xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / src / vifm-convert-dircolors (85c0c3a29bc80ffdcb86487ec5f74608849f9c36) (10KiB) (mode 100755) [raw]
#!/usr/bin/env perl

# vifm
# Copyright (C) 2015 xaizek.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename('basename');
use Getopt::Long('GetOptions');

# "{color number} -> {Vifm color name}" mapping.
my @COLORS = (
    'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white',

# "{dircolors type} -> {Vifm color group}" mapping.
my %GROUPS = (
    'chr'    => 'Device',     'blk'  => 'Device',
    'normal' => 'Win',        'file' => 'Win',
    'dir'    => 'Directory',
    'exec'   => 'Executable',
    'fifo'   => 'Fifo',
    'link'   => 'Link',
    'orphan' => 'BrokenLink',
    'sock'   => 'Socket',

# "{$LS_COLORS type} -> {Vifm color group}" mapping.
    'cd' => 'Device',     'bd' => 'Device',
    'no' => 'Win',        'fi' => 'Win',
    'di' => 'Directory',
    'ex' => 'Executable',
    'ln' => 'Link',
    'or' => 'BrokenLink',
    'pi' => 'Fifo',
    'so' => 'Socket',

my ($help, $env, $readable);
GetOptions('h|help|?' => \$help,
           'e|environment' => \$env,
           'r|human-readable' => \$readable) or exit 1;

if ($help) {

if (scalar(@ARGV) > 1) {
    &abort_with_usage_error("Too many arguments.");

# Input source data either from file/stdin or LS_COLORS environment variable.
my ($patcol, $typecol);
if ($env) {
    ($patcol, $typecol) = &import_from_env('LS_COLORS');
} else {
    my $dircolors = shift;
    ($patcol, $typecol) = &import_from_file($dircolors);
my %patcol = %$patcol;
my %typecol = %$typecol;

# Join extensions that have same attributes into single record.
my %colpat = &invert_attrmap(\%patcol);

# Print out Vifm commands to stdout.
if (%typecol) {
    print "\" generic file types\n";
if (%colpat) {
    print "\n" if %typecol;
    print "\" file name specific highlight\n";

# Aborts execution after displaying a message.
# * $msg - error message.
sub abort_with_usage_error
    my $msg = shift;

    print STDERR "@{[basename($0)]}: $msg\n";

# Aborts execution after displaying usage.
# * $detailed - whether short description should be displayed.
sub abort_with_usage
    my $detailed = shift;

    if ($detailed) {
        print "Description:\n\n".
              "Converts ls file highlighting configuration (man dircolors) ".
              "into set\nof Vifm highlight commands.\n\n";

    print "Usage: @{[basename($0)]} [-h|--help] ".
                                   "[-e|--environment] ".
                                   "[-r|--human-readable] ".

By default standard input is processed.

    -h, --help             brief help message
    -e, --environment      parse \$LS_COLORS for configuration
    -r, --human-readable   output patterns on separate lines\n";
    exit 1;

# Imports initial data from file/stdin.
# * $dircolors - path to the file or undef for stdin.
# Returns (\%patcol, \%typecol), where
# * %patcol  - "suffix"               => "attrlist"
# * %typecol - "Vifm highlight group" => "attrlist".
sub import_from_file
    my $dircolors = shift;

    if (!defined($dircolors)) {
        $dircolors = '-';

    my %patcol = ();
    my %typecol = ();

    open (DIRCOLORS, $dircolors) or die("Cannot open $dircolors $!");
    while (my $line = <DIRCOLORS>) {
        chomp $line;

        if ($line =~ /^\.(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
            my $pat = '\.'.$1;
            my $attrs = $2;

            &add_to_attrmap(\%patcol, $pat, $attrs);
        } elsif ($line =~ /^\*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
            my $pat = $1;
            my $attrs = $2;

            &add_to_attrmap(\%patcol, $pat, $attrs);
        } elsif ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
            my $type = lc $1;
            my $attrs = $2;

            if (exists($GROUPS{$type})) {
                my $group = $GROUPS{$type};
                $typecol{$group} = $attrs;
    close DIRCOLORS;

    return (\%patcol, \%typecol);

# Imports initial data from an environment variable.
# * $env - name of environment variable to use.
# Returns (\%patcol, \%typecol), where
# * %patcol  - "suffix"               => "attrlist"
# * %typecol - "Vifm highlight group" => "attrlist"
sub import_from_env
    my $env = shift;

    my %patcol = ();
    my %typecol = ();

    my @specs = split(':', $ENV{$env});
    foreach my $spec (@specs) {
        my ($name, $attrs) = split('=', $spec);

        if (exists($SHORT_GROUPS{lc $name})) {
            my $group = $SHORT_GROUPS{$name};
            $typecol{$group} = $attrs;
        } elsif ($name =~ /^\*\.(\S+)/) {
            my $pat = '\.'.$1;
            &add_to_attrmap(\%patcol, $pat, $attrs);
        } elsif ($name =~ /^\*(\S+)/) {
            my $pat = $1;
            &add_to_attrmap(\%patcol, $pat, $attrs);

    return (\%patcol, \%typecol);

# Adds extension pattern entry to a dictionary ("suffix" => "attrlist").
# * $extcol - the dictionary.
# * $ext - the pattern.
# * $attrs - list of attributes.
sub add_to_attrmap
    my $extcol = shift;
    my $ext = shift;
    my $attrs = shift;

    if (exists($extcol->{$ext}) && $extcol->{$ext} ne $attrs) {
        warn 'Different attributes for extension in different cases: '.

