xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit bc8fba33031ab2e76a618e82e140a0f6b67e27c9

Update NEWS file
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2016-01-01 21:37
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2016-01-02 15:06
Parent(s): e3359acc3c18fbdfe4815849cbe520c4b211331e
Signing key:
Tree: f12459e91f8eeb5c70f9887d484521e10f44df5d
File Lines added Lines deleted
ChangeLog 2 2
NEWS 241 0
File ChangeLog changed (mode: 100644) (index 9a2ad1754..840c982c2)
388 388
389 389 Fixed running vifm on Windows 10. Thanks to th1rdey3. Fixed running vifm on Windows 10. Thanks to th1rdey3.
390 390
391 Fixed leading and collecting error messages on file operations via system
392 calls.
391 Fixed leaking memory on collecting error messages on file operations via
392 system calls.
393 393
394 394 Fixed navigation back in history from custom view. Fixed navigation back in history from custom view.
395 395
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index d66277eae..dcf3c4a0b)
1 January 02, 2016
2 ================
4 vifm v0.8.1 beta testing has started
5 ------------------------------------
7 New minor version delivers primarily various small improvements of different
8 kinds. There is also improvement of navigation via named bookmarks (or tags),
9 which can ease keeping track of what is where, and an ability to apply
10 settings to specific directories or sub-trees (via combination of autocommands
11 and local options).
13 The beta stage will last about two weeks. In case any serious bugs are found
14 during this period, another beta version might be released.
16 Main changes:
17 - added local options, which work until directory change;
18 - added named bookmarks (paths are associated with tags);
19 - added autocommands (with DirEnter event);
20 - added ability to sort by regexp-extracted part of file name;
21 - added builtin directory preview (similar to `tree`);
22 - added a way to communicate menu contents to Vim quickfix;
23 - IPC got new (safe) implementation with listing/targeting of active instances,
24 it's enabled by default again;
25 - updating local view settings from vifmrc now affects both panes (:windo is
26 not necessary);
27 - more predictive cursor updates on directory reload;
28 - improvements related to expression and command parsing.
30 More detailed list of changes.
32 Command-line mode:
33 - added :setl[ocal] and :setg[lobal] commands to manage values of local options
34 that are specific to current directory and are reset on directory change,
35 similar to local options of Vim;
36 - added :pu[t] command that inserts files into current directory (thanks to
37 mvucBmM0);
38 - added :winc[md] command-line command (thanks to fogine);
39 - added exclamation mark to :shell to suppress spawning new teminal multiplexer
40 pane (patch by Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu).
42 :set command and options:
43 - added :set foo+=bar syntax for string options (append value);
44 - added 'deleteprg' option, which specifies program to run on files that are
45 permanently removed;
46 - added 'dirsize' option to control how size of directories is displayed in
47 file views. This enables one to see number of files in a directory rather
48 than its size (thanks to Martin Fischer);
49 - added optional %u and %U macros to 'findprg', 'grepprg', and 'locateprg' that
50 allow immediate redirection of command output into custom view without
51 opening a menu (thanks to filterfalse);
52 - added 'iooptions' option to configure file system operations. Contains only
53 "fastfilecloning" for btrfs so far (thanks to aleksejrs);
54 - added special treatment for "*" as value of 'slowfs', which might be useful
55 in case of very slow handling of requests to mounts enumeration (patch by
56 Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
57 - added handling of "%u" in trash specification on *nix, which is replaced with
58 real user ID (thanks to Regis);
59 - allow 'shell' to specify a shell argument on *nix (thanks to loongw);
60 - added 'sortgroups' option and "groups" sorting key, which allow sorting by
61 parts of file names (thanks to aleksejrs);
62 - make "p" in 'tuioptions' affect padding in quick view and view mode;
63 - changed 'fusehome' default from temporary directory to data directory (that
64 is $XDG_DATA_HOME/.local/share/fuse/ or $VIFM/fuse/ depending on which parent
65 directory exists, the second one exists by definition, but first might not)
66 (thanks to aleksejrs and to Hendrik Jaeger, a.k.a. henk);
67 - changed default value of 'trashdir' on *nix again, this time to
68 "%r/.vifm-Trash-%u,$VIFM/Trash,%r/.vifm-Trash". This way it's safer for
69 privacy, although using %r is not very safe in general (thanks to Regis).
