xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit f90c7fb18bd0780ce9848eeb9e7eb5513c7a6801

Update NEWS file for 0.8.2 release
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2016-07-16 10:25
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2016-07-16 10:25
Parent(s): ac93b454e9670509eb36ea5561cfd219b599976e
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 7e8f7c7bba1cc1ac2baa21ed7ac7a131d4e08ceb
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 180 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index 139ec6acb..d767c96a7)
1 July 16, 2016
2 =============
4 vifm v0.8.2
5 -----------
7 This release brings a bit of user-friendliness in form of key suggestions and
8 various descriptions provided in the interface. Matching of files has been
9 extended in many ways and become significantly more powerful than before.
10 Menu mode also got several enhancements.
12 Thanks to everyone who found time to try the beta.
14 Main changes:
15 - key suggestions in the interface on ambiguous input (e.g. "g");
16 - helpful shortcuts for dialogs (for sort dialog in particular);
17 - key descriptions in :map menus and %z macro for 'statusline' to display some
18 tips;
19 - description of all :commands, 'options' and their values for new multiline
20 version of wildmenu;
21 - ANDing, ORing and negating patterns for matching files and new mime-type
22 matcher;
23 - file prefixes and suffixes can now be multi-byte, which with extended
24 'classify' option allows specifying "icons" via custom fonts;
25 - search result highlighting, enabled completion and a way to export the list
26 for menus;
27 - an indication of pattern correctness and match state for interactive prompts.
28 - :select and :unselect commands to perform automatic file selection (possibly
29 by using output of external application);
30 - cancellation (handling of Ctrl-C) for quick view and view mode loading.
32 Not sure if it was noticed, but HTTPS protocol is up for related sites since
33 Let's Encrypt started their beta. Everything works fine, so all the links were
34 updated to https protocol.
36 If you ever wondered which keys are builtin for the command (normal) mode of
37 Vifm, this cheatsheet will show you: https://next.vifm.info/cheatsheets.shtml
39 In case you're into using neovim, you might be interesting into checking out
40 alternative Vifm plugin for it: https://github.com/vifm/neovim-vifm
42 More detailed list of changes.
44 Core:
45 - added heuristic that uses null byte as separator for file lists if there is
46 at least one such byte, otherwise normal line separators are used. This
47 affects :[un]select, `vifm -`, %u, %U, %m and %M (thanks to filterfalse);
48 - changed order of initialization to perform autocommands before startup
49 commands on launch.
51 Normal and visual modes:
52 - changed ga/gA effect on parent entry (..) to calculate size of current
53 directory (thanks to aleksejrs).
55 :set command and options:
56 - added 'wildstyle' option to control the way wild menu is displayed. Enables
57 displaying it as a menu with one item per line (thanks to santhoshr and
58 octos);
59 - added 'suggestoptions' option to control displaying of suggestions;
60 - added support of patterns to 'classify' option, so that files can now be
61 decorated based on their names (thanks to elricbk);
62 - added 'cvoptions' option to control when entering/leaving custom views is
63 considered to be equal to entering/leaving directories (thanks to
64 filterfalse);
65 - added "target" sorting key, which sorts files by symbolic link targets
66 (thanks to Marcos Cruz);
67 - added %z 'statusline' macro that inserts text of a short tip picked at random
68 (thanks to qinghao, a.k.a. haobug);
69 - changed type of 'confirm' option. Now it's a set that picks which operations
70 should be confirmed (thanks to Losiara and mvucBmM0);
71 - allow suffixes and prefixes in 'classify' to be of up to eight characters in
72 length (thanks to elricbk).
74 Command-line mode:
75 - added "filelist" parameter to :sync! that enables synchronization of custom
76 view (thanks to filterfalse);
77 - added :select and :unselect commands (thanks to filterfalse, Russell Urquhart
78 and Marcos Cruz);
79 - added negation to patterns with explicitly specified type (surrounded by {}
80 or //). Put exclamation mark to invert pattern match (thanks to Marcos
81 Cruz);
82 - added mime type patterns ([!]<list-of-globs>) (thanks to Ross Hadden, a.k.a.
