xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
<root> / src / decoration.cpp (2334259c774c742acdc4dba109a8b4551fdb53d0) (3,987B) (mode 100644) [raw]
// Copyright (C) 2016 xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>
// This file is part of uncov.
// uncov is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// uncov is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with uncov.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "decoration.hpp"

#include <ostream>

#include "integration.hpp"

namespace {

 * @brief Class that manages global state of this unit.
class ColorsState
     * @brief Disables highlighting.
    void disable() { isAscii = false; }

     * @brief Transforms ASCII-sequence to disable it when colorization is off.
     * @param text String with ASCII-sequence.
     * @returns Either @p text or an empty string.
    const char * operator()(const char text[]) const
        return isAscii ? text : "";

    //! Whether highlighting is enabled.
    bool isAscii = isOutputToTerminal();


// Shorten type name to fit into 80 columns limit.
using ostr = std::ostream;

using namespace decor;

//! Global state of this unit.
static ColorsState S;

const Decoration
    decor::bold       ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[1m"); }),
    decor::inv        ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[7m"); }),
    decor::def        ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[0m"); }),

    decor::black_fg   ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[30m"); }),
    decor::red_fg     ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[31m"); }),
    decor::green_fg   ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[32m"); }),
    decor::yellow_fg  ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[33m"); }),
    decor::blue_fg    ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[34m"); }),
    decor::magenta_fg ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[35m"); }),
    decor::cyan_fg    ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[36m"); }),
    decor::white_fg   ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[37m"); }),

    decor::black_bg   ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[40m"); }),
    decor::red_bg     ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[41m"); }),
    decor::green_bg   ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[42m"); }),
    decor::yellow_bg  ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[43m"); }),
    decor::blue_bg    ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[44m"); }),
    decor::magenta_bg ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[45m"); }),
    decor::cyan_bg    ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[46m"); }),
    decor::white_bg   ([](ostr &os) -> ostr & { return os << S("\033[47m"); });

Decoration::Decoration(const Decoration &rhs)
    : decorator(rhs.decorator),
      lhs(rhs.lhs == nullptr ? nullptr : new Decoration(*rhs.lhs)),
      rhs(rhs.rhs == nullptr ? nullptr : new Decoration(*rhs.rhs))

Decoration::Decoration(decorFunc decorator) : decorator(decorator)

Decoration::Decoration(const Decoration &lhs, const Decoration &rhs)
    : lhs(new Decoration(lhs)),
      rhs(new Decoration(rhs))

std::ostream &
Decoration::decorate(std::ostream &os) const
    if (decorator != nullptr) {
        // Reset and preserve width field, so printing escape sequence doesn't
        // mess up formatting.
        const auto width = os.width({});
        os << decorator;
        return os;
    if (lhs != nullptr && rhs != nullptr) {
        return os << *lhs << *rhs;
    return os;


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