xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 3fc69545d87dd249e39893f57e00a39716663429

Update NEWS file for 0.10 beta
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-10-28 11:23
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-10-28 13:56
Parent(s): 2bda693402e9337acfcba9d2df6e8295a9fe5856
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: a39b3fbbb332da9735acd42864db6278d97d3de5
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 164 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index 500559129..281401fb0)
1 October 28, 2018
2 ================
4 vifm v0.10 beta
5 ---------------
7 New version includes long awaited tabs and support for managing media.
8 The first one comes in two flavours: tabs either include layout or don't.
9 The latter relies on a helper script, whose job is to adapt existing tools to
10 make them usable by vifm.
12 The beta stage will last about two weeks. In case any serious bugs are found
13 during this period, another beta version might be released.
15 Main changes:
16 - added tabs which either operate on the level of layout or level of
17 individual panes;
18 - added ability to synchronize contents of registers among multiple
19 instances;
20 - added menu for managing media (relies on helper that does the managing);
21 - improved cursor positioning and control over it;
22 - ability to colorize statusline.
24 More detailed list of changes.
26 Command-line mode:
27 - added :tabc[lose] command that closes current tab unless it's the last one;
28 - added :tabm[ove] command that moves tabs (thanks to filterfalse);
29 - added :tabname command that updates name of the current tab;
30 - added :tabnew command that creates a new tab (thanks to Cosmin Popescu,
31 a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
32 - added :tabn[ext] and :tabp[revious] commands, which work as gt and gT normal
33 mode shortcuts correspondingly (thanks to Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a.
34 cosminadrianpopescu);
35 - added :qa[ll], :wqa[ll] and :xa[ll] commands that always try to exit vifm no
36 matter how many tabs are open;
37 - added :goto command that navigates to specified file/directory (thanks to
38 mateusz28 and Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
39 - added :regular command that leaves custom view (thanks to gammaray);
40 - :quit, :wq, :exit, :xit, ZZ and ZQ now try to close current tab before
41 closing the application;
42 - make :echo and :execute report parsing errors in more detail than just
43 "invalid expression";
44 - make :cabbrev and :cnoreabbrev always treat bar (`|`) as part of their
45 arguments, just like :*map commands do (thanks to filterfalse);
46 - make :tree! toggle view in and out of tree mode (thanks to gammaray);
47 - more accurate error message on handling non directories passed to :cd.
49 :set command and options:
50 - added 'tabscope' option that controls style of tabs (thanks to Cosmin
51 Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu);
52 - added 'showtabline' option that controls visibility of tab line;
53 - added 'histcursor' option that gives partial control over when cursor is
54 positioned in accordance with record of directory history (thanks to
55 filterfalse and Dmitry Frank, a.k.a. dimonomid);
56 - added 'quickview' option that controls visibility of quick view (:view)
57 (thanks to Jochen Schweizer, a.k.a. durcheinandr);
58 - added 'syncregs' option which defines group of instances that share registers
59 (patch by Ma_Sys.ma);
60 - added 'mediaprg' option that can be used to specify helper for managing
61 removable media. One such helper with support of udevil and udisks is
62 provided. Only for *nix systems;
63 - added support for arbitrary expressions in 'statusline': '%{...}', e.g.
64 '%{&sort}' evaluates to the value of the sort option (patch by Dmitry Frank,
65 a.k.a. dimonomid);
66 - added "M" flag to 'shortmess' option to control shortening of titles in
67 windows of terminal multiplexers created by vifm down to file name instead of
68 using full path (thanks to mateusz28).
70 File operations:
71 - try to preserve file owner/group on copying (thanks to willemw12).
73 Normal and visual modes:
74 - added gt and gT normal mode shortcuts that switch between tabs in both
75 directions.
77 Key bindings:
78 - added <silent> :*map argument that postpones UI updates until RHS is
79 completely processed. Probably not all updates are postponed, to be improved
80 as unhandled cases are discovered;
81 - added <wait> :*map argument, which resolves prefix conflicts of user-defined
82 mappings and builtin keys in favour of user-defined mappings (thanks to Paweł
83 Smolak, a.k.a. psmolak).
85 Angle bracket notation:
86 - added <insert> angle bracket notation (thanks to j-xella);
87 - added <c-@> angle bracket notation making it possible to map Ctrl-Space key
88 (thanks to anonymous at Vifm Q2A site).
90 File list:
91 - use historical cursor position upon startup by default when 'autochpos' is
92 on, this is now independent from "savedirs" in 'vifminfo' option (thanks to
93 filterfalse);
94 - use historical cursor position on navigating to a mark that doesn't specify a
95 file by default when 'autochpos' is on (thanks to filterfalse);
96 - move cursor after p and P to one of files that were moved or to a cause of
97 last conflict (thanks to filterfalse and ranousse);
98 - issue a warning if file system lists several files with identical names in
99 the same directory. It used to be assumed that it can't happen (thanks to
100 Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).
102 File preview:
103 - support italics in quickview/view mode and in :highlight when curses
104 implementation provides corresponding extension. PDCurses doesn't implement
105 it on Windows. Fallback is to use "reversed" attribute (thanks to GeorgeHJ).
107 Integration:
108 - escape "=" at the beginning of paths (has special meaning in zsh) (thanks to
109 agguser).
111 Menus and dialogs:
112 - added :media menu that can list and perform basic operations on removable
113 media (requires helper to be available, see 'mediaprg'). Only for *nix
114 systems (thanks to Bruce Hunsaker, a.k.a. hunsakerbn and others);
115 - added r key to :undolist menu, which resets position in the undo list to
116 group under the cursor (thanks to mini-turtle);
117 - sort entries of :bmarks menu (thanks to anonymous at Vifm Q2A site);
118 - slightly better formatting in :undolist menu;
119 - do not reset selection before executing a :command from :commands menu
120 (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711);
121 - less strict parsing of output of external command by :[un]select commands.
122 Similar to %u/%U and menus allow <file>[:[<line>:[<col>:]] <description>]
123 format (thanks to j-xella).
125 Color schemes:
126 - added TabLine highlight group for highlighting tab line;
127 - added TabLineSel highlight group for highlighting tip of the selected tab on
128 the tab line;
129 - added User1..User9 highlight groups and corresponding %[0-9]* 'statusline'
130 macro, which makes it possible to colorize parts of status line differently
131 (thanks to GeorgeHJ).
133 Scripting:
134 - added tabpagenr() function that retrieves number of current or last tab page
135 (thanks to filterfalse);
136 - added fnameescape() builtin function, which can be used to escape paths on
137 construction of :commands (thanks to filterfalse);
138 - added second optional parameter to filetype() builtin function that is
139 treated as a boolean and specifies whether symbolic links should be resolved;
140 - added addition and subtraction operations to the parser;
141 - added grouping via parentheses to expressions (thanks to Konst Mayer, a.k.a.
142 cdlscpmv);
143 - allow passing numerical positions to filetype() function.
145 Documentation:
146 - more explicit documentation about leaving custom views (thanks to tagwint).
148 Only on Windows:
149 - fixed flickering on Windows (thanks to Alexandre Viau and
150 randomizedthinking);
151 - fixed graphical applications on Windows not being detected as such, which
152 caused vifm to wait until they finish running. Was broken since 0.9 (thanks
153 to r0ck).
155 Important fixes:
156 - fixed error messages from put operation being postponed until the next put
157 operation. Got broken in 0.9;
158 - fixed confirmation not being requested on :delete (thanks to anonymous at
159 Vifm Q2A site).
161 See change log for the full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
163 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 165 February 05, 2018 February 05, 2018
2 166 ================= =================
3 167

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