git_log1.tmpl changed (mode: 100644) (index ac310b4..f776084)
1 @@line_left@@ @@line_right@@ @@left_color@@ @@left@@ @@right_color@@ @@right@@
1 @@line_left@@ @@line_right@@ @@left_class@@ @@left@@ @@right_class@@ @@right@@
File tests/helpers.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index fc0f776..d61fc17)
... ... function rg_test_create_user($db, &$rg_ui)
21 21 $new['organization'] = 0; $new['organization'] = 0;
22 22 $new['username'] = $username; $new['username'] = $username;
23 23 $new['realname'] = 'realname-' . $_user_id . '<xss>'; $new['realname'] = 'realname-' . $_user_id . '<xss>';
24 $new['email'] = 'email-' . $_user_id . '<xss>@embedromix.ro';
24 $new['email'] = 'email-' . $_user_id . '@embedromix.ro';
25 25 $new['is_admin'] = 0; $new['is_admin'] = 0;
26 26 $new['rights'] = ''; $new['rights'] = '';
27 27 $new['session_time'] = 3600; $new['session_time'] = 3600;
File tests/http.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 44344d8..5db8725)
... ... function do_req($url, &$data, &$headers)
36 36 curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, $test_referer); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, $test_referer);
37 37 $r = curl_exec($c); $r = curl_exec($c);
38 38 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
39 rg_log("Cannot exec (url=$url), data: " . print_r($data, TRUE));
39 rg_log_ml("Cannot load (url=$url), data: "
40 . print_r($data, TRUE));
41 rg_log("curl error: " . curl_error($c));
40 42 return FALSE; return FALSE;
41 43 } }
42 44
... ... function do_req($url, &$data, &$headers)
58 60 } }
59 61 } }
60 62
63 // Check if a '@@' is present
64 if (strstr($ret['body'], '@@')) {
65 rg_log_ml("Bad @@! body=" . print_r($ret['body'], TRUE));
66 exit(1);
67 }
61 69 // find sid // find sid
62 70 $x = preg_match('/Set-Cookie: sid=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/', $ret['header'], $matches); $x = preg_match('/Set-Cookie: sid=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/', $ret['header'], $matches);
63 71 if (($x === FALSE) || (!isset($matches[1]))) { if (($x === FALSE) || (!isset($matches[1]))) {
... ... function test_login($url, $rg_ui, &$good_sid)
131 139 $good_token = $r['token']; $good_token = $r['token'];
132 140 rg_log("good: sid=$good_sid token=$good_token"); rg_log("good: sid=$good_sid token=$good_token");
133 141 if (strncmp($good_sid, "X", 1) != 0) { if (strncmp($good_sid, "X", 1) != 0) {
134 rg_log("Seems we did not generated a pre-login session!");
142 rg_log("Seems we did not get a pre-login session!");
135 143 return FALSE; return FALSE;
136 144 } }
137 145
File tests/http_login.php changed (mode: 100644) (index f90d0dc..651b2ef)
... ... $good_sid = $r['sid'];
34 34 $good_token = $r['token']; $good_token = $r['token'];
35 35 rg_log("good: sid=$good_sid token=$good_token"); rg_log("good: sid=$good_sid token=$good_token");
36 36 if (strncmp($good_sid, "X", 1) != 0) { if (strncmp($good_sid, "X", 1) != 0) {
37 rg_log("Seems we did not generated a pre-login session!");
37 rg_log("Seems we did not get a pre-login session!");
38 38 exit(1); exit(1);
39 39 } }
40 40
File tests/http_settings.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 1238817..88b3854)
... ... $data = array();
165 165 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
166 166 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=load_key_form_add", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=load_key_form_add", $data, $headers);
167 167 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
168 rg_log_ml("Cannot load form!");
168 rg_log("Cannot load form!");
169 exit(1);
170 }
171 if (empty($r['token'])) {
172 rg_log_ml("token not found! r:" . print_r($r, TRUE));
169 173 exit(1); exit(1);
170 174 } }
171 175 rg_log("Posting keys form"); rg_log("Posting keys form");
172 $key = "ssh-dss YWFh comment<xss>" . $rg_ui['uid'];
173 $data = array("add" => 1, "token" => $r['token'], "key" => $key);
176 $comment = "<xss>" . $rg_ui['uid'];
177 $key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+2OHaQiZzdwV4HQF9pCBbSQFaoM5Q0YmmRYDL8BUCjwClDgOLp9lQVN5XksoBx2t9INj6XrobjNc/GUF60c1Ald0FtjRl7nIZdYvKDutlxHcGUy6MHsVnCDviXQJD9Hm9fyuBLdy3/oadSCAaQYE/Tcf9rWt1NmhQ7560bCGmh4pw8N+XXAz2nQBCqvIK8VDoBbOOgFa/HOwBrKCgaGmcTGs5wRWHbw3+h6CO1vqEYcSCSqBPMG1JOMfMTuJ0aTXXEkSNPF+TVva85L4qrQslyHbn2JU1t7/HQsFnGtgF1o2AglIR2RbyMmr6axI51Srf20EB9/c9T3auYQipbw85";
178 $data = array("add" => 1, "token" => $r['token'], "key" => $key . ' ' . $comment);
174 179 $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid); $headers = array("Cookie: sid=" . $good_sid);
175 180 $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=post_key_form_add", $data, $headers); $r = do_req($test_url . "/op/settings/keys?t=post_key_form_add", $data, $headers);
176 181 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
... ... if ($r === FALSE) {
178 183 rg_log_ml("Cannot upload key: " . print_r($r, TRUE)); rg_log_ml("Cannot upload key: " . print_r($r, TRUE));
179 184 exit(1); exit(1);
180 185 } }
181 $sql = "SELECT * FROM keys WHERE key = 'ssh-dss YWFh commentxss" . $rg_ui['uid'] . "'";
186 // the key upload stuff will change < and > to empty.
