xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 7d719af5d9136dc34bc4d006f6c845c6259ba5f8

Fix a typo in documentation of 'autochdir'
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-02-02 22:09
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-02-05 10:38
Parent(s): c1c1d0d27fe93cb6d2683582d460d2d201ec0218
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: df0bf778dd7bf6195aefb57234803ca8853921b2
File Lines added Lines deleted
data/man/vifm.1 2 2
data/vim/doc/app/vifm-app.txt 2 2
File data/man/vifm.1 changed (mode: 100644) (index f8518cae4..4053b0c2e)
1 .TH VIFM 1 "January 22, 2018" "vifm 0.9.1-beta"
1 .TH VIFM 1 "February 03, 2018" "vifm 0.9.1-beta"
2 2 .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 4 .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
... ... When disabled vifm will set cursor to the first line in the view after :cd and
3375 3375 :pushd commands instead of saved cursor position. Disabling this will also :pushd commands instead of saved cursor position. Disabling this will also
3376 3376 make vifm clear information about cursor position in the view history on :cd make vifm clear information about cursor position in the view history on :cd
3377 3377 and :pushd commands (and on startup if 'autochpos' is disabled in the vifmrc). and :pushd commands (and on startup if 'autochpos' is disabled in the vifmrc).
3378 l key in the ":history ." and ":trashes" menus is treated like :cd command.
3378 l key in the ":history ." and ":trashes" menus are treated like :cd command.
3379 3379 This option also affects marks so that navigating to a mark doesn't restore This option also affects marks so that navigating to a mark doesn't restore
3380 3380 cursor position. cursor position.
3381 3381 .TP .TP
File data/vim/doc/app/vifm-app.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index aa72a2cf4..ebde14709)
1 *vifm-app.txt* For Vifm version 0.9.1-beta Last change: 2018 Jan 22
1 *vifm-app.txt* For Vifm version 0.9.1-beta Last change: 2018 Feb 03
2 2
3 3 Email for bugs and suggestions: <xaizek@posteo.net> Email for bugs and suggestions: <xaizek@posteo.net>
4 4
... ... When disabled vifm will set cursor to the first line in the view after :cd and
2763 2763 :pushd commands instead of saved cursor position. Disabling this will also :pushd commands instead of saved cursor position. Disabling this will also
2764 2764 make vifm clear information about cursor position in the view history on :cd make vifm clear information about cursor position in the view history on :cd
2765 2765 and :pushd commands (and on startup if 'autochpos' is disabled in the vifmrc). and :pushd commands (and on startup if 'autochpos' is disabled in the vifmrc).
2766 l key in the ":history ." and ":trashes" menus is treated like :cd command.
2766 l key in the ":history ." and ":trashes" menus are treated like :cd command.
2767 2767 This option also affects marks so that navigating to a mark doesn't restore This option also affects marks so that navigating to a mark doesn't restore
2768 2768 cursor position. cursor position.
2769 2769

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