xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
<root> / data / vim / doc / uncov.txt (b21f7c02e6a969d1347b4001329a88d173535b9a) (2,237B) (mode 100644) [raw]
*uncov.txt*               For Vim version 7.4         Last change: 2017 May 09

                       uncov plugin documentation

uncov plugin                                    *uncov*

1. Prerequisites................................|uncov-prerequisites|
2. Description..................................|uncov-description|
3. Usage........................................|uncov-usage|

Author:  xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)

1. Prerequisites                                *uncov-prerequisites*

Vim-fugitive plugin by Tim Pope:


This dependency can be removed in future versions.

2. Description                                  *uncov-description*

This plugin provides integration with uncov command-line tool.  It helps to
view latest coverage information about currently opened file easily.

The plugin opens a separate tab page with contents current file had at the
moment of coverage collection.  The buffer in that tab:

 * has sign column set to show covered and missed lines;
 * has location list filled with list of uncovered lines;
 * has folds set on ranges that are covered;
 * has cursor set near its position in the original buffer;
 * displays file coverage information on command-line (once).

3. Usage                                        *uncov-usage*

:Uncov [buildid]                                *uncov-:Uncov* *:Uncov*

In non-uncov buffer, loads coverage of current file in a buffer of a new tab
page.  When already in uncov buffer, reloads coverage of a file in current
buffer, but possibly from a different build.

Without argument latest build (@@) is used.

:UncovInfo                                      *uncov-:UncovInfo* *:UncovInfo*

Loads coverage of current file in a buffer of a new tab page.
The command is local to buffers created by this plugin.


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