83 rosshadden);
84 - added pattern ANDing. Just list decorated patterns one after another and
85 such composite pattern will much when each of them matches (thanks to
86 filterfalse);
87 - added pattern ORing for :file[x]type and :fileviewer commands implemented as
88 a comma-separated list (thanks to filterfalse);
89 - expand environment variables for :edit (thanks to filterfalse);
90 - don't print just table header on `:cabbr something`, print message that no
91 matches found instead;
92 - use original (before custom view) cursor position on :sync! in custom views
93 (thanks to filterfalse).
95 File preview:
96 - added cancellation (handling of Ctrl-C) for quick view and view mode loading
97 (thanks to kalterfive);
98 - skip UTF-8 BOM for file preview.
100 File list:
101 - never add parent entry (..) to very custom view (%U) (thanks to filterfalse);
102 - silently ignore tries to remove parent entry (..) (thanks to aleksejrs);
103 - automatically update custom view entries on rename of their parent directory
104 in the same custom view.
106 Completion:
107 - added completion of :wincmd argument;
108 - do not reset completion on terminal resize;
109 - some corrections of when completion happens for :find and :grep.
111 Scripting:
112 - added chooseopt() builtin function that retrieves various parameters of file
113 choosing (thanks to Von Welch).
115 Menus and dialogs:
116 - added highlighting of search matches in menus;
117 - added :noh[lsearch] command to menu mode;
118 - added quick shortcuts to dialogs (patch by oo-);
119 - added description of builtin keys to :map menus;
120 - added :write command to menus, that writes all menu lines into specified file
121 (thanks to gtors);
122 - a bit better delete confirmation messages with number of files to be deleted;
123 - avoid displaying useless search messages about incorrect pattern during
124 interactive search in menus (those that user can't see, but that are shown in
125 :messages);
126 - enabled wildmenu for menus.
128 TUI (Text User Interface):
129 - added indication of wrong pattern and absence of matches to command-prompt
130 for interactive search/filtering.
132 Angle bracket notation:
133 - display <c-h> as <bs> only at the beginning of key sequence.
135 Color schemes:
136 - added SuggestBox highlight group for key suggestion box.
138 Vim-plugin:
139 - added support for matchit to filetype plugin (patch by filterfalse);
140 - better terminal buffer title for plugin in neovim (thanks to
141 randomizedthinking);
142 - improved syntax highlighting of patterns.
144 Only on Windows:
145 - fixed escaping for cmd.exe again, for :edit and external command invocations
146 (thanks to Reva Revadigar);
147 - fixed querying file information on 64-bit Windows (thanks to santhoshr);
148 - fixed possible crash on displaying job bar (e.g. after :empty) (thanks to
149 Reva Revadigar);
150 - fixed UTF8 <-> UTF16 conversion, which didn't always work (on surrogate
151 characters it seems) (thanks to Reva Revadigar);
152 - fixed possible unexpectedly long timeouts when waiting for a key (due to
153 limitation of pdcurses);
154 - fixed displaying of wide (CJK) characters in pdcurses (thanks to Reva
155 Revadigar);
156 - fixed capturing output of external applications when 'shell' is "cmd". Was
157 broken since v0.8 in an attempt to make cmd work better with Unicode (but its
158 /U flag affects only input and output streams).
160 Packaging:
161 - fixed functioning on architectures on which `char` is unsigned by default
162 (thanks to Ondrej Novy, a.k.a. onovy).
164 Important fixes:
165 - fixed hanging on sudden terminal loss (regression) (thanks to aleksejrs);
166 - fixed using original file names after a prompt for new destination name
167 (thanks to rbong);
168 - fixed unconditional resetting of executable permission when using cp dialog
169 (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
170 - fixed remote feature on cygwin (thanks to Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a.
171 cosminadrianpopescu);
172 - fixed epic bug in processing selectors followed by other commands in a
173 mapping. Command which accepted selector was called after tail of sequence
174 is processed. Such case isn't very likely, so it probably didn't affect
175 anyone.
177 See change log for the full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
179 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 181 July 02, 2016 July 02, 2016
2 182 ============= =============
3 183

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