xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / src / Makefile.win (c8b5b731216f510340063e48eaf17ced2f29e167) (7,723B) (mode 100644) [raw]
CC = $(CROSS)gcc
WINDRES = $(CROSS)windres
STRIP = $(CROSS)strip

# function to get absolute path to parent directory of a path
getparentdir = $(abspath $(dir $1))
# determine location of this Makefile
src_dir := $(call getparentdir, $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))

# lookup for out-of-tree builds
VPATH := $(src_dir)

override CFLAGS := -c -Wall -Werror $(CFLAGS)
override CFLAGS += -include ../build-aux/config.h -pipe
override CFLAGS += -pthread -MMD -MP
ifeq ($(RELEASE),1)
    override CFLAGS += -O2
    override CFLAGS += -gdwarf-3 -O0

MANGEN := groff
UNDER_VCS := $(shell [ "`which git 2> /dev/null`" -a -d ../.git ] && echo 1)

LIBS := -lregex -lnetapi32 -lws2_32 -lm -lole32 -luuid -lmpr
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
    LIBS += -lpdcurses
    # new versions of MXE name pdcurses this way
    LIBS += -lcurses

LDFLAGS := -pthread

cfg := config.c info.c
cfg := $(addprefix cfg/, $(cfg))

compat := curses.c dtype.c getopt.c getopt1.c os.c pthread.c reallocarray.c
compat += wcwidth.c
compat := $(addprefix compat/, $(compat))

engine := abbrevs.c autocmds.c cmds.c functions.c completion.c keys.c mode.c \
          options.c parsing.c text_buffer.c var.c variables.c
engine := $(addprefix engine/, $(engine))

int := ext_edit.c file_magic.c fuse.c path_env.c term_title.c vim.c
int := $(addprefix int/, $(int))

io := private/ioc.c private/ioe.c private/ioeta.c private/ionotif.c
io += private/traverser.c ioe.c ioeta.c iop.c ior.c
io := $(addprefix io/, $(io))

lua := lapi.c lauxlib.c lbaselib.c lcode.c lcorolib.c lctype.c ldblib.c \
       ldebug.c ldo.c ldump.c lfunc.c lgc.c linit.c liolib.c llex.c lmathlib.c \
       lmem.c loadlib.c lobject.c lopcodes.c loslib.c lparser.c lstate.c \
       lstring.c lstrlib.c ltable.c ltablib.c ltm.c lundump.c lutf8lib.c lvm.c \
lua := $(addprefix lua/, $(lua))
lua := $(addprefix lua/, $(lua) common.c vifm.c vifm_abbrevs.c vifm_cmds.c \
                                vifm_events.c vifm_handlers.c vifm_keys.c \
                                vifm_tabs.c vifm_viewcolumns.c vifmentry.c \
                                vifmjob.c vifmtab.c vifmview.c vlua.c \
                                vlua_cbacks.c vlua_state.c)

menus := apropos_menu.c bmarks_menu.c cabbrevs_menu.c chistory_menu.c \
         colorscheme_menu.c commands_menu.c dirhistory_menu.c dirstack_menu.c \
         filetypes_menu.c find_menu.c grep_menu.c history_menu.c jobs_menu.c \
         locate_menu.c trash_menu.c trashes_menu.c map_menu.c marks_menu.c \
         menus.c plugins_menu.c registers_menu.c undolist_menu.c users_menu.c \
         vifm_menu.c volumes_menu.c
menus := $(addprefix menus/, $(menus))

dialogs := attr_dialog_win.c change_dialog.c msg_dialog.c sort_dialog.c
dialogs := $(addprefix dialogs/, $(dialogs))

modes := $(dialogs) cmdline.c file_info.c menu.c modes.c more.c normal.c \
         view.c visual.c
modes := $(addprefix modes/, $(modes))

ui := cancellation.c color_manager.c color_scheme.c colored_line.c column_view.c
ui += escape.c fileview.c statusbar.c statusline.c tabs.c quickview.c ui.c
ui := $(addprefix ui/, $(ui))

utilities := cancellation.c dynarray.c env.c event_win.c file_streams.c \
             filemon.c filter.c fs.c fsdata.c fsddata.c fswatch_win.c globs.c \
             gmux_win.c hist.c int_stack.c log.c matcher.c matchers.c mem.c \
             parson.c path.c regexp.c selector_win.c shmem_win.c str.c \
             string_array.c trie.c utf8.c utf8proc.c utils.c utils_win.c
utilities := $(addprefix utils/, $(utilities))

vifm_SOURCES := $(cfg) $(compat) $(engine) $(int) $(io) $(lua) $(menus) \
                $(modes) $(ui) $(utilities) args.c background.c bmarks.c \
                bracket_notation.c builtin_functions.c cmd_actions.c \
                cmd_completion.c cmd_core.c cmd_handlers.c compare.c \
                compile_info.c dir_stack.c event_loop.c filelist.c \
                filename_modifiers.c fops_common.c fops_cpmv.c fops_misc.c \
                fops_put.c fops_rename.c filetype.c filtering.c flist_hist.c \
                flist_pos.c flist_sel.c instance.c ipc.c macros.c marks.c \
                ops.c opt_handlers.c plugins.c registers.c running.c search.c \
                signals.c sort.c status.c tags.c trash.c types.c undo.c \
                vcache.c version.c viewcolumns_parser.c vifmres.o vifm.c

vifm_OBJECTS := $(vifm_SOURCES:.c=.o)
vifm_EXECUTABLE := vifm.exe

DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(vifm_OBJECTS)))

