xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit 449e2d788ec06a49cc93f7d058df51ec351b9244

Document web hooks and anonymous push
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2016-03-09 17:26
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2016-03-09 17:26
Parent(s): 4e183a15605f4b338863ea97192e46e0cf62cfe8
Signing key:
Tree: 3eeef37eeb50edc59e5141c8c642f3d6f7e06daf
File Lines added Lines deleted
inc/dispatch/dispatch.php 5 1
root/themes/default/features.html 17 1
root/themes/default/features/anonpush.html 30 0
File inc/dispatch/dispatch.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 630eaba..a6519b0)
... ... case 'download':
84 84 break; break;
85 85
86 86 case 'features': case 'features':
87 $body .= rg_template('features.html', $rg, TRUE /* xss */);
87 $_sub = empty($paras) ? '' : array_shift($paras);
88 if (strcmp($_sub, 'anonpush') == 0)
89 $body .= rg_template('features/anonpush.html', $rg, TRUE /*xss*/);
90 else
91 $body .= rg_template('features.html', $rg, TRUE /*xss*/);
88 92 break; break;
89 93
90 94 case 'pricing': case 'pricing':
File root/themes/default/features.html changed (mode: 100644) (index a656672..cb6c2cf)
91 91 <div class="island_title">Easy to contribute</div> <div class="island_title">Easy to contribute</div>
92 92 With the anonymous push feature, it becomes very easy to contribute With the anonymous push feature, it becomes very easy to contribute
93 93 to a project: a clone and a push. You do not even need an account on to a project: a clone and a push. You do not even need an account on
94 rocketgit.com.
94 rocketgit.com. Read more <a href="/op/features/anonpush">here</a>.
95 95 </div> </div>
96 96 </div> </div>
97 97 </div> </div>
109 109 </div> </div>
110 110 </div> </div>
111 111
112 <div class="island_cell">
113 <div class="island">
114 <div class="island_title">Web hooks</div>
115 We provide flexible web hooks allowing you to automate your tasks.
116 You can easily store a repository archive in
117 <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/s3/" target="_blank">Amazon's S3</a>;
118 or do a <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/" target="_blank">code deploy</a>
119 in Amazon; or call a
120 <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/" target="_blank">Lambda</a>
121 function.
122 Be notified in <a href="https://slack.com" target="_blank">Slack</a>.
123 Or call a PHP script on your server.
124 You can filter by repository/branch name (regex).
125 </div>
126 </div>
112 128 <div class="island_cell"> <div class="island_cell">
113 129 <div class="island"> <div class="island">
114 130 <div class="island_title">Built on top of top software</div> <div class="island_title">Built on top of top software</div>
File root/themes/default/features/anonpush.html added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..7811e71)
1 <div class="main_title">Features - anonymous push</div>
3 <div class="islands">
4 <div class="island_row">
5 <div class="island_cell">
6 <div class="island">
7 <div class="island_title">What is it?</div>
9 It is a feature that allows a user to contribute as fast as possible.<br />
10 We do no require an account (this is the anonymous part).<br />
11 We think that we cannot make it faster than that.<br/ >
12 <br >
13 Let's see an example in action:<br />
14 <div class="xcode">
15 git clone git://git.rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/rocketgit<br />
16 cd rocketgit<br />
17 # here edit some files<br />
18 git add -p<br />
19 git commit -m "commit message"<br />
20 git push origin master<br />
21 </div>
22 <br />
23 And that is it! Your push will be transformed into a pull request
24 and will wait to be merged by an admin.
26 </div>
27 </div>
28 </div>
30 </div>

Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/rocketgit

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/rocketgit

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a pull request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin master