xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
Commit 6380ac465295f25573304d55b23acdf26fc50340

Switch to using newer fugitive API in Vim plugin
The old one doesn't work anymore.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2019-11-15 23:05
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2019-11-15 23:05
Parent(s): 554b515ba6e0d52b569f6c83d68ef2ee3759d2cf
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 3aff29cb208d3c1f8520a676d3c9c7996864774c
File Lines added Lines deleted
data/vim/plugin/uncov.vim 2 2
File data/vim/plugin/uncov.vim changed (mode: 100644) (index 3ac45ff..7e4bf8f)
... ... function! s:ShowCoverage(reload, ...) abort
38 38 let l:repo = b:uncovRepo let l:repo = b:uncovRepo
39 39 let l:relFilePath = b:uncovRelFilePath let l:relFilePath = b:uncovRelFilePath
40 40 else else
41 let l:repo = fugitive#buffer().repo()
42 let l:relFilePath = fugitive#buffer().path()
41 let l:repo = fugitive#repo()
42 let l:relFilePath = FugitivePath(@%, '')
43 43 endif endif
44 44
45 45 call s:MakeBuffer(l:repo, l:relFilePath, l:buildid, a:reload) call s:MakeBuffer(l:repo, l:relFilePath, l:buildid, a:reload)

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