xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
Commit 1c9e7b60406527065f01aafdde9cf3bfbd01761d

Update NEWS file
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2013-10-17 19:54
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2013-10-17 19:54
Parent(s): 57a4c7134d206c4aa0b64f68e16ddc852bd56de8
Signing key:
Tree: 693496d4afa172e7f892c60a6e62c3bf37906841
File Lines added Lines deleted
NEWS 125 0
File NEWS changed (mode: 100644) (index deb368896..9053ccf69)
1 October 17, 2013
2 ================
4 vifm v0.7.6 beta testing has started
5 ------------------------------------
7 New minor version brings better integration with environment and external tools
8 as well as enhances file filtering capabilities in several ways. Apart from
9 that, old features were tweaked and some build issues and bugs were resolved.
10 New Win32 single-executable (no DLLs) package appears first time with this
11 release, Win64 package might also be available a bit later.
13 The beta stage will last about two weeks. In case any serious bugs are found
14 during this period, another beta version might be released.
16 Main changes:
17 - added interactive local filter;
18 - added external editing of command-line content with 'vicmd';
19 - added integration with tmux;
20 - added options to configure externals commands for :apropos, :find, :grep
21 and :locate commands;
22 - added desktop entry file (\*nix only) and updated application icon;
23 - fixed build on some versions of OS X.
25 Notice: if you mapped q key to something, new q:, q/, q? and q= keys won't be
26 available; suggested solution is to change the mapping to qq.
28 More detailed list of changes.
30 Performance:
31 - increased performance of (re)loading content for view mode (thanks to Robert
32 Sarkozi).
34 Key bindings:
35 - process [count] passed to gUU, gU<selector>, gUgU, gu<selector>, guu and gugu
36 commands;
37 - made all Ctrl-W x keys available in view mode (thanks to filterfalse);
38 - changed meaning of the R key in view mode from redrawing view to reloading it
39 preserving scroll position (thanks to Robert Sarkozi).
41 Normal and visual modes related changes:
42 - added q:, q/, q? and q= keys (q= is defined for normal mode only) to prompt
43 for command-line in external editor;
44 - added "=" normal mode key, which activates file name filtering.
46 Command-line mode related changes:
47 - added "=" and "filter" values for :history command, to show history of local
48 filter;
49 - added Ctrl-G key to start editing in external editor (for editing command,
50 search pattern and file renames);
51 - added optional argument for :invert command to control more kinds of
52 inversion (thanks to filterfalse);
53 - better order of command validity checks;
54 - show better error message on unmatched quotes in command arguments;
55 - store cancelled prompt input in prompt history;
56 - check destination path existence before changing directory to it on :sync
57 command;
58 - use last search pattern as filename filter when :filter command gets an empty
59 argument (:filter//, :filter"", :filter'') (thanks to filterfalse);
60 - match only filename against pattern in :fileviewer instead of full path.
62 :set command and options:
63 - added 'aproposprg', 'findprg', 'grepprg' and 'locateprg' options to specify
64 external commands format;
65 - added "fhistory" to 'vifminfo', which controls storing of local filter
66 history;
67 - added "f" flag to 'cpoptions' option. It controls initial state of filename
68 filter inversion for :filter[!] {regex} command (thanks to filterfalse);
69 - from now on not absolute paths for the 'fusehome' options are rejected;
70 - expand environment variables in values of the 'fusehome' and 'trashdir'
71 options (thanks to filterfalse);
72 - more adequate reaction on setting 'trashdir' option to wrong value;
73 - do not reset selection on search when 'hlsearch' is reset (thanks to
74 filterfalse).
76 File filtering:
77 - distinguish files and directories in filename filter by appending a slash to
78 names of directories;
79 - separated file name filter into manual and automatic, mainly for convenience.
81 TUI (Text User Interface):
82 - preserve current cursor position on view resorting;
83 - force split-view when two paths are specified on command-line (thanks to
84 filterfalse);
85 - consider 'classify' option on displaying file name in the statusbar (thanks
86 to Thomas Nemeth).
88 For Vim:
89 - added syntax and filetype plugins for command-line editing buffers (thanks to
90 filterfalse);
91 - updated syntax file to highlight more elements (thanks to filterfalse).
93 Only on Windows:
94 - filter files in case insensitive way on Windows;
95 - don't wait finishing of GUI applications on Windows (thanks to Robert
96 Sarkozi).
98 Other changes:
99 - added integration with tmux (thanks to Seth VanHeulen, a.k.a. svanheulen);
100 - added desktop entry file (thanks to Richard Benson);
101 - added merge option for name conflict resolution, which allows for merging two
102 directories overwriting files with matching names;
103 - updated application icon (thanks to Richard Benson for making it);
104 - don't overwrite directory stack stored in vifminfo on exit unless it was
105 changed in current session;
106 - improved documentation on several subjects.
108 Major fixes:
109 - fixed configuration when wcscasecmp(), wcsncasecmp() or set\_escdelay()
110 functions is not available (thanks to Russell Urquhart);
111 - fixed reserving of about 1 GiB piece of memory on 256-color terminals (sorry
112 about that);
113 - fixed running of executable with symbols that require escaping in their
114 name (\*nix only). Strangely enough, it wasn't noticed before;
115 - fixed terminal hang after executing several external commands in a
116 row (thanks to filterfalse);
117 - fixed search of the first element in file list when displaying of parent
118 directory is disabled;
119 - fixed fails on running executables when 'fastrun' option is on (thanks to
120 MadMaverick9).
122 See change log for full list of changes and by whom they were suggested.
124 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 126 May 10, 2013 May 10, 2013
2 127 ============== ==============
3 128

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