71 Configuration:
72 - make :set, :filter and :normal zo (and alike) in vifmrc affect all views,
73 thus obsoleting use of :winrun or :windo for this purpose (they still work,
74 the new way is a simpler and more obvious one). This is related to commands
75 executed during vifmrc processing (not those in the right-hand side of
76 mappings, commands, etc.);
77 - automatically create ~/.vifm/scripts containing small README file if the
78 directory doesn't exist on startup (thanks to fogine).
80 Core:
81 - added autocommands (DirEnter event and :au[tocmd] command) (thanks to
82 filterfalse).
84 File operations:
85 - added retry/ignore/abort prompt for file/directory removal when 'syscalls'
86 is on (thanks to Robert Sarkozi);
87 - make use of file cloning feature of btrfs when possible and enabled in
88 'iooptions' (thanks to aleksejrs);
89 - preserve file timestamps on copying files with 'syscalls' on (thanks to
90 mvucBmM0);
91 - employ inotify on GNU/Linux for more precise watching directories for
92 changes.
94 Navigation:
95 - added named bookmarks (paths are associated with tags). This adds :bmark,
96 :bmarks, :bmgo and :delbmarks command-line commands. Also there is new
97 "bmarks" value for 'vifminfo' (thanks to Schmalzhaf Stefan).
99 Normal and visual modes:
100 - accept [count] for "h" and "gh";
101 - added zr normal mode key to reset local filter (thanks to filterfalse);
102 - ctrl-W | and Ctrl-W _ now can set window size to given count (thanks to
103 filterfalse).
105 Key bindings:
106 - remapping of builtin keys that are followed by selectors (e.g.
107 `:nnoremap d y`) (thanks to mvucBmM0).
109 Color schemes:
110 - changed default colorscheme to invert colors of the current line.
112 Documentation:
113 - documented %= for 'statusline' and 'rulerformat';
114 - make --select option more prominent in documentation (thanks to Svyatoslav
115 Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
116 - documented difference between paths in menu with and without trailing slash
117 (thanks to filterfalse).
119 Macros:
120 - added %pc macro that splits preview command in two pices: preview command and
121 clear command (thanks to Tomek K., a.k.a. TomiCode).
123 Menus and dialogs:
124 - added B key to menus, which acts like b, but creates unsorted (very custom)
125 view (thanks to filterfalse);
126 - added "v" key to menu mode that loads current contents into quickfix list of
127 editor (Vim compatible one is assumed) (thanks to filterfalse);
128 - added handling of dd in :trashes, :trashes? and :lstrashes, which either
129 deletes an item in trash or empties trash (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn,
130 a.k.a. juef);
131 - somewhat more informative error titles on issues during file operations;
132 - provide conflict resolution options in a dialog rather than on the
133 command-line, which is hard to read with so many options;
134 - expand "~" in menus on navigation.
136 Packaging:
137 - removed vifmrc-converter. It's been around for four years and not needed any
138 more (thanks to filterfalse);
139 - removed contents of autoconf.sh, autoreconf covers what was there (there is a
140 notice in that script now about it just in case) (thanks to Hendrik Jaeger,
141 a.k.a. henk);
142 - added --with-sanitize=basic|thread|leak option to configure script;
143 - added missing script that's necessary for %s macro in GNU screen. Was lost
144 for a long time;
145 - work around compilation on systems where MAX_ARG_STRLEN is defined, but
146 unusable (thanks to Marcin Juszkiewicz, a.k.a. hrw, Michel Normand and
147 Michael Vetter, a.k.a. jubalh);
148 - put right-hand side of user-defined commands into separate scope of
149 if-else-endif expressions. This prevents affecting of regular input by
150 malformed user-defined command.
