xaizek / hstr (License: Apachev2) (since 2018-12-07)
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<root> / src / hstr_regexp.c (6b848d36889f6ea6ee26930d9d8181dc7008916c) (2,272B) (mode 100644) [raw]
 Name        : hstr_regexp.c
 Author      : martin.dvorak@mindforger.com
 Copyright   : Apache 2.0
 Description : Simplified regexp that suits HSTR needs - matching and caching

#include "include/hstr_regexp.h"

#include "include/hstr_utils.h"


void hstr_regexp_init(HstrRegexp *hstrRegexp)

bool hstr_regexp_match(
        HstrRegexp *hstrRegexp,
        const char *regexp,
        const char *text,
        regmatch_t *match,
        char *errorMessage,
        const size_t errorMessageSize)
    regex_t* compiled;
    if(hashset_contains(&hstrRegexp->cache,regexp)) {
        compiled=hashset_get(&hstrRegexp->cache, regexp);
    } else {
        int compilationFlags=(hstrRegexp->caseSensitive?0:REG_ICASE);
        int compilationStatus=regcomp(compiled, regexp, compilationFlags);
        if(!compilationStatus) {
            hashset_put(&hstrRegexp->cache, hstr_strdup(regexp), compiled);
        } else {
            regerror(compilationStatus, compiled, errorMessage, errorMessageSize);
            return false;

    regmatch_t matchPtr[REGEXP_MATCH_BUFFER_SIZE];
    int matchingFlags=0;
    int matchingStatus=regexec(compiled, text, matches, matchPtr, matchingFlags);
    if(!matchingStatus) {
        if(matchPtr[0].rm_so != -1) {
            return true;
    return false;

void hstr_regexp_destroy(HstrRegexp *hstrRegexp)
    hashset_destroy(&hstrRegexp->cache, true);

int regexp_compile(regex_t *regexp, const char *regexpText)
    return regcomp(regexp, regexpText, 0);
    //return regcomp(regexp, regexpText, REG_NEWLINE);

int regexp_match(regex_t *regexp, const char *text)
    const char *p = text;
    // TODO study multi matches and make this safe
    const int n_matches = 100;
    regmatch_t m[n_matches];
    return regexec(regexp, p, n_matches, m, 0);

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