xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
<root> / TODO.md (e294522e5baebfbd2a5691f66b05ef451f44a2db) (8,475B) (mode 100644) [raw]
# Core #

## Determine build predecessor by commits and branches. ##

| ID   |  Status   |  Type         |
| ARY  |  planned  |  improvement  |

Currently it's just a mapping of `N` to `N - 1`.

The implementation could be as follows:

1. Collect commit ids from all previous builds (with `id < N`). (This is cheap.)
   These must be ordered by branch matching branch of current build and then by
   build ids.
2. Do breadth first search from commit of current build.  Pseudo-code:

        if (knownIdsToBuildIdsMap.empty()) {
            return {};

        ids = { <current build's commit> };
        while (!ids.empty()) {
            newIds = {};
            for (id : ids) {
                for (parent : id.parents()) {
                    if (parent in knownIdsToBuildIdsMap) {
                        return knownIdsToBuildIdsMap[parent];

            ids = newIds;
        return {};

We might want to actually find *the closest* build instead of the first one,
this should give better results.  This can be even slower, so a persistent cache
could be needed.

This can be somewhat slow, so some caching could be useful.
For that we could use memoization in a function like `getCommitParents()` that
would remember its results.

Functions to use:
 - `git_commit_parent_id()`
 - `git_commit_parentcount()`

## Consider different path sorting. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type    |
| BSY  |  undecided  |  change  |

The one which puts contents of child above contents of current one.

## @branch notation to lookup the latest build on that branch. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type      |
| ERY  |  undecided  |  addition  |

At least one use case when it's handy is when you're at `feature` branch
and want to see how things changed relative to `master` branch:

    uncov changed @master @@

## Maybe display commit information in `build`. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type      |
| GSY  |  undecided  |  addition  |

## Maybe indicate when build matches repo reference. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type  |
| JRY  |  undecided  |  idea  |

That is when `HEAD` of non-bare repositories matches commit of builds or
maybe even when branch ref matches build commit.

Maybe should also indicate "temporary" commits somehow.

## Source-highlight hangs if passed in std::istream is at EOF? ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type   |
| MRY  |  undecided  |  issue  |

Need to check on their trunk and see if happens there (should do nothing

## Maybe make use of information about file contents change. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type  |
| NRY  |  undecided  |  idea  |

 * Mark somehow files that are changed between builds (changed by contents).
 * Could list them separately or just indicate as changed.

Coveralls has four listings:
 * All
 * Changed
 * Source Changed
 * Coverage Changed
Not all seem to be awfully useful though.

## Introduce DBException and RepositoryException classes? ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type         |
| PRY  |  undecided  |  improvement  |

This can help make some error messages better, but is it really that useful
(not sure handling of exceptions will actually differ, so maybe only to
provide more details about the error).

## Maybe something to exclude files. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type      |
| VRY  |  undecided  |  addition  |

Or should this be handled by coverage providers?

## Named pipes can be employed to pass multiple files to pager. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type  |
| WRY  |  undecided  |  idea  |

## A way to disable file highlighting. ##

| ID   |  Status   |  Type         |
| YRY  |  planned  |  improvement  |

It's slow for huge diffs/files (quite understandable).

## More code documentation comments. ##

| ID   |  Status       |  Type  |
| ZRY  |  in progress  |  task  |

## Language detection for file highlight relies on file name only. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type   |
| aRY  |  undecided  |  issue  |

Could examine for shebang or even employ `libmagic`.

## Add configuration. ##

| ID   |  Status   |  Type      |
| gRY  |  planned  |  addition  |

Could use git config file in repos (or shouldn't?).

Another suitable place is separate table in the database.

And might need a global one at some point too.

Implementation could be:

1. Abstract `*Settings` class per unit that needs settings (`FileComparator`,
   `FilePrinter`, etc.).
2. A way to set pointer (wrapped in `std::shared<>`) for each such unit (a
   static member of that abstract class, separate function or could be a
3. One `Settings` class (in `main.cpp` probably) that implements all those
   interfaces and is then set used by all units.

## Maybe introduce range syntax to specify two builds. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type  |
| kRY  |  undecided  |  idea  |

E.g. `@10..@@`.

## Maybe differentiate between ##### and ===== in gcov output. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type         |
| nRY  |  undecided  |  improvement  |

`#####` means not reached on normal path.

`=====` is the same, but for exceptional paths (inside `catch` branches).

## Consider displaying line numbers in "diff". ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type    |
| qRY  |  undecided  |  change  |

They are sometimes useful, but not always (and take up space).

So maybe add, but make it configurable.

## "branch" subcommand to show builds of only one branch. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type      |
| tRY  |  undecided  |  addition  |

Or extend `builds` accordingly.

## Consider basic history editing. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type  |
| uRY  |  undecided  |  idea  |

Maybe add an option to `new` or separate command (e.g. `amend`) or a way to
edit build history.  This can make it easier to see new coverage while
developing and then discarding that temporary data or to drop accidental/broken

Maybe just allow at most one build from working tree.

Maybe store uncommitted files in the database directly.  Stray commit is
created now by `uncov-gcov`.

Removed/deleted builds could just be marked as such to do not affect numbering.

## More flexible way to specify database location. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type         |
| uSY  |  undecided  |  improvement  |

For more complicated (but rarer) case when coverage repository differs from
the working one.

Symlinks work fine at the moment.

## More control over not relevant files. ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type         |
| vSY  |  undecided  |  improvement  |

E.g., an option to don't show files with no relevant lines in output of, say,
`files`.  Or maybe just a subcommand, like `relevant`?

Maybe a way to sort files which will group such files on one part of the table.

## Maybe print distance between builds (in commits). ##

| ID   |  Status     |  Type      |
| xRY  |  undecided  |  addition  |

Related to `ARY`, we need to analyze commit graph to do this.

# Vim Plugin #

## Don't depend on fugitive in the plugin. ##

| ID   |  Status   |  Type         |
| cRY  |  planned  |  improvement  |

We need too little from it.

Outline of possible implementation:

    function! s:GetGitRelPath()
        " find .git file/directory by searching up directory tree
        " print meaningful error if not in git repository
        " make absolute path of location of .git directory
        " make absolute path of current buffer
        " remove path to .git from path of the buffer
        " return the result

## Don't rely on autochdir in the plugin. ##

| ID   |  Status   |  Type         |
| eRY  |  planned  |  improvement  |

Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/uncov

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/uncov

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a pull request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin master