xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
<root> / data / srchilight / html_common.outlang (a3a661e3f1a648497a28d18908f5d25052f55268) (584B) (mode 100644) [raw]
include "html_ref.outlang"

extension "html"

bold "<b>$text</b>"
italics "<i>$text</i>"
underline "<u>$text</u>"
color "<font color=\"$style\">$text</font>"

"green" "#33CC00"
"red" "#FF0000"
"darkred" "#990000"
"blue" "#0000FF"
"brown" "#9A1900"
"pink" "#CC33CC"
"yellow" "#FFCC00"
"cyan" "#66FFFF"
"purple" "#993399"
"orange" "#FF6600"
"brightorange" "#FF9900"
"brightgreen" "#33FF33"
"darkgreen" "#009900"
"black" "#000000"
"teal" "#008080"
"gray" "#808080"
"darkblue" "#000080"
"white" "#FFFFFF"
default "#000000"

"&" "&amp;"
"<" "&lt;"
">" "&gt;"

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