xaizek / rocketgit (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-09)
Light and fast Git hosting solution suitable to serve both as a hub or as a personal code storage with its tickets, pull requests, API and much more.
Commit 3e34a304a204792b1a1a0b403c88e3164441066c

TODO clean-ups
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2016-03-09 17:27
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2016-03-09 17:27
Parent(s): 449e2d788ec06a49cc93f7d058df51ec351b9244
Signing key:
Tree: 1c2da0803ccf013afa2374d75ec8a2e6f5b65d9a
File Lines added Lines deleted
TODO 15 12
File TODO changed (mode: 100644) (index 7e36b54..7f4898e)
1 1 == Where I stopped last time == == Where I stopped last time ==
2 [ ]
5 [ ] wh: filter by year/month/day/hour/minute/dow.
2 6 [ ] Protect emails from commits?! [ ] Protect emails from commits?!
3 [ ] Stop logging passwords!
4 [ ] /user/catalinux/test1/source/tree/blob/"xx/"yy" pe rocketgit.com
7 [ ] /user/catalinux/test1/source/tree/blob/"xx/"yy" on rocketgit.com
5 8 generates errors. something regargin ls-tree that outputs nothing. generates errors. something regargin ls-tree that outputs nothing.
6 9 This is another problem. If is empty, we should not enter foreach! This is another problem. If is empty, we should not enter foreach!
7 [ ] Seems that after I create a repo and pushed something anonymous, some files
8 were not readable by others. :(
9 [ ] mr: where is the uid of the user that did the push?!
10 Is the anon push by a user supported?!
11 added merge_requests.who (default 0)
12 10 [ ] mr: when pushing, also show the link to the mr? [ ] mr: when pushing, also show the link to the mr?
13 11 We do not have it because we add an event. We do not have it because we add an event.
12 [ ] mr: After merging, should we delete the namespace?
13 Do we need the namespace anymore?
14 14 [ ] repo stats must not be generated in web. It may take a lot of time. [ ] repo stats must not be generated in web. It may take a lot of time.
15 15 We must do them incrementally, from cron, and only max N commits We must do them incrementally, from cron, and only max N commits
16 16 per repo in one run. per repo in one run.
17 [ ] mr: After merging, should we delete the namespace?
18 [ ] Pushing tags seems to not work.
19 [ ]
17 [ ] Seems that after I create a repo and pushed something anonymous, some files
18 were not readable by others. :(
19 [ ] mr: where is the uid of the user that did the push?!
20 Is the anon push by a user supported?!
21 added merge_requests.who (default 0)
22 [ ] LOW: wh: seems after I am doing an update, the ordering is not respected.
23 Order it after loading from cache.
24 [ ] LOW: wh: should we have a 'last_exec_time' field?
22 25 [ ] LOW: do we clean temporary files automatically? [ ] LOW: do we clean temporary files automatically?
23 26 [ ] LOW: when pushing, in history add a link to the pull request (if anon). [ ] LOW: when pushing, in history add a link to the pull request (if anon).
24 27 [ ] LOW: commit on web: enforce subject (50 chars), do wrap (72), [ ] LOW: commit on web: enforce subject (50 chars), do wrap (72),

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