xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / src / status.h (db79bf28caa008cf4c3b513fb3396a91a53b3b30) (12KiB) (mode 100644) [raw]
/* vifm
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Ken Steen.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 xaizek.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

#ifndef VIFM__STATUS_H__
#define VIFM__STATUS_H__

#include <stdint.h> /* uint64_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* FILE */
#include <time.h> /* time_t */

#include "compat/fs_limits.h"
#include "ui/color_scheme.h"
#include "utils/hist.h"
#include "utils/string_array.h"
#include "utils/test_helpers.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "filetype.h"

/* Special value foe dcache fields meaning that it wasn't set. */
#define DCACHE_UNKNOWN ((uint64_t)-1)

struct config_t;
struct dir_entry_t;

/* Orientation of a split. */
typedef enum
	HSPLIT, /* Top and bottom panes. */
	VSPLIT, /* Left and right panes. */

typedef enum

/* List of terminal multiplexers. */
typedef enum
	TM_NONE,   /* Plain console. */
	TM_SCREEN, /* GNU screen. */
	TM_TMUX,   /* tmux. */

/* Types of updates that can be performed by update_screen(). */
typedef enum
	UT_NONE,   /* No update needed. */
	UT_REDRAW, /* Screen redraw requested. */
	UT_FULL,   /* File lists reload (when visible) followed by screen redraw
	              requested. */

/* Possible states of terminal with regard to its size. */
typedef enum
	TS_NORMAL,         /* OK to draw UI. */
	TS_TOO_SMALL,      /* Too small terminal. */
	TS_BACK_TO_NORMAL, /* Was too small some moments ago, need to restore UI. */

/* Type of output variables of dcache_get_of(), which represent state of cache
 * entries. */
typedef struct
	uint64_t value; /* Cached value or DCACHE_UNKNOWN. */
	int is_valid;   /* Whether value is up-to-date. */

/* Current preview (quickview) parameters. */
typedef struct
	char *cleanup_cmd;              /* Cleanup command. */
	struct modview_info_t *explore; /* State of explored quick view. */
	unsigned int on : 1;            /* Whether preview mode is active.  Use
	                                   stats_set_quickview() to change the
	                                   value. */
	ViewerKind kind : 2;            /* Kind of the preview. */
	unsigned int clearing : 1;      /* Whether in process of clearing preview. */

typedef struct
	int last_char;
	int save_msg; /* zero - don't save, 2 - save after resize, other - save */
	int use_register;
	int use_input_bar;     /* Whether input bar should be updated. */
	int curr_register;
	int register_saved;
	int number_of_windows;
	int drop_new_dir_hist; /* Skip recording of new directory history. */
	int load_stage; /* -1 - test, 0 - no TUI, 1 - part of TUI, 2 - TUI, 3 - all */

	preview_t preview; /* State of preview (quickview). */

	/* Type of the terminal. */
	char *term_name;
	/* Describes terminal state with regard to its dimensions. */
	TermState term_state;

	int last_search_backward;

	/* Flag which controls use of historical cursor positions.  On by default, but
	 * gets temporarily disabled on certain operations possibly depending on value
	 * of options. */
	int ch_pos;

	int confirmed;

	/* Whether to skip complete UI redraw after returning from a shellout. */
	int skip_shellout_redraw;

	/* Color scheme to use for :commands that manipulate colors.  Almost always
	 * refers to cfg.cs, except for when local color scheme is loaded. */
	col_scheme_t *cs;
	/* Name of the color scheme loaded from vifminfo. */
	char color_scheme[NAME_MAX + 1];
	/* Whether terminal uses direct colors. */
	int direct_color;

	int msg_head, msg_tail;
	char *msgs[51];
	int save_msg_in_list;
	int allow_sb_msg_truncation; /* Whether truncation can be performed. */

	int scroll_bind_off;
	SPLIT split;
	/* Splitter position relative to viewport, negative values mean "centred".
	 * Handling it as a special case prevents drifting from center on resizes due
	 * to rounding.  Should be updated using stats_set_splitter_*(). */
	int splitter_pos;
	/* Splitter position as a ratio relative to terminal's width or height.
	 * Should be updated using stats_set_splitter_*().*/
	double splitter_ratio;

	SourcingState sourcing_state;

	/* Set while executing :restart command to prevent excess screen updates. */
	int restart_in_progress;

	/* Status line is enabled, but is being reused for wild menu completion. */
	int reusing_statusline;

	ExecEnvType exec_env_type; /* Specifies execution environment type. */

	/* Shows which of supported terminal multiplexers is currently in use, if
	 * any. */
	TermMultiplexer term_multiplexer;

	/* Stores last command-line mode command that was executed or an empty line
	 * (e.g. right after startup or :restart command). */
	char *last_cmdline_command;

	int initial_lines;   /* Initial terminal height in lines. */
	int initial_columns; /* Initial terminal width in characters. */

	const char *ellipsis; /* String representation of ellipsis. */

	ShellType shell_type; /* Specifies type of shell. */

	const char *fuse_umount_cmd; /* Command to use for fuse unmounting. */

	FILE *original_stdout; /* Saved original standard output. */

	char *chosen_files_out; /* Destination for writing chosen files. */
	char *chosen_dir_out;   /* Destination for writing chosen directory. */
	char *output_delimiter; /* Delimiter for writing out list of paths. */

	char *on_choose; /* Command to execute on picking files. */

	char *last_session; /* Name of the previously used session. */

	const void *preview_hint; /* Hint on which view is used for preview. */

	/* List of plugin search directories.  Processed first to last. */
	strlist_t plugins_dirs;

	int global_local_settings; /* Set local settings globally. */

	int history_size;    /* Number of elements in histories. */
	hist_t cmd_hist;     /* History of command-line commands. */
	hist_t menucmd_hist; /* History of command-line commands in menus. */
	hist_t exprreg_hist; /* History of expression register. */
	hist_t search_hist;  /* History of search patterns. */
	hist_t prompt_hist;  /* History of prompt input. */
	hist_t filter_hist;  /* History of local filter patterns. */

	struct ipc_t *ipc;     /* Handle for IPC mechanism. */
	struct vlua_t *vlua;   /* Handle for Lua unit. */
	struct plugs_t *plugs; /* Handle for plugins unit. */

extern status_t curr_stats;

