xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 7e6add2d476bf9fb05a405fcdfc7feb89f74fc9c

Add some includes to compat/os.c
Works without them, but it feels like it's better to add them.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2016-07-02 08:14
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2016-07-02 08:14
Parent(s): 7b177c61c3c50410e9d9d27324e2e3eae348163b
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 02c54c7dd6a714ddf53d26889a1b276419888ad2
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/compat/os.c 3 0
File src/compat/os.c changed (mode: 100644) (index 667338929..678fbeb6f)
24 24 #include <ntdef.h> #include <ntdef.h>
25 25 #include <winioctl.h> #include <winioctl.h>
26 26
27 #include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
28 #include <sys/types.h> /* stat */
27 30 #include <errno.h> /* errno */ #include <errno.h> /* errno */
28 31 #include <stddef.h> /* NULL wchar_t */ #include <stddef.h> /* NULL wchar_t */
29 32 #include <stdlib.h> /* free() malloc() */ #include <stdlib.h> /* free() malloc() */

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