187 $sql = "SELECT * FROM keys WHERE key = '" . $key . " xss" . $rg_ui['uid'] . "'";
182 188 $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql); $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
183 189 $rows = rg_sql_num_rows($res); $rows = rg_sql_num_rows($res);
184 190 if ($rows > 0) if ($rows > 0)
185 191 $row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res); $row = rg_sql_fetch_array($res);
186 192 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
187 193 if ($rows == 0) { if ($rows == 0) {
194 rg_log_ml("r=" . print_r($r, TRUE));
188 195 rg_log("Key was not uploaded!"); rg_log("Key was not uploaded!");
189 196 exit(1); exit(1);
190 197 } }
File tests/keys.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 5f236c1..4576db7)
... ... $res = rg_sql_query($db, $sql);
28 28 rg_sql_free_result($res); rg_sql_free_result($res);
29 29
30 30 // insert a key 1 // insert a key 1
31 $key = "aaa 'bbb' first_key";
32 $key_id1 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key);
31 $key1 = "ssh-dss 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 first_key";
32 $key_id1 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key1);
33 33 if ($key_id1 === FALSE) { if ($key_id1 === FALSE) {
34 34 rg_log("Cannot add key 1 (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!"); rg_log("Cannot add key 1 (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!");
35 35 exit(1); exit(1);
... ... if ($key_id1 === FALSE) {
37 37
38 38 // insert a key 2 // insert a key 2
39 39 $rg_ui['uid'] = 2; $rg_ui['uid'] = 2;
40 $key = "aaa 'bbb' second_key";
41 $key_id2 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key);
40 $key2 = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+2OHaQiZzdwV4HQF9pCBbSQFaoM5Q0YmmRYDL8BUCjwClDgOLp9lQVN5XksoBx2t9INj6XrobjNc/GUF60c1Ald0FtjRl7nIZdYvKDutlxHcGUy6MHsVnCDviXQJD9Hm9fyuBLdy3/oadSCAaQYE/Tcf9rWt1NmhQ7560bCGmh4pw8N+XXAz2nQBCqvIK8VDoBbOOgFa/HOwBrKCgaGmcTGs5wRWHbw3+h6CO1vqEYcSCSqBPMG1JOMfMTuJ0aTXXEkSNPF+TVva85L4qrQslyHbn2JU1t7/HQsFnGtgF1o2AglIR2RbyMmr6axI51Srf20EB9/c9T3auYQipbw85 second_key";
41 $key_id2 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key2);
42 42 if ($key_id2 === FALSE) { if ($key_id2 === FALSE) {
43 43 rg_log("Cannot add key 2 (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!"); rg_log("Cannot add key 2 (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!");
44 44 exit(1); exit(1);
... ... if ($c === FALSE) {
60 60 } }
61 61 $e = "command=\"" $e = "command=\""
62 62 . $rg_scripts . "/scripts/remote.sh 1 $key_id1\"," . $rg_scripts . "/scripts/remote.sh 1 $key_id1\","
63 . $rg_ssh_paras . " aaa 'bbb' first_key\n"
63 . $rg_ssh_paras . ' ' . $key1 . "\n"
64 64 . "command=\"" . "command=\""
65 65 . $rg_scripts . "/scripts/remote.sh 2 $key_id2\"," . $rg_scripts . "/scripts/remote.sh 2 $key_id2\","
66 . $rg_ssh_paras . " aaa 'bbb' second_key\n";
66 . $rg_ssh_paras . ' ' . $key2 . "\n";
67 67 if (strcmp($c, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($c, $e) != 0) {
68 68 rg_log("Generated file does not seems OK!"); rg_log("Generated file does not seems OK!");
69 69 rg_log("e: $e"); rg_log("e: $e");
... ... if (strcmp($c, $e) != 0) {
74 74 @unlink("afile.txt"); @unlink("afile.txt");
75 75
76 76
77 // test rg_max_ssh_keys - must fail because overlimit
78 $rg_max_ssh_keys = 1;
79 $key3 = 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDUiVHDS3rhn79+9YbXXN+npU9tDTzXZHkXZF9BNqI0GrnASuaBU2oJ/UK2OCgGQ45JOlzUCXcP09hHcyPqd4pZdHQhMAImCnm0iRivQ9VhJRRbl/s8kokoStZGAdcW+ETlhUtRXSQOu8U1PXqwUwZCkeE9asmS4Wg9/OO3eDuTMvE3yiNpHKt6TcVYlU6PlsiTFVJrAuIEbXRs5b5luuM+nM17caos0mn6w+kZ3QD9AnX+9pN4VgXKxEHGfWpOCtRDOQb9mTk2bX6MBJrcKtkAPnyYDiaRs1ANG7L4AP6to/gy3A9w6flTAD94gFAm833earIZJnCiavx3/dUWWt3L third_key';
80 $key_id3 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key3);
81 if ($key_id3 !== FALSE) {
82 rg_log("Seems we can add more keys than allowed! Not good!");
83 exit(1);
84 }
77 86 // delete a key // delete a key
78 87 $rg_ui['uid'] = 1; $rg_ui['uid'] = 1;
79 $list = array($key_id1 => "junk");
88 $list = array($key_id1 => 'junk');
80 89 $r = rg_keys_remove($db, $rg_ui, $list); $r = rg_keys_remove($db, $rg_ui, $list);
81 90 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
82 91 rg_log("Cannot remove key (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!"); rg_log("Cannot remove key (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!");
... ... if ($r === FALSE) {
84 93 } }
85 94
86 95
87 // test rg_max_ssh_keys
88 $rg_max_ssh_keys = 1;
89 // insert a key - should succeed
90 $rg_ui['uid'] = 10;
