xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit c1c1d0d27fe93cb6d2683582d460d2d201ec0218

Update NEWS file for v0.9.1
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-02-02 22:08
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-02-05 10:38
Parent(s): 06a7ecda0968cf041eece4dd2995449bcb34a0e9
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 1bd33d3b4b37ee34e95a916c02614a89d550c84e
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 144 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index 129427e5b..a4c324598)
1 February 05, 2018
2 =================
4 vifm v0.9.1
5 -----------
7 This version adds to the list of ways for viewing files by introducing
8 miller columns view and transposed ls-like view (table view). Other
9 developments are related to integration between builtin features as well as
10 with external applications.
12 Thanks to everyone who tried out the beta.
14 Main changes:
15 - introduced file view mode known as miller columns or cascading lists;
16 - added ability to transpose ls-like view to make it fill by columns;
17 - more natural behaviour of movement keys in ls-like view;
18 - new `--remote-expr` command-line option can be used to query state of
19 running instances;
20 - extended retry/ignore/abort query to all file operations;
21 - more control over highlight groups via `:highlight` suitable for
22 interactive changes;
23 - mostly eliminated the need for repeating ga/gA commands through automatic
24 size recalculation.
26 More detailed list of changes.
28 File operations:
29 - added retry/ignore/abort prompt for file copying and directory/file/symlink
30 creation when 'syscalls' is on (thanks to einhander);
31 - better detection of write errors on file copying. The error was reported,
32 but it wasn't treated as a hard error in a specific case related to caching.
34 Command-line mode:
35 - added :histnext/:histprev commands, which are analogous to Ctrl-I/Ctrl-O
36 (patch by Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
37 - added ability to remove filename-specific highlighting rules with
38 `:highlight clear {pattern}` (thanks to aleksejrs);
39 - changed :filter command to accept pattern (//, ////, {} or {{}}) (thanks to
40 rbong);
41 - made :siblnext and :siblprev commands respect dot and name filters;
42 - made :siblnext and :siblprev accept [count] range (thanks to filterfalse);
43 - made :tree pick up list of files from custom view (thanks to filterfalse);
44 - made :highlight update file-specific group on exact match of the pattern
45 instead of appending new rule (thanks to aleksejrs);
46 - remove empty directories which are specified in 'trashdir' with %r and/or %u
47 automatically on :empty (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski, a.k.a. rr-).
49 :set command and options:
50 - added "inode" sorting key, which sorts entries by inode number (thanks to
51 eco0414);
52 - added 'millerview' option that enables cascading columns interface for the
53 view (thanks to sudo-nice);
54 - added 'milleroptions' option that configures miller view;
55 - added 'lsoptions' option that allows to get transposed grid in ls-like view
56 (thanks to Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
57 - added 'previewprg' option, which can be used to override :fileviewer commands
58 either temporarily or permanently (thanks to svenn71);
59 - added {root} key to 'viewcolumns' option (complements {ext}) (thanks to Oleg
60 Gordienko, a.k.a. gordio);
61 - added "u" flag to the 'tuioptions' option. It enables use of Unicode
62 characters in the TUI (Unicode ellipsis instead of "...") (thanks to Oleg
63 Gordienko, a.k.a. gordio);
64 - added "foldsubkeys" value to the 'suggestoptions' option. It folds multiple
65 suggestions with common prefix into one entry (thanks to AndreaHasani).
67 Normal and visual modes:
68 - added [r/]r/[R/]R normal mode shortcuts that map to :siblprev and :siblnext
69 with and without wrapping correspondingly (thanks to filterfalse);
70 - do not go to start of line on Ctrl-U/Ctrl-D/Ctrl-F/Ctrl-B/G in ls-like view;
71 - H/M/L keys in ls-like view now account for columns;
72 - instead of invalidating directory size previously calculated via ga/gA on
73 detecting changes in the directory recalculate its size and propagate update
74 through its parents (thanks to filterfalse).
76 Macros:
77 - added %x macro to 'rulerformat' (and thus to 'statusline') as a new name for
78 %-, which conflicts with alignment specification and requires explicit width
79 specifier (%0-) (thanks to Marcos Cruz).
81 Scripting:
82 - added term() builtin function, which differs from system() only by its
83 ability to run interactive applications without confusing vifm's interactions
84 with the terminal (thanks to Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
85 - added v:count and v:count1 builtin variables. They are assigned to count
86 passed to : command;
87 - don't trigger DirEnter event with previous directory on startup when list of
88 files is specified on stdin (thanks to filterfalse).
90 Invocation:
91 - added `--remote-expr` command-line option, which gives ability to query state
92 of an instance (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski, a.k.a. rr-).
94 Completion:
95 - added completion of filename-specific highlight groups for :highlight
96 command.
98 Color schemes:
99 - added AuxWin highlight group for highlighting auxiliary parts of windows.
101 TUI (Text User Interface):
102 - extend width of the cursor in ls-like view to the width of the cell (thanks
103 to Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
104 - indicate preview created with %q with "Command: cmd";
105 - duplicate status bar error in dialog that reports sourcing error. Will need
106 to get rid of errors on status bar later.
108 Performance:
109 - improved performance of mime-type detection when using libmagic (now might be
110 about seven times faster by avoiding reinitialization of the library);
111 - don't force file list reload after `:!` and rely on change detection. This
112 should result in somewhat better performance (thanks to opennota).
114 Documentation:
115 - documented more details about 'vicmd' and 'vixcmd' options (thanks to
116 Sebastian Cyprych).
118 Vim-plugin:
119 - disabled spell checking of vifm files in Vim except for comments.
121 Only on Windows:
122 - fixed running commands with arguments on Windows when 'shell' isn't cmd.exe.
124 Important fixes:
125 - fixed consuming 100% of CPU on certain pattern of running background
126 processes (thanks to petRUShka);
127 - fixed turning quickview into explore view when preview command doesn't
128 contain macros. Was broken since 0.8;
129 - fixed the plugin in neovim (patch by John Shea, a.k.a. coachshea);
130 - fixed cloning of files like `.name` to produce `.name(1)` instead of
131 `(1).name` (thanks to filterfalse);
132 - fixed directory size in statusline (patch by Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
133 - fixed CWD of the process not matching current view after vifm picked up
134 change in file system (patch by Daniel Mueller);
135 - fixed :normal command resetting selection (thanks to filterfalse);
136 - fixed stopping of put operation after copying symbolic link that's broken on
137 destination (thanks to filterfalse);
138 - fixed a "race" with file system when we could load outdated file list and
139 thus miss some file system updates.
141 See change log for the full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
143 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 145 January 22, 2018 January 22, 2018
2 146 ================ ================
3 147

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