xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit c76dd790a73e04318f0fc58b22d7701858e7dadf

Make more clearer the events error message
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2016-03-08 20:57
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2016-03-08 21:20
Parent(s): 368f187c74e54052dbeeddfe9b5a533b155a62c2
Signing key:
Tree: 36ad4f0d9ccceacc0bdcedad34869e04f068a2be
File Lines added Lines deleted
inc/events.inc.php 2 1
inc/wh/cloud.inc.php 2 2
File inc/events.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 6855f73..6908ef0)
... ... function rg_event_process($db, $ev_id, $event)
154 154 rg_log("Calling $f..."); rg_log("Calling $f...");
155 155 $evs = $f($db, $event); $evs = $f($db, $event);
156 156 if ($evs === FALSE) { if ($evs === FALSE) {
157 rg_event_set_error("Failed to fill event for category [$category]!");
157 rg_event_set_error('Error in function ['
158 . $f . '] (category [' . $category . '])!');
158 159 break; break;
159 160 } }
160 161
File inc/wh/cloud.inc.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 1f5712d..3db3901)
... ... function rg_wh_cloud_send_one($db, $event)
60 60 $last_output .= $r['error']; $last_output .= $r['error'];
61 61 break; break;
62 62 } }
63 $last_output .= 'S3: ' . $r['answer'];
63 $last_output .= $r['answer'];
64 64
65 65 // c = skip the CodeDeploy step // c = skip the CodeDeploy step
66 66 if (!strchr($wh['flags'], 'c')) { if (!strchr($wh['flags'], 'c')) {
... ... function rg_wh_cloud_send_one($db, $event)
71 71 break; break;
72 72 } }
73 73
74 $last_output .= "\n" . 'CodeDeploy: ' . $r['answer'];
74 $last_output .= $r['answer'];
75 75 } }
76 76
77 77 $ret = array(); $ret = array();

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