xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit 5fc0290369207bcb063f5fad355a90e31b93c975

Update comparison
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2016-11-16 21:49
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2016-11-17 04:21
Parent(s): e3cff3f25926df5d9860b95a82c928d527cb01eb
Signing key:
Tree: 76d4279b8243e7948c97fe7f1c074bcf09e68510
File Lines added Lines deleted
compare.csv 46 41
misc/compare.php 9 4
File README changed (mode: 100644) (index deaf3d4..351369c)
130 130 tweaked. tweaked.
131 131
132 132 . You may want to install 'qrencode' package to be able to be able to see the . You may want to install 'qrencode' package to be able to be able to see the
133 two factor authentication keys as QR images.
133 two-factor authentication keys as QR images.
134 134
135 135
136 136 == Thanks == == Thanks ==
File compare.csv changed (mode: 100644) (index fc78398..77a3270)
1 "Features / Product",RocketGit,Gitlab CE,GitHub,Gitorious,unfuddle.com,gitolite,Pagure.io
2 [Legal],,,,,,,
3 License,Affero GPLv3+,MIT?,Proprietary,?open,?,?,?
4 Developers keep copyright when contributing (see 1),Yes,No,No,?,?,?,?
5 GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations (see 4),"A (-A4, +A+0, +A+1, +A+2, +A+5)",C,F,?,?,?,?
6 ,,,,,,,
7 [Features],,,,,,,
8 Easy installation,Yes,No,Yes?,No!,?,Yes,No
9 SELinux friendly,Yes,No,?,?,?,?,?
10 Distro friendly,Yes,No (see 2),No (see 2),No,?,Yes,No (see 2)
11 Bug tracker,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,?,No,?
12 CLI commands (SSH),Yes,?,?,?,?,?,?
13 API,Yes,Yes,Yes,?,?,?,?
14 Anonymous push,Yes,No,No,?,?,?,?
15 Languages available,1,?,?,?,?,?,?
16 IPv6,Yes,?,?,?,?,?,?
17 Submodules,?,?,?,?,?,?,?
18 Usable with lynx,Yes,Yes,Yes,?,?,n/a,Yes
19 2fa,Yes,Yes,Yes (see 3),?,?,?,?
20 Web Hooks,Yes,Yes,Yes,?,?,No,?
21 Web Hooks - provide client certs,Yes,No,No,?,?,n/a,?
22 Web Hooks - authenticate server (CA cert),Yes,No,No,?,?,n/a,?
23 OpenSSH AuthorizedKeysCommand,Yes,Yes,?,?,?,?,?
24 OpenSSH filter by key type and bits,Yes,?,?,?,?,?,?
25 ,,,,,,,
26 [Rights],,,,,,,
27 Path control,Yes,?,?,?,?,?,?
28 Refs control,Yes,?,?,?,?,?,?
29 IP control,Yes,?,?,?,?,?,?
30 ,,,,,,,
31 [Details],,,,,,,
32 Language,PHP,Ruby+Perl,Ruby,Ruby,?,Perl,Python
33 Cache,Yes (custom),Yes (redis),Yes (memcache),?,?,n/a,?
34 Database,PostgreSQL,My/PostgresSQL,MySQL,?,?,?,?
35 Webserver,Apache,apache/nginx,?,?,?,?,?
36 ,,,,,,,
37 [Notes],,,,,,,
38 "*","1) This is about contributing to the Git hosting project, not about projects hosted inside. Signing a Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA) is very bad for free software.",,,,,,
39 "*","2) It has a not standard package manager; upgrading distro does not update the git software (pip, gem etc.). Or is a big archive including packages already found in the distribution.",,,,,,
40 "*","3) Seems is not really secure: if key is leaking, the attacker can push.",,,,,,
41 "*","4) Repo criteria by GNU: https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria.html",,,,,,
1 Features / Product,RocketGit,Gitlab CE,GitHub,gitolite,Pagure.io
2 [Legal],,,,,
3 License,Affero GPLv3+/#0f0,MIT/#0f0,Proprietary/#f00,GPLv2/#0f0,GPLv2 or later/#0f0
4 Developers keep copyright when contributing (see 1),Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes
