xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit ea0e06ee96761e3220ac7a27ede1669c7501b9ba

TODO updates
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2017-05-25 14:29
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2017-05-25 14:29
Parent(s): d6c009c120fce4df47a7651a94619142c8992d52
Signing key:
Tree: 62a2c40eb5319e842efc693dddc3947bb66c7eb7
File Lines added Lines deleted
TODO 111 5
File TODO changed (mode: 100644) (index c037975..84be9e7)
1 1 == Where I stopped last time == == Where I stopped last time ==
2 2 [ ] test docker [ ] test docker
3 [ ] robots.txt: disallow diffs to show in search engines. Makes not sense.
4 [ ] Disallow big diffs. How to do this? Forbit the operation or used files
5 to generate the output?
6 Get stats from old, then for new and do the difference. If bigger than X
7 do not show that diff?
3 [ ] Is the length of the password is check for forget_link page?
4 [ ] clean_cookies must be used everywhere!
8 5 [ ] [ ]
9 6
8 [ ] Use 'restrict' when generating authorized_keys file.
9 [ ] In report, report also the space used and a top 5?
10 [ ] At login time to destroy all forgot password pending tokens?
11 [ ] promise to not sell user data.
12 [ ] admin settings: disable reports by e-mail.
13 [ ] web: How can you help: sponsor us!
14 [ ] ldap: add groups support
15 [ ] repo stats: at least generate the log into a file and parse the file?
16 [ ] Should 'logout' be a form to not be followed by browser automatically?
17 [ ] mail template mail/user/rename seems to not have the files!
18 [ ] Add hints on how to share a branch with a third party?
19 [ ] I can try to deduplicate the objects across all repos!
20 [ ] Get rid of the replace of '.' with ',' in branch names. Maybe also in file
21 names? Just use HTTP URL encoding? Keep backward compatibility!
22 [ ] Add an Ansible playbook on Ansible site.
23 [ ] rg_re_repo_http must be removed.
24 [ ] If user does not provide an e-mail, I should not generate an internal error!
25 [ ] recover password: we never show the username! If the user forgot the
26 username, this is bad!
27 [ ] https://tomu.im/ for 2fa
28 [ ] Slack: shouldn't have a link to a diff not to a commit?
29 [ ] user.inc - more cases when I have to send the http code?
30 I am not really happy with 200 code! Check the source!
31 [ ] When reading state from cache, we should retrieve the whole state array
32 to have it locally.
33 Already done? I think not.
34 [ ] Log also HTTP_USER_AGENT (git/2.x.x for example) when fetching/pushing.
35 We can extract statistics about what clients people use.
36 [ ] nginx: investigate fastcgi_pass_request_body.
37 [ ] Do update of the session, key used etc. after the page was delivered
38 to the client to lower the delivery time.
39 [ ] PHP reads 8192 bytes from /dev/urandom, I can read so much and keep that
40 data and reuse it when necesary.
41 [ ] q_ms seems to not be ok - always increasing and = with MAIN
42 [ ] git_receive_pack:
43 PHP ERROR: Unknown:0: Unknown: POST Content-Length of 8564467 bytes
44 exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes (errno=2)
45 I need to send an error before processing data!
46 Done!
47 We may want admin to further limit it?
48 [ ] For PostgreSQL stats:
49 http://bonesmoses.org/2017/04/21/pg-phriday-who-died-and-made-you-boss-the-investigatining/
50 [ ] Test with lighttpd and nginx the git_big_push test.
51 [ ] rg_exec: add a 'timout' parameter!
52 [ ] When notify webhooks, add also the text with the log between old id
53 and the new id: so people know what was pushed.
54 Maybe also the test phase output?
55 [ ] git-receive-pack processes seems to hang.
56 Do we have a php-fpm config option? Or time limit php?
57 rg_user_http_git: the time limit must go.
58 And rg_exec must have a 'timeout' parameter.
59 If nothing happens, just log an error and exit.
60 probably, we have to test also if the connection is broken.
