xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit b310334c8040ad4dff3d2f20628cb68c90957fa6

Update NEWS file for v0.9
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-06-18 14:30
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2017-06-18 14:30
Parent(s): 4c6c9019e00e2167feff335db89a77db88c93a70
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 72b42a0807d37213428dcd9b6581e6a9b4d21e13
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 211 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index 1fd8bc852..83652e6b3)
1 June 18, 2017
2 =============
4 vifm v0.9
5 ---------
7 New version brings two new ways of viewing and processing file lists, namely
8 tree-view and directory-comparison. As usual, previously existing facilities
9 were extended and improved to become more useful.
11 Thanks to everyone who tried out the beta, especially filterfalse.
13 Main changes:
14 - introduced tree-like representation of files;
15 - added directory comparison facilities;
16 - added ability to restore last navigation menu;
17 - background operations and programs can now be cancelled;
18 - dismissed error output of external programs can now be queried;
19 - added shell completion for bash and zsh;
20 - now it's possible to configure mappings in dialogs.
22 More detailed list of changes.
24 Packaging:
25 - Removed -Werror in tests from non-developer builds.
27 Command-line mode:
28 - added :tree command that converts current view into a tree (thanks to
29 filterfalse and Kornel);
30 - added :dmap, :dnoremap and :dunmap commands to configure mappings in dialogs
31 (thanks to Sassan Haradji, a.k.a. sassanh);
32 - added "tree" parameter to :sync! that enables synchronization of tree view
33 (thanks to filterfalse);
34 - added :compare command to perform comparison in one or two directory trees
35 (thanks to anonymous on SourceForge discussion forum and aleksejrs);
36 - added :copen command to restore last menu that supports navigation (thanks to
37 Sassan Haradji, a.k.a. sassanh);
38 - added :screen! form that enables terminal multiplexers support (instead of
39 toggling it as :screen does) (thanks to Marcos Cruz);
40 - added :siblnext and :siblprev commands. They change directory to next or
41 previous sibling directories of current path (in global sorting order of
42 current pane) (thanks to sudo-nice);
43 - made :put, :touch and :mkdir accept [line] range, which can be used to
44 specify target position in tree-view (thanks to filterfalse);
45 - accept paths in :touch, not just file names (thanks to filterfalse);
46 - disallow applying :chmod on ".." entry;
47 - disallow selecting ".." entry with :select command;
48 - expand macros in `:[un]select !{command}` (thanks to Michael Corvin).
51 Macros:
52 - added %Iu and %IU macros, which are %u and %U equivalents, but work better if
53 external command is interactive and changes terminal state;
54 - added %q macro that redirects command output into quick view (thanks to
55 svenn71).
57 :set command and options:
58 - added 'dotfiles' (local) option, which exposes dot files filter as an option
59 (thanks to filterfalse);
60 - added 'caseoptions' option that enables more fine-grained control over case
61 sensitivity (thanks to Alexandru Geana, a.k.a. alegen);
62 - added 'sizefmt' option that configures formatting of human-friendly size
63 (thanks to sudo-nice);
64 - added %f 'statusline' macro that inserts relative path of the entry, which
65 might be useful for non-regular views (thanks to filterfalse);
66 - added %D 'statusline' macro that displays path of the other pane in
67 single-pane layout (thanks to sudo-nice);
68 - added %T 'statusline' macro that displays symbolic link target (thanks to
69 sudo-nice);
70 - added %a 'statusline' macro that displays amount of free space available at
71 current partition (thanks to sudo-nice);
72 - consider trailing slash for directories or symbolic links that point to
73 directories in 'classify' patterns by file name (e.g., this works now:
74 `[::*/::]`);
75 - better handling of setting 'fillchars' to incorrect or excessive value.
77 Normal and visual modes:
78 - added [d and ]d shortcuts to navigate to previous/next directory entry
79 (thanks to filterfalse);
80 - added [s and ]s shortcuts to navigate to previous/next selected entry
81 (thanks to filterfalse);
82 - added [z and ]z shortcuts to navigate to first/last sibling in a tree
83 (thanks to filterfalse);
84 - added zj and zk shortcuts to navigate to next/previous directory sibling in a
85 tree (thanks to filterfalse);
86 - added [c and ]c shortcuts to navigate to previous/next mismatch in directory
87 comparison view (thanks to filterfalse);
88 - added do and dp keys to compare views for applying changes in files (thanks
89 to filterfalse).
91 Menus and dialogs:
92 - added dd key to :jobs menu, which requests cancellation of background
93 operation. Background :put, :copy, :move, :delete, size calculation with ga
94 and gA as well as applications started in background can be cancelled this
95 way (thanks to blurm);
96 - added e key to :jobs menu that displays list of errors issues by that jobs,
97 if any. h key goes back to :jobs menu;
98 - added % key to menu mode, which navigates to [count]-th percent of the list;
99 - added meaning to [count] of cp shortcut, which is now processed as numerical
100 argument for non-recursive `chmod` command (thanks to sudo-nice);
101 - partially return progress report for menus. Was disabled by introduction of
102 null byte heuristic.
104 File operations:
105 - enable restoring files from trash from custom views;
106 - disallow moving/copying/linking files into custom view (put is forbidden, so
107 makes sense to forbid these too);
108 - try harder to move files by not giving up on getting permission error, which
109 isn't always a reliable indication of actual permission error. Only when
110 'syscalls' is on (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski, a.k.a. rr-).
112 File preview:
113 - view current directory on ".." for quickview/view mode if no viewer matches
114 such entry (thanks to filterfalse);
115 - enable cancellation of tree preview construction (thanks to filterfalse);
116 - do not resolve symbolic links in directory preview (thanks to filterfalse).
118 Security:
119 - make temporary rename files accessible only by the user (thanks to
120 aleksejrs).
122 Performance:
123 - improve performance of startup and exit by omitting file existence checks.
124 The cost is possibly old files staying in the state, but it should be for
125 long time (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski, a.k.a. rr-);
126 - improved sorting performance in the presence of huge amount of symbolic links
127 (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski, a.k.a. rr-).
129 Invocation:
130 - don't disable preview on `--remote --select` if it doesn't hide updated pane
131 (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski, a.k.a. rr-);
132 - make +{num} and similar options work (actually affect cursor of the view)
133 (thanks to filterfalse);
134 - treat "+" option the same way as Vim (like :$) (thanks to filterfalse).
136 Scripting:
137 - added v:servername variable, which provides access to server name of the
138 running instance used by --remote feature (thanks to Marcin Kurczewski,
139 a.k.a. rr-);
140 - getpanetype() got new value ("tree") to indicate tree-view (thanks to
141 filterfalse).
143 TUI (Text User Interface):
144 - limited maximum height of message popup, just print how many lines we're
145 skipping;
146 - put hardware cursor according to current mode and cursor within it (thanks to
147 Tyler Spivey);
148 - display path to the conflicting file in conflict resolution dialog;
149 - provide better messages on i/o errors with 'syscalls' (thanks to Behrooz).
151 File filtering:
152 - don't move cursor off "../" before start of local filtering (thanks to
153 filterfalse);
154 - prevent clearing filters on zM if there were no zO preceding it (thanks to
155 sudo-nice).
157 Color schemes:
158 - added CmpMismatch highlight group for highlighting mismatched files on
159 side-by-side comparison.
161 Integration:
162 - added completion scripts for bash and zsh (patches by filterfalse);
163 - escape first tilde in paths that go to the shell (thanks to Marius Schmidl);
164 - resolve symbolic link for listing associated programs from desktop-files
165 (thanks to filterfalse).
167 Vim-plugin:
168 - work around :drop command being disabled in the plugin (thanks to Phil
169 Runninger);
170 - fixed inconsistent behaviour of :EditVifm in plugin with regard to
171 "[No Name]" buffer (thanks to Phil Runninger);
172 - fixed plugin in versions of Vim where :argadd without argument doesn't work
173 (thanks to eco0414).
175 Only on Windows:
176 - use <exe file location>/data/colors as global storage of color schemes on
177 Windows (thanks to r44083);
178 - handle terminal resize on Windows 10 (thanks to randomizedthinking);
179 - properly recover from invalid/strange UNC root on Windows. Don't end up with
180 empty filelist;
181 - fixed use of non-latin characters in environment variables and command-line
182 options (thanks to khaoos-abominable).
184 Important fixes:
185 - fixed redirecting stdout of background commands to /dev/null, which could be
186 unwritable descriptor (thanks to c02y);
187 - fixed possible data loss on moving/copying files over their own parent or
188 child directories via p, P, :move, :copy, :alink and :rlink (thanks to Marius
189 Schmidl);
190 - fixed detection of too-small-terminal state;
191 - fixed treating characters like š and ć (with low Unicode values, just above
192 0x100) as functional keys on input (thanks to granderil).
194 Other changes:
195 - changed size formatting to round from zero (matches behaviour of e.g. `ls`);
196 - read error output of background commands independently of main thread
197 (prevents blocking of tools which produce huge amount of output) (thanks to
198 Stas Malavin);
199 - no vifminfo merging if file change isn't detected. Might result in faster
200 quitting in some cases. Not accounting for some changes is still possible
201 when multiple instances quit simultaneously, but same could happen without
202 this change;
203 - made search consider trailing slash for directories and symbolic links that
204 point to directories (thanks to filterfalse);
205 - don't use :filextype in sample vifmrc for OS X, we can't tell whether
206 graphical system is running (thanks to piotryordanov).
208 See change log for the full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 212 June 04, 2017 June 04, 2017
2 213 ============= =============
3 214

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