xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
<root> / src / coverage.hpp (10f066cbf73c5ad0c817cbabe178c91b6e005795) (4,069B) (mode 100644) [raw]
// Copyright (C) 2016 xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>
// This file is part of uncov.
// uncov is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// uncov is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with uncov.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <string>

 * @file coverage.hpp
 * @brief Coverage computation and formatting.

 * @brief Computes and formats coverage conformation.
class CovInfo
    //! To give access to @c coveredCount and @c missedCount.
    friend class CovChange;

     * @brief Constructs empty coverage information.
    CovInfo() = default;
     * @brief Constructs coverage information from a Coverable.
     * Coverable is any class that implements @c getCoveredCount() and
     * @c getMissedCount() functions that return @c int.
     * @tparam T Type of the Coverable.
     * @param coverable Source of the coverage information.
    template <typename T>
    explicit CovInfo(const T &coverable)
        : coveredCount(coverable.getCoveredCount()),

     * @brief Adds coverage information.
     * @param other Another coverage information.
    void add(const CovInfo &other);
     * @brief Formats coverage rate in the new state as a string.
     * @returns Formatted string.
    std::string formatCoverageRate() const;
     * @brief Formats coverage statistics in lines.
     * Format is covered/missed/relevant.
     * @param separator Separator of statistics.
     * @returns Formatted string.
    std::string formatLines(const std::string &separator) const;

     * @brief Retrieves rate of source coverage.
     * @returns The rate.
    float getCoverage() const;
     * @brief Retrieves number of lines that are relevant for code coverage.
     * @returns The number.
    int getRelevantLines() const;

    int coveredCount = 0; //!< Number of covered lines.
    int missedCount = 0;  //!< Number of missed lines.

 * @brief Computes and formats coverage change.
class CovChange
     * @brief Computes coverage change between two states.
     * @param oldCov Old coverage information.
     * @param newCov New coverage information.
    CovChange(const CovInfo &oldCov, const CovInfo &newCov);

     * @brief Whether new coverage information differs from the old one.
     * @returns @c true if so, @c false otherwise.
    bool isChanged() const;
     * @brief Formats change of coverage rate in the new state as a string.
     * @returns Formatted string.
    std::string formatCoverageRate() const;
     * @brief Formats changes coverage statistics in lines.
     * Format is covered/missed/relevant.
     * @param separator Separator of statistics.
     * @param width     Minimal width for first and second statistics.
     * @returns Formatted string.
    std::string formatLines(const std::string &separator, int width = 0) const;

    float coverageChange; //!< Change of covered lines in percents.
    int coveredChange;    //!< Change of covered lines in lines.
    int missedChange;     //!< Change of missed lines in lines.
    int relevantChange;   //!< Change of relevant lines in lines.


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