152 Scripting:
153 - added :elseif command (thanks to filterfalse);
154 - added &option syntax for :let command;
155 - added && and || operators to expression parser (thanks to filterfalse);
156 - added getpanetype() builtin function that retrieves type of current pane
157 (thanks to filterfalse);
158 - added layoutis() builtin function that answers queries about current
159 interface configuration (thanks to fogine);
160 - added paneisat() builtin function that answers queries about current pane
161 position (thanks to fogine);
162 - added inline comments to allow less verbose commenting in configuration;
163 - rewrote expression parser to prevent side-effects from occurring until syntax
164 is checked.
166 TUI (Text User Interface):
167 - added match numbers to search messages on status bar (patch by Cosmin
168 Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
169 - added dynamic view column alignment (specified by "*", just like "-" for left
170 alignment) (patch by Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
171 - added "more" mode that is used to handle status bar content that doesn't fit
172 on the screen (thanks to Bruce Hunsaker, a.k.a. hunsakerbn, and Svyatoslav
173 Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
174 - added builtin directory preview (thanks to Damian Ariel Perticone and
175 Alexandre Viau);
176 - added "fileext" sorting key, which sorts files by extensions and directories
177 by name (patch by Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
178 - added "nitems" sorting, which sorts by number of items in a directory (thanks
179 to filterfalse);
180 - added "nlinks" sorting key to display number of hard links to a file on *nix
181 systems (thanks to filterfalse);
182 - normalize surrounding spaces in menu and dialog titles;
183 - lower minimum supported terminal width and height from 30x10 to 20x5;
184 - update cursor position on file disappearing in more predictable way. Use the
185 closes file to the previously active one that still exists (thanks to
186 ranousse);
187 - display lower bound on item count in status bar progress messages (e.g. on
188 :grep).
190 Important fixes:
191 - assume UTF-8 sequences can be broken (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a.
192 juef);
193 - made setting title inside terminal multiplexers (when terminal type is
194 "screen*") work;
195 - check file system sensitivity on OS X (thanks to loongw);
196 - fixed startup on Windows 10 (thanks to th1rdey3 and Robert Sarkozi);
197 - fixed swapped absolute/relative link creation on :alink/:rlink commands
198 (patch by MadMaverick9);
199 - multiple fixes for custom views (thanks to filterfalse);
200 - more careful treating of files with colons in their names for menus and
201 custom views (thanks to aleksejrs);
202 - fixed ranges for :yank, 0.8 regression (thanks to Marius Schmidl);
203 - fixed crash on copy-like operations that move several files into subdirectory
204 of another view (thanks to Marius Schmidl);
205 - fixed creation of intermediate directories on merging directories (thanks to
206 willemw12).
208 Vim-plugin:
209 - added set of :*Vim commands to vifm run from Vim plugin, which overrule
210 initial :*Vifm command behaviour (thanks to Ross Hadden, a.k.a. rosshadden);
211 - changed plugin to do not depend on location of vifm. g:vifm_home is ignored
212 from now on (thanks to aleksejrs).
214 Only on Windows:
215 - display directory size on Windows more correctly;
216 - improvements in running commands with special characters and/or spaces
217 (thanks to Stas Malavin).
219 Other changes:
220 - added handling of "-" command-line argument specified in place of directory
221 path as instruction to read list of files from stdin;
222 - added --server-list and --server-name command-line options that enumerates
223 names of currently running vifm servers and sets name of target/this instance
224 respectively;
225 - added optional argument for --logging parameter that specifies path to
226 startup log (thanks to Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
227 - invalidate directory size (calculated via ga/gA) if noticed that directory
228 was changed. This affects all parent directories as well, way easier to see
229 what needs recalculation after file moving/removal;
230 - warn about --remote command being disabled at build-time (thanks to
231 Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef);
232 - do not finish argument parsing after finding --help or --version, continue
233 and validate the rest of command-line (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a.
234 juef);
235 - display incomplete file name on rename instead of failing with error on
236 Unicode conversion issues.
238 See change log for the full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
240 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 242 July 09, 2015 July 09, 2015
2 243 ============= =============
3 244

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