xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit e6247f46627f03467ab60fee4d1c56cfb9200352

Update NEWS file
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2015-07-08 13:59
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2015-07-09 13:28
Parent(s): b3f7ae6eaba148b3bdef6eb25f5551657eb3624e
Signing key:
Tree: 1a940cdb9e2bfb99b3c380f0bcac680732fa5bfc
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 246 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index cff7c0b07..90ad919d0)
1 July 08, 2015
2 =============
4 vifm v0.8
5 ---------
7 New version brings several useful improvements of different kinds. The most
8 substantial addition is custom views that allow one to combine files from
9 several directories in one view, which in turn enables processing of
10 search/grep/etc. results similar to handling contents of a regular directory.
12 Thanks to everyone who was reporting issues during beta period.
14 Also reminding about #vifm@Freenode IRC channel, color schemes preview at
15 http://vifm.info/colorschemes.shtml and introducing http://q2a.vifm.info Q&A
16 site for general usage questions.
18 Main changes:
19 - added filename specific highlight (with a script to convert ls options);
20 - added custom views, which contrary to regular views can contain files that do
21 not belong to the same directory;
22 - added job bar to display active backgrounded file operations;
23 - added command-line mode abbreviations;
24 - added global configuration and color schemes directory;
25 - added live search match highlighting;
26 - added optional per-file progress for file operations;
27 - added full path patterns ({{globs}} and //regexp//);
28 - added command-line options to control file/directory selection and selection
29 processing to make it easier to use vifm as a file picker;
30 - color schemes got ".vifm" extension, but the old-style names will still work
31 for now;
32 - XDG specification support;
33 - ability to use terminal applications to preview graphics (e.g.
34 w3mimgdisplay).
36 File operations:
37 - added per-file overwrite confirmation on directory merging (thanks to
38 willemw12);
39 - added detailed list of errors when 'syscalls' is used (thanks to willemw12).
41 Key bindings:
42 - added F key to less-like (file view) mode, which acts similar to `tail -F` or
43 F key in less (thanks to Daniel Dettlaff, a.k.a. dmilith);
44 - added b key to menu mode that creates custom view filled with menu items
45 filtering out those that are not paths;
46 - added zd normal and visual modes key to exclude items from custom views;
47 - optional per-file progress in dialog mode activated by hitting "i" while
48 operation is being performed.
50 :set command and options:
51 - added 'chaselinks' option to automatically expand all symbolic links in path
52 of a view (might not work on Windows) (thanks to filterfalse);
53 - added 'mintimeout' option. It enables controlling responsiveness on external
54 events by Vifm (thanks to hofheinz);
55 - added 'wordchars' option to specify which characters in command-line mode
56 should be considered as part of a word (thanks to filterfalse);
57 - added ^= operation for charset options;
58 - added %[ and %] macros for 'statusline'/'ruler' (thanks to ranousse);
59 - added "p" to 'shortmess' option to control tilde shortening of path in view
60 titles (thanks to Martin Fischer);
61 - changed default value of 'trashdir' from "$VIFM/Trash" to
62 "%r/.vifm-Trash,$VIFM/Trash" (thanks to Joseph LP, a.k.a. ootput);
63 - normalized sorting keys/view column names: "type" -> "dir", display real mode
64 in octal for "mode", make "type" actually display file type (as "mode" did
65 before) (thanks to Michal Belica, a.k.a. beli-sk);
66 - united last pattern of :substitute command with search history (thanks to
67 filterfalse).
69 Command-line mode:
70 - added :highlight {pattern} for filename specific highlight (thanks to Ink,
71 a.k.a. inknoir, filterfalse and Michael Maddern, a.k.a. madders);
72 - added :cabbrev, :cnoreabbrev and :cunabbrev commands to manage command-line
73 mode abbreviations (thanks to filterfalse);
74 - added Ctrl-X / (slash) key to that inserts last search pattern into current
75 cursor position (thanks to filterfalse);
76 - added Ctrl-] key to trigger abbreviation expansion;
77 - added single-argument form of :file[x]type and :fileviewer commands that
78 lists (in menu mode) currently registered patterns that match specified file
79 name;
80 - added :cq[uit] command to exit with non-zero exit code and also abort
81 directory choosing (thanks to Jeet Sukumaran, a.k.a. jeetsukumaran);
82 - added :trashes? to display sizes of each non-empty trash directories (thanks
83 to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
84 - added regexp patterns to :file[x]type and :fileviewer commands (thanks to
85 filterfalse);
86 - added :redr[aw] command to force immediate redraw (thanks to filterfalse);
87 - allow non-printable characters to be arguments of :commands (thanks to
88 filterfalse);
89 - extended :sync command to support selective synchronization (user can choose
90 among location, cursor position, local options and filters) (thanks to
91 filterfalse).
93 Completion:
94 - complete `clear` subcommand of :highlight.
96 Angle bracket notation:
97 - added <lt> angle bracket notation (less-than character, '<') (thanks to
98 filterfalse);
99 - map <c-h> and <bs> to different key codes (thanks to fogine). This is caused
100 by inconsistency among terminals, map to both keys and it should work
101 everywhere.
103 Macros:
104 - added %px, %py, %pw and %ph macros that describe location and dimensions of
105 preview area to use in external commands (thanks to Stephano, a.k.a. cao);
106 - added %u and %U macros to redirect command output directly into custom view.
107 The second one allows for more customization of file list, which is absence
108 of sorting for now (thanks to filterfalse);
109 - no more unjustified inconsistency in processing macros in :! and :file[x]type
110 commands (thanks to Miodrag Tokić, a.k.a. loonies).
112 Scripting:
113 - added system() builtin function that executes command via shell and returns
114 its output;
115 - added full path patterns ({{globs}} and //regexp//) (thanks to astrell);
116 - report error on wrong expression in :if statement and misplaced :else/:endif
117 on file sourcing.
119 Color scheme:
120 - added JobLine highlight group for the job bar.
122 Configuration:
123 - added fallback to use "XDG Base Directory Specification" when failed to find
124 configuration in other places (thanks to Miodrag Tokić, a.k.a. loonies);
125 - added global configuration {prefix}/etc/vifm/vifmrc and color schemes
126 {prefix}/etc/vifm/colors/* (thanks to astrell and Michael Vetter, a.k.a.
127 jubalh).
129 Performance:
130 - significantly reduced amount of work performed by Vifm in idle state (thanks
131 to hofheinz);
132 - quit fast on --help/--version (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
133 - throw away dead directories in directory histories on merging vifminfo files.
134 Otherwise clearing such directories on :history is almost useless.
136 Menus and dialogs:
137 - added handling of Ctrl-L to sort dialog (thanks to filterfalse);
138 - added device id (major and minor numbers) to file info dialog;
139 - made calculation of directory size visible in :jobs menu;
140 - parse output of mandoc version of apropos in :apropos (thanks to Svyatoslav
141 Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
142 - display 'timefmt' date along with RFC 2822 date in file info (thanks to
143 Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef).
145 TUI (Text User Interface):
146 - added search match highlighting for file names (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn,
147 a.k.a. juef, and willemw12);
148 - added job bar that displays backgrounded file operations if any (thanks to
149 geo909);
150 - redraw UI on resize during file operation when 'syscalls' is set;
151 - redraw UI on resize when dialog is active;
152 - dynamic dialog dimensions (minimum %30 percent of the screen rather than
153 screen-wide all the time) (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
154 - auto-resize position field on the status bar to fit the text (thanks to
155 ranousse);
156 - append unused space in view columns to the last one with percent sizing type
157 if any (thanks to fogine).
159 Documentation:
160 - manual page fixes/improvements (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
161 - wrapped option names with single quotes in the man page to make it easier to
162 search for options by their names.
164 Packaging:
165 - added one more light color scheme to assets (in two variations astrell-root
166 and astrell-user) (thanks to astrell);
167 - added lookup for mandoc on *nix to perform manual page to plain text
168 transformation (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
169 - added OS X version of sample vifmrc file. Now this one will be used on first
170 run on OS X (thanks to Larry Hynes, a.k.a. larryhynes);
171 - added dircolors -> vifm conversion script (thanks to Ink, a.k.a. inknoir,
172 Hendrik Jaeger, a.k.a. henk, and Michael Maddern, a.k.a. madders);
173 - added .vifm extension to color schemes (initial rename is performed
174 automatically) (thanks Michael Vetter, a.k.a. jubalh);
175 - added script to update timestamps, so that build system won't be regenerated
176 without real reason. One might want to run it when building from git
177 checkout, which doesn't preserve correct timestamps;
178 - install AUTHORS, COPYING, ChangeLog, INSTALL, NEWS, README and TODO to
179 {prefix}/share/doc/vifm. Install color schemes to
180 {prefix}/share/vifm/colors. Otherwise these are not available after
181 installation;
182 - made configure script lookup curs_set in libtinfo;
183 - moved checks for build-time tools existence from Makefile to configure
184 script;
185 - made tests less dependent on environment (thanks to Hendrik Jaeger, a.k.a.
186 henk).
188 Only on Windows:
189 - automatically install sample vifmrc and help file on first start;
190 - switch to utf-8 internal representation of paths. This fixes issues when
191 file name encoding doesn't match system encoding (thanks to Stas Panteleev).
193 Important fixes:
194 - fixed undesired file removal on overwriting them with themselves (data loss
195 after confirmation of overwriting files when destination matches source)
196 (thanks to Сергей Соловьёв (Sergej Soloviov));
197 - fixed crash on navigation to end of line in command-line mode (thanks to
198 Christian Fillion, a.k.a. cfillion);
199 - fixed `:help` (no arguments) when 'vimhelp' is on and automatically installed
200 Vim documentation is used (thanks to ranousse);
201 - better handling of case related operations;
202 - fixed ":vs .." which used to use wrong base directory;
203 - fixed assertion on including "type" in 'viewcolumns' value (thanks to Michal
204 Belica, a.k.a. beli-sk);
205 - better FUSE handling on OS X (thanks to Michael Maddern, a.k.a. madders);
206 - fixed (deep) directory merging (thanks to willemw12);
207 - fixed build and work on OpenBSD (at least to some degree that curses
208 implementation there allows). There might be some troubles with non-ascii
209 characters (thanks to hofheinz and Brian Callahan, a.k.a. ibara);
210 - fixed copying of fifo, socket and device files with 'syscalls' enabled.
211 Thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn (a.k.a. juef).
213 Vim-plugin:
214 - added K mapping to Vim plugin (quick navigation to documentation, e.g. from
215 vifmrc). Patch by filterfalse.
217 Other changes:
218 - added --delimiter command-line option. Configures delimiter string on
219 writing out list of paths (like on `-f` switch) (thanks to Jeet Sukumaran,
220 a.k.a. jeetsukumaran);
221 - added --choose-files and --choose-dir command-line switches to specify output
222 location for names of selected files or last visited directory
223 respectively (thanks to Jeet Sukumaran, a.k.a. jeetsukumaran);
224 - added --on-choose command-line switch to execute a command on selection
225 rather than opening it (thanks to Ross Hadden, a.k.a. rosshadden);
226 - added %FOREGROUND FUSE mounting option, which supersedes %CLEAR and fixes
227 issue with passing input to FUSE mounter (thanks to Johannes, a.k.a. johannesmeng);
228 - removed per-view last search pattern. Don't worry, you probably won't even
229 notice it: this doesn't affect regular use case, rather more exotic one,
230 which is hard to notice;
231 - better handling or unexpectedly unavailable directories on startup and while
232 running (thanks to willemw12);
233 - define $VIFM_FUSE_FILE environment variable for external commands to
234 communicate path to file used to initiate FUSE mounting of directory we're
235 in (thanks to astrell);
236 - allowed having multiple file viewers with same rules for choosing them at
237 run-time as for file associations (thanks to filterfalse);
238 - redirect both standard output and error streams from viewers (already was the
239 case for Windows);
240 - handle commands that are too long to be passed directly to the shell by
241 breaking them into list of arguments if possible (thanks to filterfalse).
243 See change log for full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
245 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 247 June 19, 2015 June 19, 2015
2 248 ============= =============
3 249

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