# determine list of output directories that don't exist at the moment
out_dirs := $(sort $(dir $(vifm_OBJECTS)))
out_dirs := $(filter-out $(wildcard $(out_dirs)) ./, $(out_dirs))
out_dirs := $(addprefix $(abspath .)/,$(out_dirs))

win_helper_SOURCES := win_helper.c
win_helper_OBJECTS := $(win_helper_SOURCES:.c=.o)
win_helper_EXECUTABLE := win_helper.exe

.PHONY: all clean check update_compile_info

all: ../data/vifm-help.txt $(vifm_EXECUTABLE) $(win_helper_EXECUTABLE)

$(vifm_EXECUTABLE): $(vifm_OBJECTS) | ../build-aux/config.h
	$(CC) $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
ifeq ($(RELEASE),1)
	$(STRIP) -S --strip-unneeded $@
$(win_helper_EXECUTABLE): $(win_helper_OBJECTS) | ../build-aux/config.h
	$(CC) $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
ifeq ($(RELEASE),1)
	$(STRIP) -S --strip-unneeded $@

vifm.res: vifm.rc ../data/graphics/vifm.ico
	$(WINDRES) --use-temp-file -i $(src_dir)/vifm.rc -o vifm.res

vifmres.o: vifm.res
	$(WINDRES) --use-temp-file -i ./vifm.res -o vifmres.o

../build-aux/config.h: Makefile.win
	@echo Creating sample $@
	mkdir -p ../build-aux
	echo '#define VERSION "0.13"' > $@; \
	echo '#define ENABLE_EXTENDED_KEYS' >> $@; \
	echo '#define _GNU_SOURCE 1' >> $@; \
	echo '#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 1' >> $@; \
	echo '#define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1' >> $@; \
	echo '#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64' >> $@; \
	echo '#define PACKAGE_SYSCONF_DIR ""' >> $@; \
	echo '#define ENABLE_REMOTE_CMDS 1' >> $@; \
	echo '#define WITH_BUILD_TIMESTAMP 1' >> $@; \
	echo '#define WINVER 0x0600' >> $@; \
	echo '#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600' >> $@; \
	echo '#define PDC_WIDE' >> $@; \
	echo '#define UTF8PROC_STATIC' >> $@; \
#	echo '#define HAVE_FILE_PROG' >> $@;
ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
	@echo '#define __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO 1' >> $@

version.o: $(filter-out version.o, $(vifm_OBJECTS))
compile_info.c: update_compile_info
	@$(src_dir)/update-compile-info $(UNDER_VCS)

# No action needed for this target.

%.o: %.c | ../build-aux/config.h $(out_dirs)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

../data/vifm-help.txt: $(src_dir)/../data/man/vifm.1 | $(abspath ../data/)
	@if [ "x$$(which $(MANGEN))" != "x" -a "x$$(which sed)" != "x" ]; then \
		$(MANGEN) -Tascii -man $< | \
		    sed -e 's/.\x08//g' -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9]*m//g' -e 's/\r//g' >| '$@'; \

tags.c: ../data/vim/doc/app/vifm-app.txt
	@if [ "x$$(which vim)" != "x" -a "x$$(which awk)" != "x" ]; then \
		vim -e -s -c 'helptags $(dir $<)|q'; \
		awk ' \
			BEGIN { \
				print "const char *tags[] = {" \
			} \
			{ \
				print "\t\"" $$1 "\"," \
			} \
			END { \
				print "\t0,\n};" \
			} \
		' $(dir $<)/tags > $@; \
		dos2unix "$@"; \

$(out_dirs) $(abspath ../data/):
	mkdir -p $@

# only builds tests without running them
tests: | ../build-aux/config.h $(vifm_EXECUTABLE)
	mkdir -p "$(abspath ../tests)"
	+make -C $(src_dir)/../tests/ B='$(abspath ../tests)/' CC='$(CC)' \

# runs the tests, building them before if needed
check: tests
	+make -C $(src_dir)/../tests/ B='$(abspath ../tests)/' CC='$(CC)' \

	-$(RM) compile_info.c tags.c
	-$(RM) $(addsuffix *.o, $(DIRS))
	-$(RM) $(addsuffix *.d, $(DIRS))
	-$(RM) *.res *.exe

include $(wildcard $(addsuffix *.d, $(DIRS)))

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