xaizek / hstr (License: Apachev2) (since 2018-12-07)
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Commit 967f1d013da1be79f553c905df611dbd54f378b7

Fixing version number in Launchpad releases.
Author: Martin Dvorak
Author date (UTC): 2014-09-12 19:50
Committer name: Martin Dvorak
Committer date (UTC): 2014-09-12 19:50
Parent(s): 7d86d52741c26b0054f6dcf80b450cf092b5e57f
Signing key:
Tree: b7b497ee77d3748d04fcee7c9b8b4f22cf76d745
File Lines added Lines deleted
dist/ubuntu-make-all-distros.sh 1 0
File dist/ubuntu-make-all-distros.sh changed (mode: 100755) (index 3bf5af1..69bb00e)
... ... for DISTRO in precise trusty
9 9 do do
10 10
11 11 ./ubuntu-make-distro.sh ${DISTRO} ${VERSION}${MINOR} "${HHBZRMSG}" ./ubuntu-make-distro.sh ${DISTRO} ${VERSION}${MINOR} "${HHBZRMSG}"
12 MINOR=`expr $MINOR + 1`
12 13
13 14 done done
14 15

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