61 [ ] Allow '<' and '>' in user/repo names?
62 [ ] Fix "repo is empty" test. User may not have master branch!
63 I think we need to test for this before calling rg_git_log.
64 [ ] Write a tutorial in 'docs' using 'pass' and 'git'?
65 [ ] Move VM stuff in 'docs' section?
66 [ ] Add to docs?
68 [ ] https://hunleyd.github.io/posts/PostgreSQL-Streaming-Replication-In-10-Minutes/
69 [ ] https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/security/csp/
70 [ ] When changing repo properties, we may want to write this into the log
71 (Last events).
72 [ ] When pushing, warn users to not forget to push also the tags?
73 [ ] rg_git_diff may be affected by the same problem as rg_git_log (big diff).
74 [ ] Dis-allow webhook to connect to local services!
75 Or, maybe, ask the user to prove that is the owner of the URL.
76 [ ] rename tests/http_keys into admin_set_ssh?
77 [ ] 'commit_url' is still used?
78 [ ] CSRF https://seclab.stanford.edu/websec/csrf/csrf.pdf
79 Use Origin header!
80 [ ] Interface with Mastodon (https://github.com/halcy/MastodonToTwitter/blob/master/MastodonToTwitter.py)
81 [ ] Interface with Twitter (http://dev.twitter.com/)
82 [ ] Warn https users that Java version xxx cannot use https with DH > 2048!
83 Do this in "hints"? Create a special page to describe this?
84 "Prime size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 1024 (inclusive)"
85 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6851461/java-why-does-ssl-handshake-give-could-not-generate-dh-keypair-exception
86 jre/lib/security/java.security: jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, DHE
87 apache: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ssl/ssl_faq.html#javadh
88 [ ] Add docs about how to use let's encrypt. And make sure the rewrite will
89 not block let's encrypt request!
90 [ ] When I am on a merge request, "Pending" menu is not selected.
91 [ ] "Source": make ids links. Also a diff.
92 [ ] "Source" is not a proper name! Better: "History & files".
93 Maybe replace "History" with "Log" and "Tree" and make the
94 select of the branch/tag as a select.
95 This is to not have another menu line. Is overkill.
96 [ ] Document GIT_TRACE=1 in the hints?
97 [ ] If a repo is empty, should I show "Tree" menu?!
98 Or at least, do not show an error!
99 [ ] Why do I not block the receiving of the commits in 'pre-receive' hook?!
100 Because I cannot block individual commits.
101 Still, if no rights are present, I can avoid receiving the data...
102 [ ] robots.txt: disallow diffs to show in search engines: makes not sense.
103 [ ] Allow companies to pay for support adds on projects.
104 [ ] wh: store data in mongodb and other NoSQL & SQL dbs.
105 [ ] Add a page with PostgreSQL stats and graphics.
106 [ ] Add project to HackerOne?
107 [ ] Add log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0 to log all autovacuum stuff.
108 [ ] postgresql: Use wal_compression = on / full_page_writes = off?
109 [ ] Do not report errors for old versions?
110 [ ] Add the rg version to e-mails sent? At least the one with error reporting?
111 [ ] comparison: Link "anonymous push" with the link to the doc.
112 [ ] ToS: disallow filesystems over rg?
113 [ ] Should I reissue the cookie if a token error appears?
114 [ ] repo surgery: man git-filter-branch
115 [ ] html5: new types: http://html5doctor.com/html5-forms-input-types/
116 [ ] WebAssembly: run rocketgit in a browser!
11 117 [ ] Rate limit rg.com (both connlimit and x) [ ] Rate limit rg.com (both connlimit and x)
12 118 [ ] ETag must not contain the inode (per vhost) [ ] ETag must not contain the inode (per vhost)
13 119 Apache goes with a sane default. Apache goes with a sane default.

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git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

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