xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit d17e0d454e7e1cad1b350139e0770e7450ee9331

Removed some debug stuff.
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2012-12-02 21:00
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2012-12-02 21:02
Parent(s): 3d5b7d5fcc11734f9623a3d6ff0aaa8a332b6bdb
Signing key:
Tree: 2d1a65db2e7d7fbceda3a8901a3062acb2c5c34f
File Lines added Lines deleted
inc/dispatch/dispatch.php 0 1
inc/user/repo-page.php 0 3
inc/util.inc.php 2 3
File inc/dispatch/dispatch.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 62c7d12..fb56ea9)
... ... case 'suggestion':
62 62 case 'repo-page': case 'repo-page':
63 63 include($INC . "/user/repo-page.php"); include($INC . "/user/repo-page.php");
64 64 $body .= $_repo_page; $body .= $_repo_page;
65 file_put_contents("/tmp/repo-page.tmp", $body);
66 65 break; break;
67 66
68 67 case 'home-page': case 'home-page':
File inc/user/repo-page.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 05f94ed..757ed81)
... ... if (strcmp($subop, "history") == 0) {
256 256
257 257 $repo_more['HTML:repo_body'] = $_repo_body; $repo_more['HTML:repo_body'] = $_repo_body;
258 258 $repo_more['HTML:repo_right'] = $_repo_right; $repo_more['HTML:repo_right'] = $_repo_right;
259 file_put_contents("/tmp/repo-body.txt", print_r($_repo_body, TRUE));
260 file_put_contents("/tmp/repo-more.txt", print_r($repo_more, TRUE));
261 259 $_repo_page = rg_template("repo/main.html", $repo_more); $_repo_page = rg_template("repo/main.html", $repo_more);
262 file_put_contents("/tmp/repo-page.txt", $_repo_page);
263 260 ?> ?>
File inc/util.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index c3f3e6a..a0f3380)
... ... function rg_replace_lookup(&$data, $var)
450 450 */ */
451 451 function rg_replace_conditionals_block($block, &$data, &$stack) function rg_replace_conditionals_block($block, &$data, &$stack)
452 452 { {
453 rg_log("rg_replace_conditionals_block: block=[$block]"
454 . " stack=" . rg_array2string($stack));
453 //rg_log("DEBUG: rg_replace_conditionals_block: block=[$block]"
454 // . " stack=" . rg_array2string($stack));
455 455
456 456 if (!is_string($block)) { if (!is_string($block)) {
457 457 rg_internal_error("Block is not a string!"); rg_internal_error("Block is not a string!");
... ... function rg_template($file, &$data)
675 675
676 676 $r = rg_replace_conditionals($body, $data); $r = rg_replace_conditionals($body, $data);
677 677 // TODO: check error code! // TODO: check error code!
678 rg_log_ml("r=" . print_r($r, TRUE));
679 678
680 679 $ret = preg_replace($what, $values, $r); $ret = preg_replace($what, $values, $r);
681 680 // TODO: check error code! // TODO: check error code!

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