91 $key = "aaa 'bbb' first_key";
92 $key_id1 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key);
93 if ($key_id1 === FALSE) {
94 rg_log("Cannot add key 1 (" . rg_keys_error() . ")!");
96 rg_log_ml("\n\nTesting a good key");
97 $type = 'ssh-dss';
98 $body = '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';
99 $comment = 'comment';
100 $key = $type . ' ' . $body . ' ' . $comment;
101 $r = rg_keys_info($key);
102 if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
103 rg_log("Error for a valid key: " . rg_keys_error() . "!");
104 exit(1);
105 }
107 rg_log_ml("\n\nTesting the recover when the key is full of spaces because of the paste");
108 $type = 'ssh-dss';
109 $body = 'AAAAB3Nza' . "\n" . 'C1kc3MAAACB' . ' ' . 'AJLkWtcoCUbWCR' . ' '
110 . 'XecE907nO1gSh6IrfkD5bsyobrFOp6xYuJvft' . ' ' . 'eKKpE79HUcbEpzIVFN'
111 . 'k3mlQf/+k9cFP2Wy8F34UXFk8cXU4FU7z/TM1iHHOHnqFqvzv59LRaaMw4MaHm/4WK'
112 . 'dfJy16KOLgosSBzWif3a1nKMdIZuYeIGso7qFAAAAFQC4JU7YoGu2nZQ0fEXFKaRhq'
113 . '+d9UQAAAIEAhgslkwwID6oBBdWx+mUuaXKt/bZcdCfNyjnejxlsZHPfDnayuqCKIgx'
114 . 'lhYpiPS6LwiSK5feL55meF33HanCzX53z7ieoW6Je9z2H8/93sCvzk4LMj7XkeEy3G'
115 . '5UnRuL+uc6qrazF7Pu448cQH0pkh6N0zNueQlPpGL4/lHbIiVgAAACAQJup/h36aD9'
116 . 'DprosVCQe40nalp7t4o/M75Y70sV7FNrL0azUQcn1ZL+J8F9l/dDRPG3rST2DABgba'
117 . '9pHGWa96vaNfTLnopy3po/296SYQl7/1nek0YtioEikoB+HQxk7eSwRI6bTpKEFNyU'
118 . 'np2/bcNjJYORKCeYwJJ2KDW6' . ' ' . 'GJro=';
119 $comment = 'comment1 comment2 comment3';
120 $key = $type . ' ' . $body . ' ' . $comment;
121 $r = rg_keys_info($key);
122 if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
123 rg_log("Error for a valid key (with spaces): " . rg_keys_error() . "!");
124 exit(1);
125 }
127 rg_log_ml("\n\nTesting mismatch between types");
128 $type = 'ssh-rsa';
129 $comment = 'comment1 comment2 comment3';
130 $key = $type . ' ' . $body . ' ' . $comment;
131 $r = rg_keys_info($key);
132 if ($r['ok'] != 0) {
133 rg_log("No error for an invalid key (type mismatch)!");
134 exit(1);
135 }
138 rg_log_ml("\n\nTesing ecdsa key type");
139 $type = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256';
141 . '7RNLafBzv1JUWD/4/MeVf4JdMPN4QaNwXlCe9mR9Lmy1eDd/tW2AsEBfobhFbSI8eHtP4=';
142 $comment = 'comment';
143 $key = $type . ' ' . $body . ' ' . $comment;
144 $r = rg_keys_info($key);
145 if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
146 rg_log("Error for a valid key (ecdsa): " . rg_keys_error() . "!");
95 147 exit(1); exit(1);
96 148 } }
97 // insert a key - must fail because overlimit
98 $key = "aaa 'bbb' second_key";
99 $key_id2 = rg_keys_add($db, $rg_ui, $key);
100 if ($key_id2 !== FALSE) {
101 rg_log("Seems we can add more keys than allowed!");
149 if (strcasecmp($r['fingerprint'], '85:8f:2f:84:c2:db:88:e5:95:f6:22:b9:8d:91:59:cc') != 0) {
150 rg_log("Invalid fingerprint!");
102 151 exit(1); exit(1);
103 152 } }
104 153
105 154
155 rg_log_ml("\n\nTesing ed25519 key type");
156 $type = 'ssh-ed25519';
157 $body = 'AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGYlG3R7u0oMzvy9iAzKB29U26U9o3+mXCXODAQYKEEu';
158 $comment = 'comment';
159 $key = $type . ' ' . $body . ' ' . $comment;
160 $r = rg_keys_info($key);
161 if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
162 rg_log("Error for a valid key (ed25519): " . rg_keys_error() . "!");
163 exit(1);
164 }
165 if (strcasecmp($r['fingerprint'], '28:f7:1b:cb:ba:43:0a:41:b8:30:a3:8e:8f:bc:d5:4a') != 0) {
166 rg_log("Invalid fingerprint!");
167 exit(1);
168 }
106 170
107 171 rg_sql_close($db); rg_sql_close($db);
108 172
File tests/repo.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 284338f..b14d253)
... ... if ($r['ok'] != 1) {
145 145
146 146 rg_log("Creating git folder."); rg_log("Creating git folder.");
147 147 $e = array(); $e = array();
148 $e = rg_array_merge($e, "ri", $ri);
149 $e['ui::uid'] = $rg_ui['uid'];
148 $e['ui'] = array();
149 $e['ui']['uid'] = $rg_ui['uid'];
150 $e = rg_array_merge($e, 'ri', $ri);
150 151 $r = rg_repo_event_storage_create($db, $e); $r = rg_repo_event_storage_create($db, $e);
151 152 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
152 153 rg_log("Cannot create storage dir (" . rg_repo_error() . ")!"); rg_log("Cannot create storage dir (" . rg_repo_error() . ")!");
File tests/themes/util/func.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index df89500..c275278)
1 @@uid@@ + 1 = @@func:inc:uid@@ | @@uid@@ - 1 = @@func:dec:uid@@ | @@func:dec:uid@@
1 @@uid@@ + 1 = @@FUNC:inc:uid@@ | @@uid@@ - 1 = @@FUNC:dec:uid@@ | @@FUNC:dec:uid@@
File tests/user.php changed (mode: 100644) (index fb88144..645d1bc)
... ... if ($uid === FALSE) {
