xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
Commit d45089df49cf841c5e5429a4cde04be8a24b2df6

Perform initialization on first use
Doing almost nothing on startup.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2020-01-12 21:37
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2020-01-12 21:37
Parent(s): 46c5ee1b676fcbf500566226e3eea609d7834c6a
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: b08276d32f8e6d4338d6f6df3cc719379f08373e
File Lines added Lines deleted
data/vim/autoload/uncov.vim 20 0
data/vim/plugin/uncov.vim 0 11
File data/vim/autoload/uncov.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index c72ec43..15cf322)
6 6
7 7 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
8 8
9 let s:initialized = 0
9 11 function! uncov#ShowCoverage(reload, ...) abort function! uncov#ShowCoverage(reload, ...) abort
12 if !s:initialized
13 let s:initialized = 1
14 call s:Initialize()
15 endif
10 17 let l:buildid = '@@' let l:buildid = '@@'
11 18 if a:0 > 0 if a:0 > 0
12 19 if a:1 !~ '^@-\?\d\+\|@@$' if a:1 !~ '^@-\?\d\+\|@@$'
... ... function! uncov#ShowCoverage(reload, ...) abort
27 34 call s:MakeBuffer(l:repo, l:relFilePath, l:buildid, a:reload) call s:MakeBuffer(l:repo, l:relFilePath, l:buildid, a:reload)
28 35 endfunction endfunction
29 36
37 function! s:Initialize()
38 augroup Uncov
39 autocmd! ColorScheme *
40 \ highlight UncovCovered ctermbg=darkgreen guibg=darkgreen
41 \| highlight UncovMissed ctermbg=darkred guibg=darkred
42 augroup end
43 doautocmd Uncov ColorScheme
45 " mind that text is set to unbreakable space
46 sign define UncovCovered text=  texthl=UncovCovered
47 sign define UncovMissed text=  texthl=UncovMissed
48 endfunction
30 50 function! s:MakeBuffer(repo, relFilePath, buildid, reload) abort function! s:MakeBuffer(repo, relFilePath, buildid, reload) abort
31 51 let l:coverageInfo = systemlist('uncov '.a:repo.dir().' get '.a:buildid.' /' let l:coverageInfo = systemlist('uncov '.a:repo.dir().' get '.a:buildid.' /'
32 52 \.shellescape(a:relFilePath)) \.shellescape(a:relFilePath))
File data/vim/plugin/uncov.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index 6792e1a..8aa5c2d)
... ... if exists('loaded_uncov')
11 11 endif endif
12 12 let loaded_uncov = 1 let loaded_uncov = 1
13 13
14 augroup Uncov
15 autocmd! ColorScheme *
16 \ highlight UncovCovered ctermbg=darkgreen guibg=darkgreen
17 \| highlight UncovMissed ctermbg=darkred guibg=darkred
18 augroup end
19 doautocmd Uncov ColorScheme
21 " mind that text is set to unbreakable space
22 sign define UncovCovered text=  texthl=UncovCovered
23 sign define UncovMissed text=  texthl=UncovMissed
25 14 command! -nargs=? Uncov call uncov#ShowCoverage(0, <f-args>) command! -nargs=? Uncov call uncov#ShowCoverage(0, <f-args>)
26 15
27 16 " vim: set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab : " vim: set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab :

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