xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit e0d94a44d7093be83b82ea5227c0afcba22a5d27

Switch to v2 images
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2015-05-27 03:36
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2015-05-27 03:36
Parent(s): ec800590fd07b69f377387c8353d50f6a9430ff8
Signing key:
Tree: d4b45a0800ff87733eabaa24c052a1140e0fd331
File Lines added Lines deleted
root/themes/default/download-vm.html 4 4
File root/themes/default/download-vm.html changed (mode: 100644) (index 834f9b9..e36f928)
33 33 - download qemu image (109 MiB):<br /> - download qemu image (109 MiB):<br />
34 34 <div class="xcode"> <div class="xcode">
35 35 wget -c -O /var/lib/libvirt/images/rocketgit1-master.qcow2.xz wget -c -O /var/lib/libvirt/images/rocketgit1-master.qcow2.xz
36 http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1.qcow2.xz
36 http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/v2/rocketgit1.qcow2.xz
37 37 </div> </div>
38 38 <br /> <br />
39 39
131 131 <br /> <br />
132 132
133 133 - download VMDK image (164 MiB) from - download VMDK image (164 MiB) from
134 <a href="http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip">http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip</a>
134 <a href="http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/v2/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip">http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/v2/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip</a>
135 135 in the same folder as previous file<br /> in the same folder as previous file<br />
136 136 <br /> <br />
137 137
182 182 <br /> <br />
183 183
184 184 - download VMDK image (164 MiB) from - download VMDK image (164 MiB) from
185 <a href="http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip">http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip</a><br />
185 <a href="http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip">http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/v2/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip</a><br />
186 186 <br /> <br />
187 187
188 188 - decompress the image<br /> - decompress the image<br />
235 235 <br /> <br />
236 236
237 237 - download the compressed VMDK image (164 MiB) from - download the compressed VMDK image (164 MiB) from
238 <a href="http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip">http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip</a><br />
238 <a href="http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip">http://downloads.rocketgit.com/vm/v2/rocketgit1-fedora-21-i386.vmdk.zip</a><br />
239 239 <br /> <br />
240 240
241 241 - decompress the image<br /> - decompress the image<br />

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