xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit a8f7366235719cfce7d453fd03d3c809de8dbd92

Add a question about FTP to the FAQ
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2012-05-26 15:13
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2012-06-03 11:13
Parent(s): e640bcb6cd33d1dedf51979f19fd386a26d4cbf0
Signing key:
Tree: 1fc155b1d31895b24cd19ed14554f9e4622533e7
File Lines added Lines deleted
BUGS 1 1
FAQ 10 0
File BUGS changed (mode: 100644) (index 05c0f1bce..b7a72dfb2)
... ... Strange piece of escape sequence 37m (maybe fixed).
2 2
3 3 Selection isn't cleared on keys in normal mode. Selection isn't cleared on keys in normal mode.
4 4
5 vifm freezes sometimes on Windows (mabye fixed).
5 vifm freezes sometimes on Windows (maybe fixed).
6 6
7 7 Case insensitive rename can not be undone on Windows. Case insensitive rename can not be undone on Windows.
8 8
File FAQ changed (mode: 100644) (index c0456963e..fac35ad68)
... ... A: Just double percent sign (%%). Why? Because user commands containing
89 89
90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 91
92 Q: How to browse FTP in vifm?
94 A: Use CurlFTPFS FUSE filesystem on *nix, which you can find here:
95 http://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/
96 And on Windows you need to use FTPDrive, which will mount a FTP remote as
97 a drive for you. Get it here:
98 http://www.killprog.com/fdrve.html
100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 102 Q: How can I help vifm? Q: How can I help vifm?
93 103
94 104 A: Just use it and report any problems, bugs or suggestions to its developers by A: Just use it and report any problems, bugs or suggestions to its developers by
File THANKS changed (mode: 100644) (index 0e760bbbe..09328d15e)
... ... Bruce Hunsaker (hunsakerbn)
9 9 Carl Mueller (carlmuller) Carl Mueller (carlmuller)
10 10 ckester ckester
11 11 DerFlob (derflob) DerFlob (derflob)
12 Egor Gumenyuk (boo1ean)
12 13 Hans Kristian Otnes Berge Hans Kristian Otnes Berge
13 14 Ink (inknoir) Ink (inknoir)
14 15 Jason W. Ryan Jason W. Ryan

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