64 64 } }
65 65
66 66 // Simulate event: link_by_name // Simulate event: link_by_name
67 $ev = array("ui::uid" => $uid, "ui::username" => $_u['username']);
67 $ev = array('ui' => array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $_u['username']));
68 68 $r = rg_user_link_by_name($db, $ev); $r = rg_user_link_by_name($db, $ev);
69 69 if ($r === FALSE) { if ($r === FALSE) {
70 70 rg_log("Cannot link by name (" . rg_user_error() . ")!"); rg_log("Cannot link by name (" . rg_user_error() . ")!");
File tests/util.php changed (mode: 100644) (index d4e63bd..1679820)
... ... $rg_no_db = TRUE;
14 14 require_once("common.php"); require_once("common.php");
15 15
16 16
17 // Test rg_prepare_replace_helper
18 $a = array('a' => 'A', 'arr' => array('bb' => 'BB', 'HTML:cc' => 'ș'));
19 $what = array();
20 $value = array();
21 $r = rg_prepare_replace($a, $what, $values);
22 $r2 = preg_replace($what, $values, '@@a@@-@@arr::bb@@-@@arr::cc@@-@@alien@@');
23 $e = 'A-BB-ș-@@alien@@';
24 if (strcmp($r2, $e) != 0) {
25 rg_log("prepare_replace_helper is not working as expeceted!");
26 rg_log_ml("e: $e");
27 rg_log_ml("r2: $r2");
17 rg_log("Testing template_tree_lookup1");
18 $var = 'a::b';
19 $e = '<';
20 $data = array('a' => array('HTML:b' => '<'));
21 $r = rg_template_tree_lookup($var, $data, TRUE /*xss_protection*/);
22 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
23 rg_log("rg_template_string [template_tree_lookup1] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
24 exit(1);
25 }
27 // Test: rg_template_tree_lookup
28 $data = array('a' => array('a2' => array('a3' => 'X')));
29 $e = 'X';
30 $r = rg_template_tree_lookup('a::a2::a3', $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
31 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
32 rg_log("tree_lookup is not working as expected!");
33 exit(1);
34 }
37 rg_log("Testing ::+nesting");
38 $s = '@@a::b@@';
39 $e = '&lt;';
40 $data = array('a' => array('b' => '<'));
41 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
42 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
43 rg_log("rg_template_string [::+nesting] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
44 exit(1);
45 }
47 rg_log("Testing ::+nesting-html0");
48 $s = '@@a@@';
49 $e = 'Y';
50 $data = array('HTML:a' => 'Y');
51 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
52 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
53 rg_log("rg_template_string [::+nesting-html0] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
54 exit(1);
55 }
57 rg_log("Testing ::+nesting-html");
58 $s = '@@a::b@@';
59 $e = '<';
60 $data = array('a' => array('HTML:b' => '<'));
61 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
62 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
63 rg_log("rg_template_string [::+nesting-html] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
64 exit(1);
65 }
67 rg_log("Testing nesting");
68 $s = '@@if(@@x@@ == 0){{@@if(@@x@@ == 0){{@@if(@@x@@ == 0){{3}}{{!3}}}}{{!2}}}}{{!1}}';
69 $e = '3';
70 $data = array('x' => 0);
71 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
72 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
73 rg_log("rg_template_string [3 nested] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
74 exit(1);
75 }
77 rg_log("Testing nesting with false");
78 $s = '@@if(@@x@@ == 0){{@@if(@@x@@ != 0){{}}{{@@if(@@x@@ == 0){{3}}{{!3}}}}}}{{!1}}';
79 $e = '3';
80 $data = array('x' => 0);
81 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
82 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
83 rg_log("rg_template_string [3 nested false] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
28 84 exit(1); exit(1);
29 85 } }
30 86
87 rg_log("Testing string compared with int");
88 $s = '@@if(@@x@@ == 0){{A}}';
89 $e = 'A';
90 $data = array('x' => 0);
91 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
92 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
93 rg_log("rg_template_string [string int] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
94 exit(1);
95 }
97 rg_log("Testing !=");
98 $s = '@@if(x != 0)123456789{{A}}';
99 rg_log("s=$s");
100 $e = 'A';
101 $data = array();
102 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
103 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
104 rg_log("rg_template_string [!=] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
105 exit(1);
106 }
108 // Test: empty if
109 $s = '@@if(x == x)123456789{{}}';
110 rg_log("s=$s");
111 $e = '';
112 $data = array();
113 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
114 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
