xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
<root> / docs / uncov / 06-subcommand-list.md (b2673f71059fe2954e2a343edaac0d0edba87658) (6,525B) (mode 100644) [raw]


Displays information about single build.

**Usage: build**

Describes the last build.

**Usage: build \<build\>**

Describes **\<build\>**.


Lists builds.

**Usage: builds**

Lists at most 10 most recent builds.

**Usage: builds \<max list length\>**

Lists at most **\<max list length\>** most recent builds.

**Usage: builds all**

Lists all builds.


Same as **files** subcommand, but omits listing files which have their coverage
rate unchanged.

See description of **files** subcommand below for syntax.


Compares builds, directories or files.  Lines of files are compared by their
state (i.e., changes in number of hits when both old and new values are bigger
than `0` are treated as no change).

**Usage: diff**

Compares the last build with its predecessor.

**Usage: diff \<old build\>**

Compares the last build with **\<old build\>**.

**Usage: diff \<old build\> \<new build\>**

Compares **\<new build\>** with **\<old build\>**.

**Usage: diff [\<old build\>] [\<new build\>] \<path\>**

See forms above for information about first two arguments.  If **\<path\>**
specifies directory in either of two builds, only files under it and below are
compared.  If **\<path\>** specifies file, only that file is compared.


Same as **diff** subcommand, but considers change of number of hits of a line to
be significant change.

See description of **diff** subcommand above for syntax.


Lists statistics of files grouped by directories they're located in.

**Usage: dirs**

Lists all directories of the last build.

**Usage: dirs \<build\>**

Lists all directories of **\<build\>** comparing them against directories in its

**Usage: dirs \<old build\> \<new build\>**

Lists all directories of **\<new build\>** comparing them against directories in
**\<old build\>**.

**Usage: dirs [\<build\>] \<directory path\>**

Lists directories of **\<build\>** (or last build) located under
**\<directory path\>**.

**Usage: dirs [\<old build\>] [\<new build\>] \<directory path\>**

See forms above for information about first two arguments.  Lists directories
located under **\<directory path\>**.


Lists statistics about files.

**Usage: files**

Lists all files of the last build.

**Usage: files \<build\>**

Lists all files of **\<build\>** comparing them against files in its

**Usage: files \<old build\> \<new build\>**

Lists all files of **\<new build\>** comparing them against files in
**\<old build\>**.

**Usage: files [\<build\>] \<directory path\>**

Lists files of **\<build\>** (or last build) located under
**\<directory path\>**.

**Usage: files [\<old build\>] [\<new build\>] \<path\>**

See forms above for information about first two arguments.  Lists files located
under **\<path\>** (if it's a directory) or single file that exactly matches the


Dumps coverage information of a file.

**Usage: get \<build\> \<file path\>**

Prints information about the file in this form:
<line1 coverage as integer>
<line2 coverage as integer>
<line3 coverage as integer>

See description of **new** subcommand below for meaning of integer values.


Displays help information.

**Usage: help**

Displays generic information about all subcommands.

**Usage: help \<subcommand\>**

Displays information about a specific subcommand.


Same as **show** subcommand, but folds not relevant and covered lines and
thus displays only parts of files that lack coverage.

See description of **show** subcommand below for syntax.


Imports new build from standard input.

**Usage: new**

Reads coverage information from standard input in the following format:
<ref name>
<file name relative to repository root>
<MD5 hash of file contents>
<number of lines of coverage>
<line1 coverage as integer> <line2 coverage as integer> ...
<all other files in the same format>

Integers have the following meaning:

 * when less than zero (specifically `-1`) -- line is not relevant;
 * when equal to zero -- line is not covered (missed);
 * when greater than zero -- line is covered and was hit that many times.


Generates coverage via `gcov` and imports it.

**Usage: new-gcovi [options...] [covoutroot]**


 * **covoutroot** -- where to look for generated coverage data.


 * **-h [ -\-help ]**             -- display help message;
 * **-v [ -\-verbose ]**          -- print output of external commands;
 * **-e [ -\-exclude ] arg**      -- specifies a path to exclude (can be
                                     repeated), paths are taken to be relative
                                     to the root of the repository;
 * **-\-prefix arg**              -- prefix to be added to relative path of
 * **-\-ref-name arg**            -- forces custom ref name;
 * **-c [ -\-capture-worktree ]** -- make a dangling commit if working directory
                                     is dirty.

To do its work this subcommand invokes `gcov` and then parses its output in
intermediate format, which is only mostly stable so usage with some versions of
`gcov` might require changes.


Imports new build in JSON format from standard input.

**Usage: new-json**

Reads coverage information from standard input in the following format:
<prefix that doesn't contain { character>
    "source_files": [
            "source_digest": "<MD5 hash>",
            "source": "<source, which can be used instead of source_digest>",
            "name": "file name relative to repository root",
            "coverage": [null for not relevant lines, int for number of hits]
    "git": {
        "head": {
            "id": "<commit>"
        "branch": "<branch>"

Any other elements are ignored.


Same as **diff** subcommand, but displays introduced lines that aren't covered.

See description of **diff** subcommand above for syntax.


Prints whole build, files under directory or a single file with coverage

**Usage: show**

Prints all files of the last build.

**Usage: show \<build\>**

Prints all files of **\<build\>**.

**Usage: show \<build\> \<path\>**

Prints files of **\<build\>** (or last build) located under **\<path\>** if it
specifies directory or one specific file.

Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/uncov

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/uncov

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a pull request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin master