xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 657c9d88849ea10158ecb1757582f42f4a91b08d

Update date in the README file
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2012-06-23 16:41
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2012-06-23 16:41
Parent(s): 251abb7c7c44d5e6822534559c6c279768fc8b50
Signing key:
Tree: f7cd2ee403a555ede1e1d51fc26861d6716cb379
File Lines added Lines deleted
File README changed (mode: 100644) (index 2da983c01..4dcb89a67)
1 1 Vifm - vi[m] like file manager Vifm - vi[m] like file manager
2 2 2001 - 2012 2001 - 2012
3 3
4 Updated: 02 June, 2012
4 Updated: 23 June, 2012
5 5 Version: 0.7.3 Version: 0.7.3
6 6
7 7 Brief Description Brief Description

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