115 rg_log("rg_template_string [empty if] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
116 exit(1);
117 }
119 // Test: empty if
120 $s = '@@if(x == x)123456789{{}}{{}}';
121 rg_log("s=$s");
122 $e = '';
123 $data = array();
124 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
125 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
126 rg_log("rg_template_string [empty if with false] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
127 exit(1);
128 }
130 // Test: rg_template_string with if (negate)
131 $s = 'Start@@if(@@v@@ != x)123456789{{@@a@@}} x {{alien}}End';
132 rg_log("s=$s");
133 $data = array('a' => '<>', 'v' => 'x2');
134 $e = 'Start&lt;&gt; x {{alien}}End';
135 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
136 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
137 rg_log("rg_template_string [simple if true xss neg] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
138 exit(1);
139 }
141 // Test: rg_template_string with if
142 $s = 'Start@@if(@@v@@ == x)123456789{{@@a@@}} x {{alien}}End';
143 rg_log("s=$s");
144 $data = array('a' => '<>', 'v' => 'x');
145 $e = 'Start&lt;&gt; x {{alien}}End';
146 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
147 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
148 rg_log("rg_template_string [simple if true xss] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
149 exit(1);
150 }
152 // Test: rg_template_string with if
153 $s = '@@if("" == "")123456789{{A}}';
154 rg_log("s=$s");
155 $data = array();
156 $e = 'A';
157 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
158 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
159 rg_log("rg_template_string [simple if true] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
160 exit(1);
161 }
163 // Test: rg_template_string with if
164 $s = '@@if("a" != "")123456789{{A}}';
165 rg_log("s=$s");
166 $data = array();
167 $e = 'A';
168 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
169 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
170 rg_log("rg_template_string [simple if false] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
171 exit(1);
172 }
174 // Test: rg_template_string with if
175 $s = '@@if("" != "")123456789{{A}}{{B}}';
176 rg_log("s=$s");
177 $data = array();
178 $e = 'B';
179 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
180 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
181 rg_log("rg_template_string [if without gap] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
182 exit(1);
183 }
185 // Test: rg_template_string with if (with gap)
186 $s = "@@if(\"\" != \"\")123456789{{A}} \n\t {{B}}";
187 rg_log("s=$s");
188 $data = array();
189 $e = 'B';
190 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
191 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
192 rg_log("rg_template_string [if with gap] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
193 exit(1);
194 }
196 // Test: rg_template_string
197 $data = array();
198 $s = '@@a::a2@@ @@b@@ @@b@@';
199 $e = $s;
200 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
201 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
202 rg_log("rg_template_string [empty data] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
203 exit(1);
204 }
206 $s = '@@a::a2@@ @@b@@ @@b@@ @@c@@';
207 $data = array(
208 'a' => array('a2' => 'a3'),
209 'b' => 'X'
210 );
211 $e = 'a3 X X @@c@@';
212 $r = rg_template_string($s, 0, $data, FALSE /*xss*/);
213 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
214 rg_log("rg_template_string [second level] is not working as expected [$r] != [$e]!");
215 exit(1);
216 }
31 219 // Test template functions // Test template functions
32 function inc($v) { return $v + 1; }
33 function dec($v) { return $v - 1; }
220 function inc($v) { rg_log("DEBUG: inc called with v=$v"); return $v + 1; }
221 function dec($v) { rg_log("DEBUG: dec called with v=$v"); return $v - 1; }
34 222 rg_template_func("inc", "inc"); rg_template_func("inc", "inc");
35 223 rg_template_func("dec", "dec"); rg_template_func("dec", "dec");
36 224 $_rg = array("uid" => 5); $_rg = array("uid" => 5);
37 $r = trim(rg_template("func.txt", $_rg));
225 $r = trim(rg_template("func.txt", $_rg, TRUE /*xss*/));
38 226 $e = "5 + 1 = 6 | 5 - 1 = 4 | 4"; $e = "5 + 1 = 6 | 5 - 1 = 4 | 4";
39 227 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
40 228 rg_log("template func1 test failed [$r] != [$e]"); rg_log("template func1 test failed [$r] != [$e]");
... ... if ($r !== TRUE) {
76 264 } }
77 265
78 266
79 rg_log("util.php: testing function rg_prepare_replace_helper...");
