xaizek / vim-qthelp (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-12-07)
This plugin opens Qt help pages in browser from C++ source code.
Commit 8d8c5cfb133389749323594f37902d0d8059bb6d

Don't escape g:qthelp_browser on invocation
Now it's possible to specify parameter list along with command to
be executed as well as use whatever escaping user wants.

Thanks to Dmitry Frank.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2013-06-10 19:18
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2013-06-10 19:23
Parent(s): 49351020ff8c54682db5353f04193df9b0a18a92
Signing key:
Tree: b6a4ac5b5d2596b40b04d9c1b6fe67277556b43a
File Lines added Lines deleted
plugin/qthelp.vim 8 3
File plugin/qthelp.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index 1ec8219..242ce6e)
1 1 " Name: qthelp " Name: qthelp
2 2 " Author: xaizek (xaizek@lavabit.com) " Author: xaizek (xaizek@lavabit.com)
3 " Version: 1.1.4
3 " Version: 1.1.5
4 4 " "
5 5 " Description: This plugin would allow you to open Qt help pages in browser " Description: This plugin would allow you to open Qt help pages in browser
6 6 " from your C++ source code. Currently it can show help if the word " from your C++ source code. Currently it can show help if the word
31 31 " this in your .vimrc file can slow down and pollute completion " this in your .vimrc file can slow down and pollute completion
32 32 " list for not Qt-projects). " list for not Qt-projects).
33 33 " 3. Setup g:qthelp_browser variable with the command to run your " 3. Setup g:qthelp_browser variable with the command to run your
34 " browser.
34 " browser. The value is not escaped, this is up to you, so
35 " it's possible to specify parameter list along with command
36 " to be executed. URL is appended to this command after a
37 " space.
35 38 " 4. Map command QHelpOnThis on some hotkey. " 4. Map command QHelpOnThis on some hotkey.
36 39 " 5. Use QHelp from command-line for faster navigating through " 5. Use QHelp from command-line for faster navigating through
37 40 " help (to escape manual searching of needed section). " help (to escape manual searching of needed section).
62 65 " help tags (thanks to Dmitry Frank). " help tags (thanks to Dmitry Frank).
63 66 " v1.1.4 (2013-05-15) - Fixed issue with 'shellslash' option on " v1.1.4 (2013-05-15) - Fixed issue with 'shellslash' option on
64 67 " Windows (thanks to Dmitry Frank). " Windows (thanks to Dmitry Frank).
68 " v1.1.5 (2013-05-15) - Don't escape g:qthelp_browser on
69 " invocation (thanks to Dmitry Frank).
65 70
66 71 if exists("g:loaded_qthelp") if exists("g:loaded_qthelp")
67 72 finish finish
... ... function! s:QHOpenBrowser(file)
241 246 let l:browserargs = l:browserargs.'&' let l:browserargs = l:browserargs.'&'
242 247 endif endif
243 248 try try
244 exe ":silent !".shellescape(g:qthelp_browser)." ".l:browserargs
249 exe ':silent !'.g:qthelp_browser.' '.l:browserargs
245 250 catch 'E484' catch 'E484'
246 251 call s:QHTellUser('An error occuried while running your browser. ' call s:QHTellUser('An error occuried while running your browser. '
247 252 \.'Maybe your g:qthelp_browser option is incorrect.') \.'Maybe your g:qthelp_browser option is incorrect.')

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