xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / tests / lua / asserts.h (a397c9509e682efe1ea9a7cbfdae0de49485bc1e) (2,026B) (mode 100644) [raw]

#include "../../src/lua/vlua.h"
#include "../../src/ui/statusbar.h"

 * Assumption: <stic.h> is already included.
 * These are macros so that other tests can use them by just including the
 * header.
 * Macros name structure:
 *  - GLUA_   prefix means Lua code execution should succeed (Good)
 *  - BLUA_   prefix means Lua code execution should fail (Bad)
 *  - _EQ     suffix checks output match exactly (use "" for no output)
 *  - _STARTS suffix checks that output starts with a string
 *  - _ENDS   suffix checks that output ends with a string

#define GLUA_EQ(vlua, expected_output, code) \
	do \
	{ \
		ui_sb_msg(""); \
		assert_success(vlua_run_string(vlua, code)); \
		assert_string_equal(expected_output, ui_sb_last()); \
	} \

#define GLUA_STARTS(vlua, expected_prefix, code) \
	do \
	{ \
		ui_sb_msg(""); \
		assert_success(vlua_run_string(vlua, code)); \
		assert_string_starts_with(expected_prefix, ui_sb_last()); \
	} \

#define GLUA_ENDS(vlua, expected_suffix, code) \
	do \
	{ \
		ui_sb_msg(""); \
		assert_success(vlua_run_string(vlua, code)); \
		assert_string_ends_with(expected_suffix, ui_sb_last()); \
	} \

#define BLUA_EQ(vlua, expected_output, code) \
	do \
	{ \
		ui_sb_msg(""); \
		assert_failure(vlua_run_string(vlua, code)); \
		assert_string_equal(expected_output, ui_sb_last()); \
	} \

#define BLUA_STARTS(vlua, expected_prefix, code) \
	do \
	{ \
		ui_sb_msg(""); \
		assert_failure(vlua_run_string(vlua, code)); \
		assert_string_starts_with(expected_prefix, ui_sb_last()); \
	} \

#define BLUA_ENDS(vlua, expected_suffix, code) \
	do \
	{ \
		ui_sb_msg(""); \
		assert_failure(vlua_run_string(vlua, code)); \
		assert_string_ends_with(expected_suffix, ui_sb_last()); \
	} \

#endif /* VIFM_TESTS__LUA__ASSERTS_H__ */

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