xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / data / shell-completion / zsh / _vifm (dcf1cfc82e6a3dcd8eeb8a39062e536ccedc0f37) (2,012B) (mode 100644) [raw]
#compdef vifm

local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line expl ret=1
typeset -A opt_args

_path_or_hyphen() {
  _alternative \
    'files:path:_files' \

_arguments -C -s \
  '--select[open parent directory of the given path and select specified file in it]:path:_files' \
  '-f[makes vifm instead of opening files write selection to $VIFM/vimfiles and quit]' \
  '--choose-files[sets output file to write selection into on exit instead of opening files]:path or hyphen:_path_or_hyphen' \
  '--choose-dir[sets output file to write last visited directory into on exit]:path or hyphen:_path_or_hyphen' \
  '--plugins-dir[adds additional plugins directory (can appear multiple times)]:dir:_directories' \
  '--delimiter[sets separator for list of file paths written out by vifm]:delimiter: ' \
  '--on-choose[sets command to be executed on selected files instead of opening them]:command:_cmdstring' \
  '--logging=-[log some operational details]::startup log path:_files' \
  '--server-list[list available server names and exit]' \
  '--server-name[name of target or this instance]:server name:->server' \
  '--remote[passes all arguments that left in command line to vifm server]' \
  '--remote-expr[passes expression to vifm server and prints result]' \
  '*'{-c,+-}'[run command on startup]:command: ' \
  {-h,--help}'[show help message and quit]' \
  {-v,--version}'[show version number and quit]' \
  '--no-configs[don'\''t read vifmrc and vifminfo]' \
  '1::path:->path' \
  '2::path:->path' && ret=0

if [[ $state == path ]]; then
  # only one hyphen is allowed
  if (( ! ${line[(I)-]} )); then
    _path_or_hyphen && ret=0
    _description files expl $state_descr
    _files "$expl[@]" && ret=0
elif [[ $state == server ]]; then
  local -a servers
  servers=( ${(f)"$(_call_program servers $words[1] --server-list 2>/dev/null)"} )
  _wanted servers expl $state_descr compadd -M 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' -a servers && ret=0

return ret

# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et

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