/* Initializes curr_stats from the configuration.  Returns non-zero on error,
 * otherwise zero is returned. */
int stats_init(struct config_t *config);

/* Resets some part of runtime status information to its initial values.
 * Returns non-zero on error. */
int stats_reset(const struct config_t *config);

/* Updates curr_stats to reflect whether terminal multiplexers support is
 * enabled. */
void stats_set_use_multiplexer(int use_term_multiplexer);

/* Updates curr_stats.shell_type field according to passed shell command. */
void stats_update_shell_type(const char shell_cmd[]);

/* Updates curr_stats.term_state field according to specified terminal
 * dimensions.  Returns new state. */
TermState stats_update_term_state(int screen_x, int screen_y);

/* Sets output location (curr_stats.chosen_files_out) for list of chosen
 * files. */
void stats_set_chosen_files_out(const char output[]);

/* Sets output location (curr_stats.chosen_dir_out) for last visited
 * directory. */
void stats_set_chosen_dir_out(const char output[]);

/* Sets delimiter (curr_stats.output_delimiter) for separating multiple paths in
 * output. */
void stats_set_output_delimiter(const char delimiter[]);

/* Sets command to run on file selection right before exiting
 * exit (curr_stats.on_choose). */
void stats_set_on_choose(const char command[]);

/* Checks whether custom actions on file choosing is set.  Returns non-zero if
 * so, otherwise zero is returned. */
int stats_file_choose_action_set(void);

/* Records status bar message. */
void stats_save_msg(const char msg[]);

/* Updates curr_stats.preview.on field and performs necessary updates in other
 * parts of the application. */
void stats_set_quickview(int on);

/* Updates position of the splitter and schedules a redraw if it has changed. */
void stats_set_splitter_pos(int position);

/* Updates position of the splitter based on a ratio and schedules a redraw if
 * it has changed.  The parameter equal to -1.0 sets ratio based on current
 * position of the splitter. */
void stats_set_splitter_ratio(double ratio);

/* Scheduled updates. */

/* Sets internal flag to schedule postponed redraw operation of the UI. */
void stats_redraw_later(void);

/* Sets internal flag to schedule postponed refresh operation of the UI. */
void stats_refresh_later(void);

/* Queries state of scheduled updates while resetting them at the same time.
 * Returns the state. */
UpdateType stats_update_fetch(void);

/* Checks whether redraw is scheduled without resetting it.  Returns non-zero if
 * so, otherwise zero is returned. */
int stats_redraw_planned(void);

/* UI silencing. */

/* Non-zero argument makes UI more silent, zero argument makes it less silent.
 * After calls with non-zero and zero arguments balance out, UI gets updated. */
void stats_silence_ui(int more);

/* Checks whether UI is currently silenced. */
int stats_silenced_ui(void);

/* Disables ui silencing of any level (after multiple invocations of
 * `stats_silence_ui(1)`). */
void stats_unsilence_ui(void);

/* Managing histories. */

/* Changes size of histories stored in status_t.  Zero or negative value
 * disables them. */
void hists_resize(int new_size);

/* Saves command to command history. */
void hists_commands_save(const char command[]);

/* Saves command to menu command history. */
void hists_menucmd_save(const char cmd[]);

/* Saves pattern to expression register history. */
void hists_exprreg_save(const char pattern[]);

/* Saves pattern to search history. */
void hists_search_save(const char pattern[]);

/* Saves input to prompt history. */
void hists_prompt_save(const char input[]);

/* Saves input to local filter history. */
void hists_filter_save(const char pattern[]);

/* Gets the most recently used search pattern.  Returns the pattern or empty
 * string if search history is empty. */
const char * hists_search_last(void);

/* Caching of information about directories. */

/* Retrieves information about the path at specified state checking whether it's
 * outdated.  size and/or nitems can be NULL.  On unknown or outdated values
 * variables are set to DCACHE_UNKNOWN. */
void dcache_get_at(const char path[], time_t mtime, uint64_t inode,
		uint64_t *size, uint64_t *nitems);

/* Retrieves information about the entry checking whether it's outdated.  size
 * and/or nitems can be NULL. */
void dcache_get_of(const struct dir_entry_t *entry, dcache_result_t *size,
		dcache_result_t *nitems);

/* Updates cached sizes of parents by specified amount. */
void dcache_update_parent_sizes(const char path[], uint64_t by);

/* Updates information about the path.  Returns zero on success, otherwise
 * non-zero is returned. */
int dcache_set_at(const char path[], uint64_t inode, uint64_t size,
		uint64_t nitems);

/* Selection history. */

/* Adds/updates saved selection of files for a particular directory.  Takes
 * ownership of the memory passed in.  Remembers up to 10 different directories,
 * then overwrites the oldest entries. */
void selhist_put(const char location[], char *paths[], int path_count);

/* Retrieves saved selection for a path.  Caller takes ownership of the
 * returned memory.  Doesn't set output parameters on failure.  Returns zero on
 * success, otherwise non-zero is returned. */
int selhist_get(const char location[], char ***paths, int *path_count);

	time_t dcache_get_size_timestamp(const char path[]);
	void dcache_set_size_timestamp(const char path[], time_t ts);

#endif /* VIFM__STATUS_H__ */

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