    $extcol->{$ext} = $attrs;

# Join extensions that have same attributes into single record.
# * $attrmap - "suffix" => "attrlist".
# Returns %inverted, where
# * %inverted - "attrlist" => "suffix,...".
sub invert_attrmap
    my $attrmap = shift;
    my %attrmap = %$attrmap;

    my %dotonly = ();
    foreach my $ext (keys %attrmap) {
        my $color = $attrmap{$ext};
        if (!exists($dotonly{$color})) {
            $dotonly{$color} = 1;
        if ($ext !~ /^\\\..*$/) {
            $dotonly{$color} = 0;

    my %inverted = ();
    foreach my $ext (sort keys %attrmap) {
        my $color = $attrmap{$ext};
        if (exists($inverted{$color})) {
            $inverted{$color} .= $readable ? "|\n          \\" : '|';
        if ($dotonly{$color}) {
            $inverted{$color} .= substr $ext, 2;
        } else {
            $inverted{$color} .= $ext;

    foreach my $color (keys %inverted) {
        if ($dotonly{$color}) {
            $inverted{$color} = "^.*\\\.($inverted{$color})\$";
        } else {
            $inverted{$color} = "^.*($inverted{$color})\$";

    return %inverted;

# Formats and prints to stdout generic file types highlighting commands.
# * \%typecol - "Vifm highlight group" => "attrlist".
sub print_typecol
    my $typecol = shift;
    my %typecol = %$typecol;
    return unless %typecol;

    foreach my $type (sort keys %typecol) {
        my $color = $typecol{$type};
        my $hi = &color_to_hi($color);
        print 'highlight ', $type, $hi, "\n";

# Formats and prints to stdout file name specific highlighting commands.
# * \%attrmap - "attrlist" => "suffix".
sub print_attrmap
    my $attrmap = shift;
    my %attrmap = %$attrmap;
    return unless %attrmap;

    foreach my $color (sort keys %attrmap) {
        my $pattern = "/$attrmap{$color}/I";
        my $hi = &color_to_hi($color);
        print 'highlight ', $pattern, $hi, "\n";

# Converts list of attributes (escape codes) into arguments for the :highlight
# command of Vifm.
# * $color - semicolon-separated list of attributes.
# Returns $hi_str, where
# * $hi_str - arguments in form of string that starts with white space.
sub color_to_hi
    my $color = shift;

    my @attrs = ();
    my $fg = undef;
    my $bg = undef;

    my @color_components = split(';', $color);
    my $long_fg = 0;
    my $long_bg = 0;
    foreach my $component (@color_components) {
        if (&long_attr($component, \$fg, \$long_fg)) {
        if (&long_attr($component, \$bg, \$long_bg)) {

        if ($component == 0) {
            @attrs = ();
            $fg = undef;
            $bg = undef;
        } elsif ($component == 1) {
            push @attrs, 'bold';
        } elsif ($component == 4) {
            push @attrs, 'underline';
        } elsif ($component == 3 || $component == 7) {
            push @attrs, 'reverse';
        } elsif ($component >= 30 && $component <= 37) {
            $fg = $COLORS[$component - 30];
        } elsif ($component == 38) {
            $long_fg = 1;
        } elsif ($component == 39) {
            $fg = undef;
        } elsif ($component >= 40 && $component <= 47) {
            $bg = $COLORS[$component - 40];
        } elsif ($component == 48) {
            $long_bg = 1;
        } elsif ($component == 49) {
            $bg = undef;

    my $hi_str = '';
    if (scalar(@attrs) != 0) {
        $hi_str .= ' cterm='.join(',', @attrs);
    } else {
        $hi_str .= ' cterm=none';

    if (defined $fg) {
        $hi_str .= ' ctermfg='.$fg;
    } else {
        $hi_str .= ' ctermfg=default';

    if (defined $bg) {
        $hi_str .= ' ctermbg='.$bg;
    } else {
        $hi_str .= ' ctermbg=default';

    return $hi_str;

# Parses long attribute (256-color).
# * $component - attribute.
# * \$col - final color storage.
# * \$state - long attribute parsing state (0 - not active, 1 - start, 2 - mid).
# Returns $consumed, where
# * $consumed - true when component is consumed, false otherwise.
sub long_attr
    my $component = shift;
    my $col = shift;
    my $state = shift;

    if (${$state} == 1) {
        if ($component == 5) {
            $${state} = 2;
            return 1;
    } elsif (${$state} == 2) {
        ${$col} = $component;
        $${state} = 0;
        return 1;
    return 0;

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