xaizek / hstr (License: Apachev2) (since 2018-12-07)
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Commit 90c6e8c1402aedac84afce60a6a998811fa87eb5

Finishing 1.21
Author: Martin Dvorak
Author date (UTC): 2016-10-22 09:45
Committer name: Martin Dvorak
Committer date (UTC): 2016-10-22 09:46
Parent(s): 9358a500ff027daad393b574084194e4a0cda8e1
Signing key:
Tree: 87d644b4d5d1c8ea062e00c29e10bba296e365bc
File Lines added Lines deleted
Changelog 4 0
dist/ubuntu-make-all-distros.sh 3 4
File Changelog changed (mode: 100644) (index a54beef..39a18df)
1 2016-11-22 Martin Dvorak <martin.dvorak@mindforger.com>
3 * Released v1.21 - Ubuntu Yakkety Yak release
1 5 2016-04-27 Martin Dvorak <martin.dvorak@mindforger.com> 2016-04-27 Martin Dvorak <martin.dvorak@mindforger.com>
2 6
3 7 * Released v1.20 - Bottom prompt * Released v1.20 - Bottom prompt
File dist/ubuntu-make-all-distros.sh changed (mode: 100755) (index cf7fc93..9c4e14d)
... ... fi
17 17
18 18 export HHBZRMSG="Top and bottom prompt." export HHBZRMSG="Top and bottom prompt."
19 19 export VERSION=1.21. export VERSION=1.21.
20 export MINOR=1
20 export MINOR=2
21 21
22 # precise quantal saucy precise utopic / trusty vivid wily xenial yakkety
23 # trusty xenial yakkety
24 for DISTRO in yakkety
22 # precise quantal saucy precise utopic / trusty vivid wily xenial yakkety
23 for DISTRO in trusty xenial yakkety
25 24 do do
26 25
27 26 ./ubuntu-make-distro.sh ${DISTRO} ${VERSION}${MINOR} "${HHBZRMSG}" ./ubuntu-make-distro.sh ${DISTRO} ${VERSION}${MINOR} "${HHBZRMSG}"

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