xaizek / uncov (License: AGPLv3+) (since 2018-12-07)
Uncov(er) is a tool that collects and processes code coverage reports.
Commit 1684b63c5fd2a78c14048e78cf4a9fbe54240aa2

Fix what INSTALL says about build mans
And remove unused part of the Makefile.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-09-18 14:59
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2017-09-18 14:59
Parent(s): c586f1734975e0da95e141331fdf2f14ca82a74d
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 7f88ce50b50b751f8788c2dc059dec2feff7cec9
File Lines added Lines deleted
INSTALL.md 1 1
Makefile 3 3
File INSTALL.md changed (mode: 100644) (index fe846eb..8345c3f)
... ... Builds debug version with undefined and address sanitizers enabled in
34 34
35 35 **`man`** **`man`**
36 36
37 Rebuilds manual pages in `<out>/docs/`, requires `pandoc`.
37 Rebuilds manual pages in `docs/`, requires `pandoc`.
38 38
39 39 **`doxygen`** **`doxygen`**
40 40
File Makefile changed (mode: 100644) (index 97f9a8b..5a7f959)
... ... self-coverage: coverage
124 124 man: docs/uncov.1 docs/uncov-gcov.1 docs/uncov-web.1 man: docs/uncov.1 docs/uncov-gcov.1 docs/uncov-web.1
125 125 # the following targets don't depend on $(wildcard docs/*/*.md) to make pandoc # the following targets don't depend on $(wildcard docs/*/*.md) to make pandoc
126 126 # optional # optional
127 docs/uncov.1: force | $(out_dir)/docs/uncov
127 docs/uncov.1: force
128 128 pandoc -V title=uncov \ pandoc -V title=uncov \
129 129 -V section=1 \ -V section=1 \
130 130 -V app=uncov \ -V app=uncov \
... ... docs/uncov.1: force | $(out_dir)/docs/uncov
132 132 -V date="$$(date +'%B %d, %Y')" \ -V date="$$(date +'%B %d, %Y')" \
133 133 -V author='xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>' \ -V author='xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>' \
134 134 -s -o $@ $(sort $(wildcard docs/uncov/*.md)) -s -o $@ $(sort $(wildcard docs/uncov/*.md))
135 docs/uncov-gcov.1: force | $(out_dir)/docs/uncov-gcov
135 docs/uncov-gcov.1: force
136 136 pandoc -V title=uncov-gcov \ pandoc -V title=uncov-gcov \
137 137 -V section=1 \ -V section=1 \
138 138 -V app=uncov-gcov \ -V app=uncov-gcov \
... ... docs/uncov-gcov.1: force | $(out_dir)/docs/uncov-gcov
140 140 -V date="$$(date +'%B %d, %Y')" \ -V date="$$(date +'%B %d, %Y')" \
141 141 -V author='xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>' \ -V author='xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>' \
142 142 -s -o $@ $(sort $(wildcard docs/uncov-gcov/*.md)) -s -o $@ $(sort $(wildcard docs/uncov-gcov/*.md))
143 docs/uncov-web.1: force | $(out_dir)/docs/uncov-web
143 docs/uncov-web.1: force
144 144 pandoc -V title=uncov-web \ pandoc -V title=uncov-web \
145 145 -V section=1 \ -V section=1 \
146 146 -V app=uncov-web \ -V app=uncov-web \

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