xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / data / plugins / packer /
File Mode Size
README.md 100644 2,507B
init.lua 100644 683B
pack.lua 100644 2,429B
unpack.lua 100644 7,449B



Plugin to pack and unpack archives on the fly.

Provides :Pack command that archives selection or current file. Name of a single file is used to name the archive, for multiple files name of current directory is used. :Pack optionally takes an argument. If the argument is given, it will be used as archive's name instead of the previous options. e.g. :Pack foobar.zip.

Provides :Unpack command that unpacks common archives like tarballs, zip, rar or 7z nicely in a subdirectory. Supports unpacking multiple files at once (performed in sequence).


  • Unpack zip, rar, 7z, tar.gz, tar.bz2, etc.
  • Unpack multiple archives on the fly
  • Archives are unpacked nicely in a subdirectory
  • Doesn't overwrite existing files
  • Supports unpacking archives with special characters


  • 7z - p7zip for most of decompression, including rar to extract rar files, p7zip must be build with rar support. also for packing into zip, 7z, lz4 etc type compressions. Why 7z? well it supports wide range of archives, it is fast and efficient at decompression.

  • tar - for (un)packing compressed tarballs, currently supports gzip, xz, bzip2 and zstd compressed tarballs.

  • awk is required as well.




:Unpack -b [<dir>]


:Unpack %D
:Unpack /tmp

Extracts archive into a subdirectory or <dir> if given. With -b, the command returns after starting to unpack the first archive and schedules the next one after the first one is done, etc.



:Pack [<archive-name>]


:Pack %c.7z
:Pack foobar.tar.gz

Archives the selected files. Optionally takes archive name.


Operating systems: - working under Linux environment (tested on Gentoo, Slackware) - working in Windows

Limitations: - extracting large tarballs is slow due to tar tf being slow

Features under consideration: - password support - ask to overwrite or merge when (un)packing

TODOs: - check presence of the applications - displaying progress would be nice - a way to specify default path for unpacking - test using non-GNU awk - replace listing of archive's content with always extracting into subdirectory and moving files afterward - organize code in object-oriented style around descriptions of archivers with means to check for their presence, list of supported formats and command patterns for packing/unpacking


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