80 $what = array(); $values = array();
81 $a = array("a" => "b");
82 rg_prepare_replace_helper($a, "", $what, $values);
83 $w = rg_array2string($what);
84 $v = rg_array2string($values);
85 $ew = "a=[/@@a@@/uU]";
86 $ev = "a=[b]";
87 if ((strcmp($w, $ew) != 0) || (strcmp($v, $ev) != 0)) {
88 rg_log("Wrong prepare_replace: [$w] != [$ew] OR [$v] != [$ev]!");
89 exit(1);
90 }
92 $what = array(); $values = array();
93 $a = array("ri" => array("repo_id" => "1", "name" => "repo1"));
94 rg_prepare_replace_helper($a, "", $what, $values);
95 $w = rg_array2string($what);
96 $v = rg_array2string($values);
97 $ew = "ri::repo_id=[/@@ri\:\:repo_id@@/uU] ri::name=[/@@ri\:\:name@@/uU]";
98 $ev = "ri::repo_id=[1] ri::name=[repo1]";
99 if ((strcmp($w, $ew) != 0) || (strcmp($v, $ev) != 0)) {
100 rg_log("Wrong prepare_replace: [$w] != [$ew] OR [$v] != [$ev]!");
101 exit(1);
102 }
105 267 $r = rg_exec("/xxxx"); $r = rg_exec("/xxxx");
106 268 if ($r['ok'] == 1) { if ($r['ok'] == 1) {
107 269 rg_log("util.php: running non existing command does not return 0!"); rg_log("util.php: running non existing command does not return 0!");
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
146 308 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (false)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (false)";
147 309 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
148 310 $data = array("X" => "0", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue"); $data = array("X" => "0", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue");
149 $r = rg_template("t3/c1", $data);
311 $r = rg_template("t3/c1", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
150 312 $e = "XXBvalueYY"; $e = "XXBvalueYY";
151 313 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
152 314 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!"); rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!");
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
156 318 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (true)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (true)";
157 319 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
158 320 $data = array("X" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue"); $data = array("X" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue");
159 $r = rg_template("t3/c1", $data);
321 $r = rg_template("t3/c1", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
160 322 $e = "XXAvalueYY"; $e = "XXAvalueYY";
161 323 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
162 324 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!"); rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!");
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
166 328 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (multiline)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (multiline)";
167 329 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
168 330 $data = array("X" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue"); $data = array("X" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue");
169 $r = rg_template("t3/c1", $data);
331 $r = rg_template("t3/c1", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
170 332 $e = "XXAvalueYY"; $e = "XXAvalueYY";
171 333 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
172 334 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!"); rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!");
... ... $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested 1)";
177 339 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
178 340 $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue", $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue",
179 341 "R" => "Rvalue", "T" => "Tvalue"); "R" => "Rvalue", "T" => "Tvalue");
180 $r = rg_template("t3/c3", $data);
342 $r = rg_template("t3/c3", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
181 343 $e = "XXRvalueZZYY"; $e = "XXRvalueZZYY";
182 344 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
183 345 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!"); rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!");
... ... $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested 2)";
188 350 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
189 351 $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "0", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue", $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "0", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue",
190 352 "R" => "Rvalue", "T" => "Tvalue"); "R" => "Rvalue", "T" => "Tvalue");
