xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 6855c2b0e7acc01ce32f3665aeee10c6bbec631b

Update NEWS file
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2013-01-20 16:38
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2013-05-10 14:56
Parent(s): 86c8e623e18c48f1acc9d40609b336460a77b24e
Signing key:
Tree: 4ef8d5693dc284f1e2040819590152dc77915493
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 100 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index e9cb62322..deb368896)
1 May 10, 2013
2 ==============
4 vifm v0.7.5 release
5 -------------------
7 New version adds one major feature (parsing of escape codes), set of
8 improvements for existing ones and fixes for bugs. There are also some changes
9 in build system and new extra files bundled with vifm.
11 Main changes:
12 - removed using of libtool in build process on *nix-like systems;
13 - added parsing of escape codes for the preview pane and less-like view;
14 - added expand() builtin function;
15 - added Gentoo ebuild and sample color schemes;
16 - added macros that are expanded to register's content;
17 - added dynamic loading of xlib;
18 - added 'shortmess' option;
19 - added pausing of shell on external commands fails on Windows;
20 - fixed build issues on FreeBSD and OS X systems;
21 - fixed for redrawing and searching in less-like mode;
22 - fixed issues with :help command on Windows.
24 More detailed list of changes.
26 Configuration:
27 - added --without/[with]-dyn-X11 flag to the configure script to control
28 static/dynamic linking against libX11 library. Thanks to Hendrik Jaeger
29 (a.k.a. henk) for the idea;
30 - don't use libtool in build process on *nix platforms (thanks to Merovius).
32 Documentation:
33 - slightly updated plugin related documentation.
35 Macros:
36 - added macros that are expanded to register's content (thanks to Florian
37 Baumann, a.k.a. derflob).
39 :set command and options:
40 - added 'shortmess' option and its first flag: "T" to shorten long status-bar
41 messages (thanks to ranousse);
42 - added "perms" sorting key on *nix (proposed by Daniel Dettlaff, a.k.a.
43 dmilith);
44 - added new type of option (charset) and used it for 'cpoptions' and
45 'shortmess' options;
46 - made 'slowfs' option actually work on OS X (thanks to Daniel Dettlaff,
47 a.k.a. dmilith).
49 Color scheme related changes:
50 - added sample color schemes (proposed by Daniel Dettlaff, a.k.a. dmilith);
51 - don't fallback to default colors on try to switch to a colorscheme, which is
52 not supported by terminal.
54 TUI (Text User Interface):
55 - added parsing of escape codes in the preview pane;
56 - added parsing of escape codes in explore (less-like) mode;
57 - don't redraw file list for explore window on resize;
58 - less updates for window in explore mode on resize.
60 Menus and dialogs:
61 - changed the way title of the permissions dialog is composed.
63 Command-line mode related changes:
64 - allowed exclamation mark for the :sync command (to force synchronization of
65 cursor position when used without arguments);
66 - don't store last command-line command for the dot normal mode command
67 between sessions. Also it doesn't depend on command-line history anymore
68 and can be used with completely disabled history;
69 - made :execute process its arguments just like :echo command (thanks to
70 Daniel Dettlaff, a.k.a. dmilith, which made me discover old behaviour);
71 - don't accept arguments to the :help command when 'vimhelp' option is off.
73 Only on Windows:
74 - pause on failed execution of a help command. Thanks to filterfalse;
75 - pause when execution of shell command fails (e.g. on
76 `:!foobar-does-not-exist`).
78 Other changes:
79 - added Gentoo ebuild. Thanks to Oleg Gordienko (a.k.a. gordio);
80 - added expand() builtin function to expand macros (thanks to Sebastian
81 Cyprych for the use case);
82 - less-like mode now highlights multiple matches in a line;
83 - less-like mode is now updated immediately when one changes 'wrap' option;
84 - save dot files filter state in vifminfo (thanks to Daniel Dettlaff, a.k.a.
85 dmilith).
87 Major fixes:
88 - building on FreeBSD and OS X (thanks to Daniel R., a.k.a. r1chelt, and
89 Daniel Dettlaff, a.k.a. dmilith);
90 - various changes in configuration using autotools;
91 - removed using of libtool in build process on *nix-like systems;
92 - vifminfo file update on Windows (broken in 0.7.4b);
93 - various issues with displaying wide characters (e.g. Chinese);
94 - ctrl-W H/J/K/L shortcuts and less-like view;
95 - issues with calling Vim on :help command. Thanks to filterfalse.
97 See change log for full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 101 April 22, 2013 April 22, 2013
2 102 ============== ==============
3 103

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