#include "test.h"
#include "../../src/int/file_magic.h"
#include "../../src/utils/matchers.h"
#include "../../src/filetype.h"
set_programs(const char pattern[], const char programs[], int for_x, int in_x)
char *error;
matchers_t *ms;
assert_non_null(ms = matchers_alloc(pattern, 0, 1, "", &error));
ft_set_programs(ms, programs, for_x, in_x);
set_viewers(const char pattern[], const char viewers[])
char *error;
matchers_t *ms;
assert_non_null(ms = matchers_alloc(pattern, 0, 1, "", &error));
ft_set_viewers(ms, viewers);
return get_mimetype(TEST_DATA_PATH "/read/dos-line-endings", 0) != NULL;
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