191 $r = rg_template("t3/c3", $data);
353 $r = rg_template("t3/c3", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
192 354 $e = "XXTvalueZZYY"; $e = "XXTvalueZZYY";
193 355 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
194 356 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!"); rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!");
... ... $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested 3)";
199 361 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
200 362 $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue", $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "A" => "Avalue", "B" => "Bvalue",
201 363 "R" => "Rvalue", "T" => "Tvalue"); "R" => "Rvalue", "T" => "Tvalue");
202 $r = rg_template("t3/c3", $data);
364 $r = rg_template("t3/c3", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
203 365 $e = "XXBvalueYY"; $e = "XXBvalueYY";
204 366 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
205 367 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!"); rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=$r e=$e)!");
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
209 371 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 1)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 1)";
210 372 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
211 373 $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "1"); $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "1");
212 $r = rg_template("t3/c4", $data);
374 $r = rg_template("t3/c4", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
213 375 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
214 376 $e = "XXTRUE_LEVEL_2YY"; $e = "XXTRUE_LEVEL_2YY";
215 377 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
220 382 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 2)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 2)";
221 383 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
222 384 $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "0", "Z" => "1"); $data = array("X" => "1", "Y" => "0", "Z" => "1");
223 $r = rg_template("t3/c4", $data);
385 $r = rg_template("t3/c4", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
224 386 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
225 387 $e = "XXFALSE_LEVEL_1YY"; $e = "XXFALSE_LEVEL_1YY";
226 388 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
231 393 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 2)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 2)";
232 394 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
233 395 $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "1"); $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "1");
234 $r = rg_template("t3/c4", $data);
396 $r = rg_template("t3/c4", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
235 397 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
236 398 $e = "XXFALSE_LEVEL_0YY"; $e = "XXFALSE_LEVEL_0YY";
237 399 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
242 404 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 3)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 3)";
243 405 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
244 406 $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "0", "Z" => "0"); $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "0", "Z" => "0");
245 $r = rg_template("t3/c5", $data);
407 $r = rg_template("t3/c5", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
246 408 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
247 409 $e = "XX-X0Y0Z0-YY"; $e = "XX-X0Y0Z0-YY";
248 410 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
253 415 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 4)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (nested nested 4)";
254 416 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
255 417 $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "0"); $data = array("X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "0");
256 $r = rg_template("t3/c5", $data);
418 $r = rg_template("t3/c5", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
257 419 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
258 420 $e = "XX-X0Y1Z0-YY"; $e = "XX-X0Y1Z0-YY";
259 421 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
264 426 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (empty)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (empty)";
265 427 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
266 428 $data = array(); $data = array();
267 $r = rg_template("t3/c6", $data);
