xaizek / hstr (License: Apachev2) (since 2018-12-07)
Bash and Zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
<root> / README.md (f86ccb6c5a2a967506aca81a562fd7e5d470b161) (1,095B) (mode 100644) [raw]

BASH History Suggest Box

A command line utility that brings improved BASH command completion 
from the history. It aims to make completion easier and faster
than Ctrl-R.


* add 

     `shopt -s histappend`

     `export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n; ${PROMPT_COMMAND}"`

  at the end of `.bashrc` in order to ensure that BASH history of commands 
  will be kept in sync with filesystem.
* bind `hh` to a BASH key by adding a line to `.bashrc`, e.g. Ctrl-R:

    `bind '"\C-r": "\C-k\C-uhh\C-j"'`

  or F12:

    `bind '"\e[24~":"\C-k\C-uhh\C-j"'` 

  or Ctrl-F12:

    `bind '"\e[24;5~":"\C-k\C-uhh\C-j"'`

  To determine the character sequence emitted by a pressed key in terminal, 
  type CTRL-v and then press the key. For example, F12 gives `^[[24~`. 
  Replace the `^[` with `\e`. To clear the line first, add `\C-k \C-u` in 
  front of the actual command. Check your current bindings using:

    `bind -S`



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