xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 39b2952fab3ae74c8fc8a051f01a8b7420174d77

Make deploy script update years in READMEs
A minor thing, but since we automate things here.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-01-20 15:41
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-01-21 15:49
Parent(s): 6c7116dccc2f2227ff157ae9433995df116cefbc
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: b0288a9f950259de1a6e75a1e38c92243ab61e02
File Lines added Lines deleted
scripts/deploy 4 0
File scripts/deploy changed (mode: 100755) (index 754d375ec..9e7699b1f)
... ... if [ "$target" = all -o "$target" = update ]; then
62 62 sed -i "/^Updated:/s/ .*/$(date '+ %d %B, %Y')/" README sed -i "/^Updated:/s/ .*/$(date '+ %d %B, %Y')/" README
63 63 # update version in README # update version in README
64 64 sed -i "/^Version:/s/ .*/ $ver/" README sed -i "/^Version:/s/ .*/ $ver/" README
65 # update year in README
66 sed -i "/^2001 - /s/-.*/$(date '+- %Y')/" README
65 67
66 68 # update date in README.md # update date in README.md
67 69 sed -i "/^_This file last /s/on .*/on $(date '+%d %B, %Y')_/" README.md sed -i "/^_This file last /s/on .*/on $(date '+%d %B, %Y')_/" README.md
68 70 # update version in README.md # update version in README.md
69 71 sed -i "/^### \\*\\*vifm\\*\\*/s/, _v[^_]\\+_,/, _v${ver}_,/" README.md sed -i "/^### \\*\\*vifm\\*\\*/s/, _v[^_]\\+_,/, _v${ver}_,/" README.md
72 # update year in README.md
73 sed -i "/^### \\*\\*vifm\\*\\*/s/ [0-9]\\+_/$(date '+ %Y_')/" README.md
70 74
71 75 # update .travis.yml # update .travis.yml
72 76 sed -i "/^\\s\\+version: .*/s/: .*/: $ver+/" .travis.yml sed -i "/^\\s\\+version: .*/s/: .*/: $ver+/" .travis.yml

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