xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
Commit ac9c7e28de2115533cd2e2b87586a109faafe4f8

Drop "return to original tab" from the plugin
It needs to be improved. This version is not very useful.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-01-08 13:33
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2017-01-08 17:08
Parent(s): 68ab3d5dfa5558980125738012c917e696f61df7
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: c20f029a8ca31451ce48b82925a1379fff817106
File Lines added Lines deleted
data/vim/plugin/uncov.vim 1 10
File data/vim/plugin/uncov.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index cc13316..2638601)
1 1 " Vim plugin for querying coverage information from uncov command-line tool. " Vim plugin for querying coverage information from uncov command-line tool.
2 2
3 3 " Maintainer: xaizek <xaizek@openmailbox.org> " Maintainer: xaizek <xaizek@openmailbox.org>
4 " Last Change: 2017 January 03
4 " Last Change: 2017 January 08
5 5 " License: Same terms as Vim itself (see `help license`) " License: Same terms as Vim itself (see `help license`)
6 6
7 7 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
... ... augroup Uncov
17 17 \ highlight UncovCovered ctermbg=darkgreen guibg=darkgreen \ highlight UncovCovered ctermbg=darkgreen guibg=darkgreen
18 18 autocmd ColorScheme * autocmd ColorScheme *
19 19 \ highlight UncovMissed ctermbg=darkred guibg=darkred \ highlight UncovMissed ctermbg=darkred guibg=darkred
20 " when closing the buffer, return to original tab
21 autocmd BufWinLeave *
22 \ if tabpagewinnr(tabpagenr(), '$') == 1 &&
23 \ getbufvar(expand('<afile>'), 'uncovOriginalTab', -1) > 0 |
24 \ execute 'normal' getbufvar(expand('<afile>'),
25 \ 'uncovOriginalTab').'gt' |
26 \ endif
27 20 augroup end augroup end
28 21 doautocmd Uncov ColorScheme doautocmd Uncov ColorScheme
29 22
... ... function! s:ShowCoverage() abort
54 47
55 48 let l:cursPos = getcurpos() let l:cursPos = getcurpos()
56 49
57 let l:originalTab = tabpagenr()
58 50 tabedit tabedit
59 let b:uncovOriginalTab = l:originalTab
60 51
61 52 let l:coverage = l:coverageInfo[1:] let l:coverage = l:coverageInfo[1:]
62 53 let [l:loclist, b:uncovCovered, b:uncoRelevant] = let [l:loclist, b:uncovCovered, b:uncoRelevant] =

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