xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
Commit 3dbcc07df00245198e75a998a4a8ff0619c0fc9b

Fix compilation with libcxx
Apparently libstdc++ optimizes instantiation of types better which
makes non-copyable classes constructable while libcxx
default-constructs such types and then tries to assign to them.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2021-12-03 13:01
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2021-12-12 23:36
Parent(s): 3165f14b8868524f13b2d7b4c87b9998aad39083
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 76810763cdd628270e470fd6426a2c33cd977d2f
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/BuildHistory.hpp 5 5
src/DB.hpp 2 2
File src/BuildHistory.hpp changed (mode: 100644) (index 9b39caf..612148c)
... ... public:
201 201 int getMissedCount() const; int getMissedCount() const;
202 202
203 203 private: private:
204 const std::string path; //!< Path to the file in repository.
205 const std::string hash; //!< MD5 hash of the file.
206 const std::vector<int> coverage; //!< Per-line number of hits.
207 int coveredCount; //!< Number of covered lines.
208 int missedCount; //!< Number of missed lines.
204 std::string path; //!< Path to the file in repository.
205 std::string hash; //!< MD5 hash of the file.
206 std::vector<int> coverage; //!< Per-line number of hits.
207 int coveredCount; //!< Number of covered lines.
208 int missedCount; //!< Number of missed lines.
209 209 }; };
210 210
211 211 /** /**
File src/DB.hpp changed (mode: 100644) (index 1809559..22c726b)
... ... public:
412 412 void commit(); void commit();
413 413
414 414 private: private:
415 sqlite3 *const conn; //!< Connection on which transaction is performed.
416 bool committed; //!< Whether transaction has been committed.
415 sqlite3 *conn; //!< Connection on which transaction is performed.
416 bool committed; //!< Whether transaction has been committed.
417 417 }; };
418 418
419 419 /** /**

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