5 GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations (see 4),"A (-A4, +A+0, +A+1, +A+2, +A+5)/#0f0",C/#f00,F/#f00,?,A?/#0f0
6 ,,,,,
7 [Features],,,,,
8 Easy installation,Yes,No,Yes?,Yes,Yes
9 SELinux policy,Yes,No,?,not needed/#0f0,?
10 Distro friendly,Yes,No (see 2),No (see 2),Yes,Yes?
11 Bug tracker,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes
12 CLI commands (SSH),Yes,?,?,?,?
13 API,Yes,Yes,Yes,?,Yes
14 Anonymous push,Yes,No,No,No?,No
15 Languages available,1,?,?,1,?
16 IPv6,Yes,?,?,Yes,Yes
17 Submodules,?,?,?,?,?
18 Usable with lynx,Yes,Yes,Yes,n/a,Yes
19 2fa (two-factor authentication),Yes,Yes,Yes (see 3),?,No
20 Web Hooks,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes
21 Web Hooks - provide client certs,Yes,No,No,n/a,?
22 Web Hooks - authenticate server (CA cert),Yes,No,No,n/a,?
23 OpenSSH AuthorizedKeysCommand,Yes,Yes,Yes,?,No
24 OpenSSH filter by key type and bits,Yes,No,?,No,No
25 OpenSSH nice info about the keys,Yes,No,?,No,No
26 LDAP user authentication,No,Yes,?,?,?
27 Git LFS,No,Yes,?,?,?
28 Lock repo with a message,Yes,?,?,?,?
29 Continuous integration,Yes,Yes,?,?,?
30 ,,,,,
31 [Rights],,,,,
32 Path control,Yes,No,?,Yes,Yes
33 Refs control,Yes,Yes,?,?,Yes
34 IP control,Yes,No,?,?,Yes?
35 ,,,,,
36 [Details],,,,,
37 Language,PHP,Ruby+Perl,Ruby,Perl,Python
38 Cache,Custom/#0f0,Redis/0f0,memcache/#0f0,n/a,Redis/#0f0
39 Database,PostgreSQL,My/PostgresSQL,MySQL,?,MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL/SQLite/#0f0
40 Webserver,Apache,apache/nginx,?,?,n/a
41 ,,,,,
42 [Notes],,,,,
43 *,"1) This is about contributing to the Git hosting project, not about projects hosted inside. Signing a Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA) is very bad for free software.",,,,
44 *,"2) It has a not standard package manager; upgrading distro does not update the git software (pip, gem etc.). Or is a big archive including packages already found in the distribution.",,,,
45 *,"3) Seems is not really secure: if key is leaking, the attacker can push.",,,,
46 *,4) Repo criteria by GNU: https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria.html,,,,
File misc/compare.php changed (mode: 100644) (index c9360a0..57ef52f)
... ... while (($line = fgetcsv($h, 4000, ',')) !== FALSE) {
57 57
58 58 fwrite($out, '<tr>'); fwrite($out, '<tr>');
59 59 foreach ($line as $i => $f) { foreach ($line as $i => $f) {
60 if ($i == 0)
60 if ($i == 0) {
61 61 $color = ''; $color = '';
62 else if (stristr($f, 'no'))
62 } else if (strstr($f, '/#')) {
63 $t = explode('/#', $f);
64 $color = ' bgcolor="#' . $t[1] . '"';
65 $f = $t[0];
66 } else if (stristr($f, 'no')) {
63 67 $color = ' bgcolor="#f00"'; $color = ' bgcolor="#f00"';
64 else if (stristr($f, 'yes'))
68 } else if (stristr($f, 'yes')) {
65 69 $color = ' bgcolor="#0f0"'; $color = ' bgcolor="#0f0"';
66 else
70 } else {
67 71 $color = ''; $color = '';
72 }
68 73
69 74 fwrite($out, fwrite($out,
70 75 '<' . $td . $color . '>' '<' . $td . $color . '>'

Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/rocketgit

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/rocketgit

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a pull request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin master