xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 967d71167701036f497ca26e67c596d588ee8b04

Resize cmdline when going into cmdline mode.
Previously it was resized only after pressing key.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2011-07-20 15:57
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2011-07-20 15:57
Parent(s): 11757e1667576c269568c371ff2c48243a4f41b3
Signing key:
Tree: 56835b6bdf5af95728ac86b63672c9c143119fd3
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/cmdline.c 5 7
File src/cmdline.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 8a5f21551..25a1165bb)
... ... update_cmdline_text(void)
329 329 { {
330 330 werase(status_bar); werase(status_bar);
331 331 mvwaddwstr(status_bar, 0, 0, input_stat.prompt); mvwaddwstr(status_bar, 0, 0, input_stat.prompt);
332 mvwaddwstr(status_bar, 0, input_stat.prompt_wid, input_stat.line);
332 if(input_stat.line != NULL)
333 mvwaddwstr(status_bar, 0, input_stat.prompt_wid, input_stat.line);
333 334 wmove(status_bar, 0, input_stat.curs_pos); wmove(status_bar, 0, input_stat.curs_pos);
334 335 } }
335 336
... ... prepare_cmdline_mode(const wchar_t *prompt, const wchar_t *cmd)
455 456 } }
456 457
457 458 curs_set(1); curs_set(1);
458 wresize(status_bar, 1, getmaxx(stdscr));
459 werase(status_bar);
460 459
461 mvwaddwstr(status_bar, 0, 0, input_stat.prompt);
462 if(input_stat.line != NULL)
463 waddwstr(status_bar, input_stat.line);
464 wrefresh(status_bar);
460 update_cmdline_size();
461 update_cmdline_text();
465 463 curr_stats.save_msg = 1; curr_stats.save_msg = 1;
466 464 } }
467 465

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