xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
Commit 5f5657c7f768ffec401b7ed4f61b6fbdccfe13a6

Add APGL logo to the README
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-01-08 17:17
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2017-01-08 17:17
Parent(s): ac9c7e28de2115533cd2e2b87586a109faafe4f8
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 464bfdd14514d76625e121e83e63ce7b2c6d8eff
File Lines added Lines deleted
README.md 3 1
data/agplv3.png 0 0
File README.md changed (mode: 100644) (index a6acd44..3db8098)
1 1 **uncov**, _2016 – 2017_ **uncov**, _2016 – 2017_
2 2
3 _This file last updated on 07 January, 2017_
3 _This file last updated on 08 January, 2017_
4 4
5 5 ### Brief Description ### ### Brief Description ###
6 6
... ... Results of comparison (`uncov diff`):
142 142
143 143 ### License ### ### License ###
144 144
145 ![AGPLv3+](data/agplv3.png)
145 147 GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later. GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later.
146 148
147 149
File data/agplv3.png added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..ff8c3b7)

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