429 $r = rg_template("t3/c6", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
268 430 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
269 431 $e = "A"; $e = "A";
270 432 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
275 437 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (quotes)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (quotes)";
276 438 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
277 439 $data = array("a" => "abc"); $data = array("a" => "abc");
278 $r = rg_template("t3/c6b", $data);
440 $r = rg_template("t3/c6b", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
279 441 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
280 442 $e = "AY"; $e = "AY";
281 443 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
286 448 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (!empty)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (!empty)";
287 449 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
288 450 $data = array("AAA" => ""); $data = array("AAA" => "");
289 $r = rg_template("t3/c7", $data);
451 $r = rg_template("t3/c7", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
290 452 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
291 453 $e = "B"; $e = "B";
292 454 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
294 456 exit(1); exit(1);
295 457 } }
296 458
297 $t = "test rg_replace_lookup";
298 rg_log($t);
299 $data = array("AAA" => "1", "BBB" => "2", "CCC" => "1");
300 $r = rg_replace_lookup($data, "@@AAA@@@@BBB@@@@CCC@@");
301 $e = "121";
302 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
303 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=[$r] e=[$e])!");
304 exit(1);
305 }
307 459 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (a variable contains '{{')"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating (a variable contains '{{')";
308 460 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
309 461 $data = array("AAA" => "1", "BBB" => "}}", "CCC" => "{{"); $data = array("AAA" => "1", "BBB" => "}}", "CCC" => "{{");
310 $r = rg_template("t3/c8", $data);
462 $r = rg_template("t3/c8", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
311 463 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
312 464 $e = "}}"; $e = "}}";
313 465 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
318 470 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating: false branch is empty)"; $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating: false branch is empty)";
319 471 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
320 472 $data = array("X" => "abc"); $data = array("X" => "abc");
321 $r = rg_template("t3/c9", $data);
473 $r = rg_template("t3/c9", $data, TRUE /*xss*/);
322 474 $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r); $r = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $r);
323 475 $e = "XXBLABLABLAabcYYabc"; $e = "XXBLABLABLAabcYYabc";
324 476 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) { if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
... ... if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
326 478 exit(1); exit(1);
327 479 } }
328 480
481 $t = "test rg_template with conditional formating: false branch is empty, no space stripping)";
482 rg_log($t);
483 $data = array("X" => "abc");
484 $r = rg_template("t3/c9", $data, TRUE /*xss protection*/);
485 $e = "XX\n\tBLA\n\tBLA\n\tBLA\n\tabc\nYY\nabc\n";
486 if (strcmp($r, $e) != 0) {
487 rg_log("util.php: $t: not working (r=[$r] e=[$e])!");
488 exit(1);
489 }
329 491 $t = "test rg_copy_tree"; $t = "test rg_copy_tree";
330 492 rg_log($t); rg_log($t);
331 493 $r = rg_copy_tree("tree1", "tree1.copy", 0755); $r = rg_copy_tree("tree1", "tree1.copy", 0755);
... ... if (strcmp($x2, $e) != 0) {
358 520
359 521 $src = array(); $src = array();
360 522 $a = array("u" => "uval", "HTML:A" => "Aval"); $a = array("u" => "uval", "HTML:A" => "Aval");
361 $x = rg_array_merge($src, "X", $a);
362 if (strcmp($x['X::u'], "uval") != 0) {
523 $x = rg_array_merge($src, 'X', $a);
524 if (strcmp($x['X']['u'], "uval") != 0) {
363 525 rg_log("array_merge is not working correctly (2)!"); rg_log("array_merge is not working correctly (2)!");
364 526 print_r($x); print_r($x);
365 527 exit(1); exit(1);
366 528 } }
367 if (strcmp($x['HTML:X::A'], "Aval") != 0) {
529 if (strcmp($x['X']['HTML:A'], "Aval") != 0) {
368 530 rg_log("array_merge is not working correctly (1)!"); rg_log("array_merge is not working correctly (1)!");
369 531 print_r($x); print_r($x);
370 532 exit(1); exit(1);

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