xaizek / vim-qthelp (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-12-07)
This plugin opens Qt help pages in browser from C++ source code.
Subject SHA-1 Author Date
Extend first item of using instructions 2e8d5373216b51eae85c7a61bfae5aeeb5298c75 xaizek 2013-06-10 19:28:45
Add g:qthelp_tags option b563f6f0b8375246c47dfdefba0581384e8f9ab4 xaizek 2013-06-10 19:26:09
Don't escape g:qthelp_browser on invocation 8d8c5cfb133389749323594f37902d0d8059bb6d xaizek 2013-06-10 19:18:24
Fix regular expression for filtering help tags 49351020ff8c54682db5353f04193df9b0a18a92 xaizek 2013-03-09 14:44:21
Fix regular expression for filtering help tags 36a12bf3747a6fd5216e0624449b745d0be68d2f xaizek 2013-03-09 14:44:21
Update email address of the author fd18dcb0a7d5bd722edd8c4373fa9e480882752f xaizek 2013-06-10 18:24:22
Fix support of tags files without apple_refs 1b5d2a8172b83adf1e66c45f65c82bb9ac1e4f6e xaizek 2013-03-09 14:44:21
Bump version number to 1.1.1 917f6232b52453db71d16a25e429d9aaacf1ae87 xaizek 2013-03-09 15:36:03
Make code a bit better f4f91f7822af60d82f4bf5d6022b47e342355949 xaizek 2013-03-09 15:29:54
Add support of tags files without apple_refs 3d50a43053acbb59d42895fff8df35595bab72e8 xaizek 2013-03-09 14:44:21

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